DNA Shifting Now

8 min readAug 17, 2017


“These eyes, through which I hoped to see God, are the eyes through which God sees me”

These times are more exciting than many yet realize — even our DNA is shifting, friends . The research is coming out from under the hand of repression. While I’m not one for deep research, these days, I’ll start with what I’ve found on the topic of those returning from NDEs — Near-Death Experiences. Turns out people return with more DNA strands than the normal two. Who’d a thunk it, huh?

IANDS — the International Association for Near-Death Studies — offers this article on the many changes an NDE may bring, including the physical ones. In his most recent webinar (#38, Aug. 4, 2017), Alex Collier also shared research conclusions establishing that, on return from an NDE, people have 3 to 6 strands. I’m pursuing the citation(s), & will include them when Alex responds, but I want to get this great information out there, now, to empower our own research.


Some of the most exciting DNA research is in Russia, who are leaps & bounds ahead of the USA in this field. Dr. Petyr Gariaev has some wonderful support for the pliability of DNA. The Russians have discovered that our DNA is responsive to language — that’s right, words. What a shock! Hmm — spelling & cursive — spells & curses.

Human speech — the genetic material — 7:51

On our trek back to remembering just Who & what we are, let’s look at DNA. Please consider — could DNA be the “snake” in the proverbial Garden of Eden? It’s a thought — certainly entwines like snakes might. It’s also quite possible that the mythical Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil could refer to 3D, to the duality so present, here — yes/no, right/wrong, & so on — duality. Now, what’s the apple, LOL?

As we expand our horizons of the possible, it’s lovely to play with “What if?” With the increased clarity arising as we awaken more & more, we find no need to either accept or condemn — instead, we impartially consider new ideas. Gone are the days of being so reactive that we were disturbed by what we considered outlandish ideas. Perhaps they’re not all so outlandish, after all.


Not that I’m into measuring, but one way to track your trek is by observing your own reactivity — is it still so strong, or do you find it settling down — perhaps even gone? That’s been my trek, & I just know I’m not alone — none of us are.

What many don’t reckon with is the great power of thought. If you think you’ve lost something, that makes the item that much harder to find. As you connect with Heart, & remind yourself that you’re Source-in-form, you’ll find things that much quicker. Check it out :)

Mind is (or can be) a hungry beast. It wants to be fed — new information is its food, actual knowledge it’s aim. One quick look at this, as we just back-off a bit, shows that the underlying assumption is that it doesn’t know. Stored within each of us is all Knowledge, friends, so let’s release that self-defeating assumption. Deep inner Knowledge is certainly found via Heart, but may also be encoded into our DNA.


We’ve literally got all of Cosmos, inside — we contain that, & the proof is in the pudding of this trek. Just like modern science, an avant-garde idea is first vehemently rejected. Science takes time to be willing to engage in legitimate, honest discussion; its knee-jerk reaction being to condemn, when it believes it knows otherwise.

How can that be, as all science can ever be is the latest theories, “proven” by the latest research. Things always change — you’d think they’d realize that, by now, as it’s quite woven into our history. After the time of open discussion finally arrives, new research begins, eventually leading to a new established fact — proven by yet newer research. LOL, right?

As the awakening ones look at such things, it’s truly bizarre that the obviousness of ongoing change is not accounted for in scientific thought — or so it seems. What we’re witnessing is the power of thought — the power of beliefs. (There’s also the little factor that the new stuff challenges the old — their own published work is “at risk.”)


Where do we go from here? Do we jump in, trying to somehow “fix” things, to show them their obvious bias? I’d say, no. When someone is not open, it’s not up to us to force the issue, to violate their free will. We want our free will honored — let’s honor theirs.

It’s all so very simple, really, but not until this is seen. Until then, you can get into some verbal knock-down, drag-out arguments that go nowhere. When we find an opening somewhere, fine — communicate — but otherwise, let’s leave them alone. They’ll figured it out at some point of their own choosing.

Meanwhile, we rest in Knowing just Who we are, with a power of thought far greater than the mightiest sword. How can that be? Along with the awakening comes an ability to access that Power, within. We radiate, shining ever brighter by the day, the hour, had we but the ability to see beyond the visible light spectrum — which is coming along, too.


