End of Suffering?

8 min readSep 29, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

What shall arise, now? It’s such a delight to come to the journal empty — not knowing. It didn’t feel like that, yesterday; it felt there was some resistance to being fully empty. That’s good to notice, too, for it may mean we’re somewhat in mind — which, once seen, can be easily released as we move deeper, within.

I am joyous, today — no particular reason. Just feeling that way.

We don’t need to justify our feelings, you know — that’s utter nonsense.

It’s perfectly alright to not know. Actually, I highly recommend a great deal more of not knowing — it’s the most open state, enabling the entrance, the fuller entrance into the Now of the moment, enabling us to sense what is there.


It’s always beneficial — have you noticed? Life is actually benevolent — yet, we’ve hidden that from ourselves by the way we’ve been living. I’m so delighted to see much of that falling away, much more beginning to fall & disappear. We have no use for that which isn’t helping us, anyway.

It’s time to let all of the burdens go, my friends.

We’ve no need of burdens, no use for them. As we allow it, things external won’t change immediately, but the important change ever takes place, within. As we find our way there, more & more often, we get in tune with that — the utter benevolence of Life on the planet.

Okay, okay — yes, it takes a great deal of letting-go to be in that space where this is so deeply perceived. Yet, perhaps it is helpful to simply hear that it’s the case — helpful in giving the self permission to simply relax a bit more, prelude to greater releasing.


Sometimes we have difficulty in giving the self permission to just have fun — to relax & let go. Have you noticed this in yourself? I surely have, though it’s now long ago. I feel perfectly free, these days, to take whatever breaks I like, going so far as to lay down, perhaps multiple times in a day for a short nap. Fifteen minutes can bring great refreshment.

There’s no need to even sleep, but there’s a magic in allowing the body to completely relax.

Much of our shifting, our changing as we go through the Great Awakening (ongoing now) happens on the physical level. Our bodies are actually morphing; into precisely what we don’t yet know. Nor do we need to, as their intelligence is superior to that of the mind. They could do with a lot less interference from us, thinking we know what is best for them, BTW.

If you’ll notice, via your inward focus, it is ever mind that wants to know what’s up ahead. What will the Great Awakening bring? Questions like that. They’re really irrelevant, as at this point there is truly no way to know. They’ll be what we make of them, yet there’s the greatest force of all at work here, too — Source. This is no small happening, applying only to earth, or even only to this solar system, this galaxy.

It’s so much more.

We’ll find out what in the doing, in the experiencing — as we get the heck out of our own way, more & more. It’s largely mind blocking us, don’t you know. Really — this can be demonstrated to the self for the one with sufficient inward focus. Just watch what gets in your way when you want to have fun, or just relax. Just observe, & you’ll see — you’ll be shown.


There are greater intelligences at work, both within us but also around us. For something so great as what’s going on, here, impacting so very many, of course more than just self is involved. While many (if not most) of us have cycled down into 3D from much higher dimensions, our friends & family in those dimensions are right here, by our side.

Not meaning to spook anyone, for those in mind tend to be scared of such things — you mean, like invisible people?! 😆 Yeah, something like that, only there’s no way mind can figure any of this out. This is quite fine, for it’s there to be experienced by us — from Heart, but of course.

I think I’ll sing my song of Heart forever, dear friends. Whether anyone joins me or not, that’s their call — but the harmonies we produce when we find ourselves there are amazing — celestial — divine. 🎶

This is the point of all contact with Higher Self — which each one has. Better said, which each one is. We are not these earth-game avatars in which we’ve come to believe. They’re but the car that we drive to play the 3D game.

Are you aware that the higher dimensions — certainly 4D & 5D — are available & populated right nowright here? They are accessible to the ones learning to get out of their own way. Admission is free, too — which is nice 😊

No cost at all, except the release of the old thoughts, the old ways, the old (lesser) self.


Now, if you’re in mind as you read, this sounds amazingly difficult — & it is, but only to mind, not to Who you truly are. As we first recognize that we have/we are a divine Self, all of that shifts, quite dissolving all difficulty with it. Nice to know ;)

Wish I’d know this sort of thing, decades ago — well, in one way — but not really. We’ll all discover that, whatever choices we made, whatever our trek has been, it was perfect for us.

That’s the important part — that it is & was perfect for us. No one else counts in this particular picture but you — just you. You’re that important, & more importantly, that younique. No one else could walk the path that you chose — they’re not qualified, dear one. You have been choosing your own way down through endless time.

