Divide & Conquer — The Internal Split
Seeing Is Freeing
Have you ever noticed how your mind behaves so much like the cabal, like the Illuminati, in its need to maintain control over you, your life; to dictate your thoughts? If so, you’re on the awakening trek.
Why is that? Well, when we’re in our regular, everyday programmed state, we’re not watching the mind. We’re so totally identified with it, with the body-mind duo, that we don’t separate out enough to recognize our Inner Being, our own “separate” existence as soul, as Spirit, as consciousness.
In that state, our mind has almost complete dominance over us.
Its thoughts are our thoughts, its desires also ours. We’re innocently in lockdown, all unawares. Most won’t allow that we’re all telepathic & that our every thought isn’t necessarily our own.
Heck, many even question the existence, the reality of telepathy. 😲 If their mind can’t figure out how it’s happening, it may as well not exist for them.
They “know,” you see; in the guise of their mind, the disguise their Source-in-form Self is projecting.
Those in that state are like the sheep grazing peacefully in the field. We can just let them be since they, too, are Source-in-form. We know they’re in good hands, even when they don’t yet realize it. No one is less an emanation of the Divine than anyone else.
The One accommodates no hierarchies.
So there’s you, in this other awareness that’s more expansive, more aware of layers & levels of your being. Self-observation is the key to so very much that words won’t contain. It’s not yet the One, for there’s an observer & an observed, but it’s closer.
We’re in the midst of shifting our concept, our definition of “you,” of who we are. No longer limited to self-identification as the body-mind, we know there’s more. We’re out to explore it.
We’re not completely out of our mind’s grasp at this stage — not at all. These are our early steps, ones which you may be well beyond, already. It’s a very big step, however, to first recognize that we’re more than the body-mind; that when it passes, we don’t. We don’t die.
Are you aware of the Matrix mind hack & how it applies to you; how it took control of the Family of Humanity, thus of life on planet earth?
It’s a darkly brilliant structure likely crafted by those with eons of experience taking over developing races. They use them in much the same way we use sheep & cattle. We’re unavoidably shocked if/as we awaken to the depths of the similarities, there. So much yet to be revealed.
We’ve awakened to corruption going on behind the scenes, but it’s nothing to the depth & expanse yet to be exposed. Many other churches besides the Catholics engaging in pedophilia is just one example. Not everyone is ready to face it — perhaps none of us to view the utter depths of it — so via free will we choose what we see.
Not that we understand free will, either. [1]
Now, back to the mind & our journey toward mastering it. We have all seen worldly corruption in action. We know at least some of how it works, how it creeps up on people until it gets them in its claws, often through bribery or blackmail.
It becomes so hard to escape that they’re basically tamed, domesticated, made to go along with the dark show as they’re (seemingly) amply rewarded. To leave is to risk not just your life, but loved ones, as well. The globalist cabal is really creepy.
The original taming in cabal family lines went on ever so many generations ago, such that now they’re all brought-up in the corrupt ways from birth. When you discover how these people — I even hesitate to call them that, lol — treat their children… Well, it’s one of those things not everyone will be willing to view. (We’d see it as cruel.)
So, we have this culture of corruption, carefully hidden beneath the trappings of wealth & authority— for why be corrupt unless there are those ample rewards, right? Only now is it being exposed to any depth, for we saw but the fringes of it, before. With the rising frequencies comes increasing Light on the scene, uncovering all that’s been — or so they thought — safely hidden away.
After all, OF COURSE, she was supposed to win; to keep it all hidden, right up to the final takeover.
Again, as we look within we see the origin of much, if not all of this. Remember, you contain the All as consciousness, as Source-in-form & beyond form. It’s in there for us if we but look; when we learn how to look, to get out of the way of our seeing (as the “I,” the eye of Source).
Our mind — the way it’s working, today — may as well be a clone of the Illuminati. They have so much in common. It demands to be first, to be in charge, to control every aspect of our life. It hides things from us; just consider the subconscious, the unconscious, & the awesome superconscious.
When you’re onto it & it notices, it goes into sneaky mode. The one who gets good at self-observing will notice how very crafty their mind becomes. It will do almost anything to maintain its position of dominance, with no care or concern at all for You, for Who You truly are, Illuminati-like.
Rather than go much deeper down this dark hole, I’ll be content just to point in that direction. You can take it from there — or not.