There’s more power in knowing Who you are, in living from That, than we can imagine. Things desired begin to manifest with a rapidity astonishing to mind, which has difficulty keeping up with our awakening. Here are a few suggestions regarding our use of language — “curses & spells” — to consider. Let’s start by editing out certain words from our lexicon, beginning with these: try, should, no, & can’t. Such words just limit us — words actually influence our DNA. Remember, “No try; only do.” ;-)

The secret, here — which is no secret — is to become the observer of you. It occurs naturally as we awaken, but we can speed that up as we set our intention to just observe thought — not engage. I don’t suggest making any big lifetime changes during the Observer phase. Those are best left until a wee bit further down the road, when we’re more anchored, within.


Another exciting discovery along this trek is that we’re somehow (electromagnetically) magnetizing what we experience throughout the day (& the night) — again, DNA plays a part. If we’re grouchy, we’re far more likely to encounter grouchy people — have you noticed? If we’re angry, then the same — more angry folks interact with us, & we tend to drop & break things. How does this work — are we attracting all the grouches in the area? Not exactly.

Instead, look within — do you not find both the great & the not-so-great in you? We can safely assume (a very tricky word) that the same exists within everyone. That being the case, see yourself as a magnet, modulated via your thoughts which set the frequency you radiate, everywhere.

John has both sides, too, & you can practice on him (or anyone). Put a smile on your face — & more importantly, in your Heart — then approach John. Witness his response to your current state — whether verbally expressed or not. Then, when you’re upset over something, if you approach John, again, you’ll magnetize those aspects in him, so beware. It’s funny, but it turns out we’re actually doing all of this to ourself — attracting whatever responses we receive.


Of course that doesn’t mean that if you’re cheerful, you’ll only encounter cheer in others. What it does is to greatly increase the odds in that direction. Yet there are folks so wrapped-up in their current state as to be like the Rock of Gibraltar to influence — unmovable. Nature, however, will ever & always respond to our inner state. Check that out, too. If you want to practice your telepathy, find a squirrel [or any critter]— so says Abraham-Hicks, one I highly recommend for a reliable lift.

Back to the DNA. Not only are we subtly (& not so subtly) influencing others, we also strongly influence the self. Even the body responds, not just the mind. We may have been taught that our DNA is set in stone at birth, but that’s hooey — it is definitely not so. A bit of DNA research will illumine anyone willing to inquire — it’s ever-changing. As always, the truth is out there — it’s our discernment, our ability to pick it out of the heaps of stuff & nonsense that’s easier from Heart than from mind.

Here’s just one piece from abundant available evidence, which includes both discussion of a child with 3 DNA strands, as well as the power of language to influence DNA:

Scientists Finally Present Evidence on Expanding DNA Strands

Dr. Berrenda Fox said “we are finding that there are other helixes that are being formed. In the double helix there are two strands of DNA coiled into a spiral.” Dr. Fox says there are major changes and mutations occuring in our DNA. We are evolving. “We will be developing twelve helixes. During this time, which seems to have started maybe 5 to 20 years ago, we have been mutating. This is the scientific explanation. It is a mutation of our species into something for which the end result is not yet known,” she stated. [Emphasis mine]

January 23, 2013 by MARCO TORRES


With rising states of awareness comes increased discernment, too — how could it not? This is such a major transformation going on that every mind on the planet will eventually be quite surprised. We’re going places no 3D human has gone, before, friends — & we won’t even know our current self, anymore — we’ll be so greatly changed. We’re changing, now, as I write, as you read — it never stops.

We can either add to our challenges by such things as the use of our language, as well as our thoughts — or not. It’s an ever-present choice, & great opportunity to make wise use of free will. Keep reminding yourself of the awesome Power of Source — & then, that you are That, you are Source in a body, walking the earth, flying the etheric, the astral planes at night. (I hope you didn’t think those dreams were just pretty pictures flitting through your mind.)

Just how conscious do we want to be? — I guess that’s the overall question, here. Do we want to continue to limit ourselves — to inadvertently lock ourselves down into this Matrix thing — or do we want to rise above, to go free, which is both our natural state & our right, as Source-in-form?


11:07 am, Wednesday 2017/08/16, 1st, Mayan day 13 Storm / Cauac

[1] “Scientists Finally Present Evidence on Expanding DNA Strands

[2] Consciousness and Our DNA

[3] Near Death Experience and Kundalini (includes video NPR interview with Dr. Sam Parnia)

[4] Dregs of the Future — DNA Replication at a Distance, & much other DNA research — full references

[5] Dr. Peter Gariaev — The DNA matrix — 10:44 (Best to use the captions, as the audio isn’t that great due to the Russian translations not being well modulated)

[6] Wave Genetics Can Cure Any Disease — Dr. Peter Garyaev — 3:02




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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