Do No Harm — Witchcraft

7 min readNov 14, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

This journal takes on a very touchy subject — witchcraft & the ethics underlying that. Everyone has the right to make their own choices, so it’s not against the practice, itself, just a look into a specific application of it: that used against President Trump & his supporters.

There is much we believe today that tomorrow will display as either incomplete or inaccurate. The wiser ones recognize that we don’t really know anything, & act from there, from the emptiness of that. Our current beliefs — what we believe we actually know — will not make it that far into the future. We can look to the history of science to validate that. We’re always learning new things, learning to see old things differently.

Unless we are all-knowing, we have no right to judge.

Belief Systems can be dangerous. When we respect others’ right to hold other beliefs this danger is minimized. Strongly held beliefs tend to morph those who hold them into judge & jury, condemning anything outside of their range of beliefs as simply wrong, evil, or malevolent.

That’s when they turn into BS, into instruments used to self-righteously control or limit those who dissent from them.


All of us have free will, the right to make our own choices, to develop our own values & live our own lives. Most would agree that, as long as we harm none, others have no right to interfere with our choices, especially in this nation founded upon freedom. We apply this to ourselves, but don’t generally extend it to the natural kingdom, the physical & spirit beings of fire, air, water, & earth whom we commonly bend to our will. We have much to learn, there.

Some choose to cast spells binding such beings to do their bidding — not asking them, not considering that they have lives, desires, values & realms of their own, simply commanding their service. All of Nature — including humanity — is one, is in a process of growth & expansion.

All of Nature deserves our respect, deserves to be invited to work with us — if that is their choice. We have much to learn from them, even from the intelligent cells of our bodies who are also conscious & aware, working admirably together as a community.

Even if we grant free will only to humanity there are still issues with this spell-casting behavior. Is it to be used for political ends? How can that be pure? Who are we to say that our beliefs, our politics, are better than those of others? Isn’t the ballot box where such things are decided?

This seeks to invalidate the election & to also bind those who voted the president into office, thus violating their free will. What is the point of having elections if the will of the people is not respected? It’s an honorable thing to work to change what you feel needs changing, but not like this.

Do it openly, honestly, honorably, joining with others in debate, seeking to sway them with your arguments, your logic, your reasons. Get yourself elected, if you like. Get the laws changed, get your people elected, by all means — but respect the majority when they speak instead of seeking to undermine them.


Work for what you want, not against those who want other things, those whose error, in your eyes, is to see things differently. Work to convince them, to show them what you view as the error of their ways. Everyone has rights — it’s not up to you to choose anyone’s path but your own. If you work in support of benevolent, beneficent ideals — & nothing political fits that bill — at least you harm or bind none.

When you take your politics & cast spells in favor of them, I ask you to hold up a mirror to this extent — how would it feel if an equal number of others, equally empowered, were casting such spells upon you & those candidates or office-holders you support? Who considers this when casting such spells? What if the shoe was on the other foot?

And shall we thus pit the Nature spirits against one another?

What goes around comes around. It’s, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” yes? If you are content & even happy to have this be the case, then go for it. That’s a good measure of the purity of your intent.


What I see is one group of people judging another group, deciding who is right, who is wrong, whose ideas are better. I see a great deal of justification, twisting these binding actions into something supposedly good, calling others & their actions “malevolent.” Who are you to judge? Our right to manage & control things doesn’t extend beyond the the self. We don’t get to make others’ decisions for them, which is what these spells seek to do.

In this work, the majority of Americans have been written off, judged & found wanting. I am not coming out in support of President Trump, here. It would be just as woeful, just as lacking if done against a President Obama or a Hillary Clinton — against anyone. It’s the underlying ethics I’m calling into question — to seek to bend others to your will. It’s the unwillingness to be thus bound, yourselves — to not even accept the will of the people, their authority to decide for themselves.


In seeking to take the moral high ground you violate the doctrine of free will, of equality. You take yourselves to be “more equal,” to be better able to decide for the populace. If you’re right, convince us, don’t manipulate us. In your self-righteousness you even enlist the aid of demons. Really? What does that say about you? Are you willing to pay the price for that, whatever it is?

If so, why cast spells of protection before you start?

What about protection for the rest of the Americans who have a different perspective? Are they “wrong” for not seeing things your way? That’s what is assumed by the whole spell-casting process. “Because we’re right, we can do anything we desire.” Yes, to the extent that it applies only to you, I agree.

If the originating impulse behind the spells arose from Heart, from Love, I’d perhaps see this differently. In that case, you’d be working FOR what you desire, rather than against others. You’d be enlisting the Nature spirits in something that would delight them — though I’d still suggest gaining their willing consent rather than bossing them around.

I am not imputing evil motives to the spell-casters, but rather a type of blindness brought on in support of their beliefs, their belief that they’ve been somehow wronged by the outcome of the election. No doubt many, possibly most, are well-intentioned in this arrogance.


We are a self-governing nation. Where is the honor in those willing to summon demons from hell to work their will on the unwilling? Shall I bind & summon you to do my bidding? This work is so deeply in violation of free will, free will among all beings in a free-will universe. The old idiom, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” is appropriate to at least consider.

We are gods (little “g”) in our own right TO THE EXTENT THAT WE ALIGN WITH SOURCE. Only Source is divine. Are these actions in alignment with the divine will? Are they in alignment with Truth? Do they truly harm none? To interfere with free will is to do harm, friends.

Angels & beings of Light will not align with commands to bind & limit free beings. They will not make themselves subject to your will. So do consider — the one we harm in any way is ever the self. All thoughts, words, & deeds come back to roost, strictly for our benefit.

The results of spell-casting will not be experienced as beneficial, at first. To the extent we learn, grow, & expand by reaping our own harvest we reap the potential benefits. Nothing is wrong as we learn & grow from it.


I’d like to suggest that each witch just reconsider, doing the necessary self-examination, looking to the source, the motivation behind your proposed spells. Be willing to examine your rhetoric, your branding of the actions of others as “malevolent,” lest your actions be malevolent. We all project at times. To what extent is that actually a projection on them of what abides within you?

Even binding Nature’s elementals to do our bidding is highly questionable — using them as servants, as slaves. What beauty & benevolence commands demons into our service? Where are the good intentions, there, the justification for that? Does that even make sense?!

You bind yourselves. Just be aware, that’s all. Make wise choices, both for your sake & for us all. Leave others alone! Give them equal rights with yourselves. Don’t bludgeon them with your self-righteous judgments, the mental gymnastics being used to justify such actions. If the point of life is to awaken the self, to merge with the divine, how does binding others support that?

Star — wikispaces

I send Love to one & all — yes, even to the demons. We’re all in this together, whether we realize it or not. We’re all brethren, all one. I support the best possible outcome for us all. This earth life is really but a stage play in which we chose our parts. We’re cast for much larger things than this — if we wish.

Things are so much clearer when we cross over, yet we can access our inner wisdom around that, now. We’ve played many other parts, friends. Let us integrate with Who we truly are, not so much with the characters we’re playing, here. We bind ourselves to the realms of duality when we choose to do harm, to take power over others, be they angels, elementals, demons, or our fellow human beings. Let Love be our guide, our mentor into right action.

Okay, ‘nuff said. Thanks for listening.



8:34 am, Tuesday 2017/11/14, 1st, Mayan day 12 Offering or Water / Muluc




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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