Only you are qualified to take your particular trek.


For those in mind, this may go to ego, but not for those in Heart, where there’s none of that — ever. Ego, including spiritual ego, is purely a mind thing, don’t you know. It does not exist in Heart because it cannot, for in Heart there is no two, & ego is a relative experience. It only exists by comparison of one to another one, yes?

So nice to know we don’t have to either accept or work our way through ego — that it just falls away, the deeper our journey, within. It isn’t real, you see — no more real than the seeming calamities we see all around. They present their temporary challenges, but they always subside.

Then, as we’re picking up the pieces, afterward, if we’re on the Heart journey, we’re noting the changes, within. These are the point of the whole experience — to help us shift. They can also be seen as evidence of our shifting.

There are no simple answers to any of what plagues humankind, today. Though mind will search for them, attempting to gain the lessons, to change future behavior in favor of prevention — mind doesn’t know what’s truly going on, underneath — what blessings & benefits arrived along with the storm, earthquake, or whatever it was.


It’s the old story of the feather vs the 2”x4” — Life giving us the perpetual choice. The feathers come early & often, but when we do not notice, the ante is upped. It is not to do harm of any kind, for souls can’t be harmed. Yes, bodies & structures can suffer harm, but then who are you? Are you that?

Until we’re comfortable with the realization that there is no such thing as actual death, then these things hit us harder.

Ah — I feel many in the aftermath of recent events having a hard time with this, but what can I say? This is truly my perspective, & I’ve lived a long life beset with sufficient calamity to be acquainted with that, too. It’s when we’re going through that in a 100% mind focus that the suffering is great — truly.

Suffering, itself, is yet another myth we can soon outgrow.


Heart doesn’t suffer, friends — only mind & sometimes bodies suffer, yet even that is not so much, when we’re anchored firmly, within. When seen from a different perspective, the sting of it all is almost completely removed. That doesn’t mean the body’s pain is lifted, either — that’s mind’s interference with this understanding.

This body lives a life of almost constant pain. Absent the morphine prescriptions, perhaps “I” couldn’t endure it — yet here I am, & joyously, too. There is no real suffering, here. Pain, yes — suffering, no.

Nor do I know of any way to explain it that mind could understand. This is Heart stuff. In Heart, we’re so much greater than any mind can even imagine. Our whole experience is just “other” to what any mind knows.

Though our free will may not — & I emphasize “may not” — extend to actually stopping the oncoming challenges & calamities on the horizon, yet in its own sphere it is powerful. We get to choose the manner of our walking through whatever arises. We get to choose how we will see it, from what angle(s). We get to choose an end to all suffering, if we like.

That is available, just not to anyone’s mind.

All I can do is to sing my song of Heart, friends. Some few will choose to follow — not me, but their own Heart, to hear the internal song it’s been singing, all along. We need neither leaders nor followers — we just need to wake-up for the suffering to cease. We’ll be literally amazed at the internal Joy that’s available, there.

No, it won’t be a 24/7 Joy-fest, either. We’re talking also about Balance, here.

Just as there are no one-sided coins in 3D, there is not one quality of the divine that always rules. It’s a flow, a process that’s ever dynamic. There is a consistent calm, within — a deep Peace that ever abides. The great Joy arises when it will, as does Compassion, as does Love or Purity, with a beautiful integrity ever underlying it all.


I wish this for you & for simply everyone. I take great comfort in knowing that, what man has done, man can do — that this is literally equally available to everyone. We just have to wake-up, to remember Who we actually are, which has remained hidden for so very long. We were as if dismembered.

That’s the part played by these big calamities, don’t you know — as the necessary reminder that the externals, the things of earth, are not & have never been the point. We just forgot, & one day soon we’ll all be laughing, the deep belly laughs of remembrance! (Again, they can also be seen as the results of our awakening.)

We’ll realize the nature of 3D earth as the stage on which we played out such a great drama — so great, that somewhere along the way we got sucked-in. We began believing that was the reality — not this that we truly Know, deep within. Oh, how great our Joy will be in the midst of this Great Awakening, as we return to our Natural state — as Source-in-form.

Henry David Thoreau — The Mission on Medium.com



5:42 pm, Thursday 2017/09/28, 1st, Mayan day 4 Wind / Ik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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