Drop all Beliefs = Exit the Matrix
We’re not getting out of here with our minds intact — not as they are currently configured. Too full of BS (Belief Systems.) Gosh, it’s so great, to finally begin to see the exit, the way out of this nonsense realm we’ve been calling “reality.” It isn’t that — not by a long shot.
What is ahead? Anybody’s guess. Likely can’t be seen until directly experienced — that’s my hunch, anyway. Freedom. Freedom from being stuck in this phony reality.
OMG, what great laughs are coming, friends — looking back on ourselves, on this whole l.o.n.g trip we’ve taken for simply ages. Yet looking back from a perspective outside of time.
That gives mind pause, of course. It’s about as easy for mind to conceive of a “realm” outside of time as it is to imagine one outside of space. Time-space, it is better called, as they form the x-y grid of the Matrix we’ve been in, i.e., inseparable. It’s like an up without a down, an in without an out — mind just can’t go there, trapped in the Matrix as it is.
Nothing at all is what it seems to be — who can join me there? A lot of you, no doubt. So many noticing the Mandela Effect is symptomatic of making the Shift. I have no concern about what we’re shifting into, as going by the feel of Heart about this, it’s lovely — a much better “place” than this Matrix we now (at least partially) occupy. Heart gives me a green light — it’s a ‘go.”
Things are going wonky on planet earth — have you noticed? LOL, how could you not, right? Symptoms of structures dissolving, structures that bounded the Matrix all around.
We’re no longer bound. Not that we were bound within it, to begin with — we never were. Yet we believed we were, & that is/was the sticking point. We’re only bound by the self & the Belief Systems (BS) mind holds.
I know it’s amazing to consider the possibility that we were always & ever free, since that doesn’t fit well with how things seem or seemed to be. Everything’s been topsy-turvy for endless ages, it appears. Though it’s all been but a ‘seeming’ all along, one had to know that — to be aware of it. That’s the key that unlocks the door of the Matrix, I’ve found.
Once we begin to seriously question this “reality” & all it contains, we begin to see our way through — not until then. It’s as if we’ve had the exit key in our pocket all along, yet were convinced our clothing had no pockets.
Absent somehow knowing the keys were there, they remained invisible — present, yet invisible to eyes of mind. Are ya with me? Having fun, yet? Well, that fun is available in every now-here, the flip side of which, of course, is “nowhere.” Sensing it yet?
What if we just trusted that we actually know this? We do, but that, too, remains inaccessible as long as we hold on to old beliefs. It’s as if each belief, released, is one click of the combination lock that kept us trapped. The more beliefs we release, the more the lock clicks, bringing us ever closer to sweet relief. Back to Reality we go. Whee!!
Everything can be seen as either hugely complex, infinitely intricate — or utterly simple — OR BOTH. Heart doesn’t limit itself to duality — there are never only two choices. That’s the Matrix polarity game. Such beliefs are fairly easy to drop, but it takes a great deal of letting-go — endlessly releasing old beliefs.
The beauty of it is that we don’t have to drop all beliefs at once. That’s like asking yourself to take ten steps at a time — doesn’t make sense — not do-able. By dropping them, one at a time, that’s how we let the self go, how we exit the trap. (That’s also how we draw ever closer to Now.) This is the simplicity that mind resists, loving complexity as it does - as it’s been trained to do.
As we step out of the game, the maze, we come to realize that it’s not about doing, but rather about being — about Being. Who we truly are is a Being, not a doing. Mind does; Heart Be’s.
Strange, but true — & there are precious few things that come that close to Truth, here in 3D, or 3D/4D, which is likely where we are, now. That’s put in mind terms, however, so don’t hang your hat on it. Just pointing to Truth, which is all words can ever do.
Mind always wants to understand, to know. Heart just knows, & with a different sort of knowing — more like realizing. Existing outside of or beyond time-space as Heart does, references to time don’t make Heart-sense — nor can they.
Yet time-space is the game we’re currently playing, so it is relevant, too — just not in any truly deep sense. Time-space is ever about the surface of things, not the things in themselves.
5:46 pm, Wednesday 2017/03/01, Mayan day 1 Chuen/Monkey