What I’d like to illustrate is the master strategy of both the mind & the Illuminati, the creepy cabal. It’s divide-&-conquer. We begin to see how that works, externally, as we witness the current craziness of Democrats & Republicans, Liberals & Conservatives, pitted against one another around the world.
We also see it on realizing how the dark ones fund & support both sides of any war, creating all wars (as we’ll discover when we follow the money).
We didn’t know that before, so we went to war so patriotically. I’m not saying fighting is bad; it’s not. We must defend our right to be, to run our own nations our own way; though, of course, treaties are better (just not between the cabal on one side & the cabal on the other).
We have the same sort of split going on, seemingly forever, INTERNALLY.
Our mind & soul have been separated out from one another to such an extent that many now deny the very existence of a soul or Spirit. This, in addition to the partitions of our mind, mentioned before.
After we’re so thoroughly divided within ourselves, we’re carefully, craftily corralled into our mind aspect, our ego-mind.
We’re programmed to fully identify with the body-mind 3D costume. It wasn’t always like this, nor will it always continue, but it’s been this way for a number of eons.
Just notice the inner division, that’s all. This noticing is part of the process of stepping out of said corral, of waking up.
Many of us are likely noticing how time has also been used against us, against Who we truly are, to keep us distanced from That. The mind cannot bear to sit still, to just be. It doesn’t know how. To the mind, our NowHere will always be nowhere & nothing it wants to explore — & that’s fine.
We just notice.
As we begin our merger into NowHere in earnest, we begin to get a bit lost in time. We don’t know if we’ve already done something — or not. Were it not for my pill-minder that holds a week’s worth of whatever it is, I could be taking something 6 times a day, thinking I’d only taken it twice; stuff like that.
We can’t maintain habits as habits & be focused in NowHere Presence.
It’s anchors aweigh from the old world & the old ways, entering into our Greater Being, our Source-in-form vastness. We don’t yet have our sea legs, so we’re unsteady. Let’s do what we can to keep our sense of humor as we observe & enjoy. Don’t be surprised by a bit of actual dizziness or unsteadiness now & again.
We’re waving good-bye to Either-Or-ville.
Now, we begin to see more deeply into how we were manipulated, such as how money was masterfully used against us, how deeply it controls everything. Our innocence, our trust was used against us as we allowed ourselves & our children to be heavily programmed in those things that pretend to educate. We call them schools. [2]
What we’d have noticed, had it been installed from one day to the next, even one year or decade to the next, we didn’t see as it crept up on us over the centuries with such tiny steps.
This short video contains a clip that will inspire many to share it around. What seems mundane is potentially shocking. More about it in the next journal so I don’t give it away, here.
WE ARE CONSCIOUSNESS. What structures consciousness? Our beliefs structure our consciousness, not that of another. Our focus is vital, but our beliefs underlie it almost completely until we begin to awaken.
Out of our Belief Systems — whatever they are — arise our attitudes & expectations, also hugely important to our experience of life. As we begin to break down the corral fences to emerge into more of Who we truly are, our clarity drastically increases. Our ability to see is heightened beyond the mind’s ability to follow or to comprehend; the eye/I of Source.
We let go, seemingly endlessly.
We are what we are. We have a dual aspect (from one perspective), the physical & the soul/Spirit/consciousness. There’s nothing we need to defend. We cannot be killed. Nothing is what we take it to be, & at our own pace, we make peace with that.
Free will steers the vehicle. We remain ever in charge, no matter that our mind cannot keep up.
Nothing, but nothing remains the same. The beauty is that we’re more than able to enjoy the ride — all of it. It’s a choice, a chosen perspective.
Bon voyage!
12:15 p.m., Monday, 2019/04/15 — Mayan day 9 Transformer or Death, oh my & LOL/ Cimi
[1] We just think we understand things. It’s time to realize there’s always a deeper understanding (& innerstanding) available. For instance, if our conscious mind was in charge of our free will, we’d have seen what we likely missed in the Jordan Peterson clip. 😉
[2] One of my degrees is an M.Ed., so I have some awareness of education. Earned decades ago, that “education” has more value than what’s now offered. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic at work, taking things from us by morphing them, bit by bit over long stretches of time. (Seeing is freeing, so it’s good to know.)