Ditch the Victim Consciousness
What a crazy time in which to live — yet we chose this — if not in this lifetime, then before incarnating. If you’ll savor that for a moment, it will lead you within, into Heart-space where Higher Self reigns. It’s time to actually remember that we are Source-in-form — that we’re the creators of this realm.
If that’s too much to swallow just now, that’s fine — but check this out. It is by taking responsibility, not as a human, but as Higher Self, as Source-in-form, that we take back the reins & turn things around. We can dump this whole Matrix thing — we have the innate Power — but not until we wake-up & begin identifying as That.
The whole human thing is ever & always a short role we play. When you know this, you also know that we cannot die. It’s literally impossible to Who we truly are. In The Matrix we’ve been tricked into falling in line with the dark cabal & their Anunaki overlords — their plan to keep us subjugated & working to achieve their aims — not our own. The suffering & mourning around death disappears as we awaken.
Do you want the misery to end? Then start by taking responsibility as Who you actually are. Reclaim the power that we were hoodwinked out of when we bought into the Belief Systems (BS) propagated by the dark ones. They well know that WE are the creators, here. Knowing that they don’t have that power, they must use humanity to out-picture their dark plans. (We are actually far more powerful than they are.)
No, our power is not on the 3D physical plane, not standing toe-to-toe fighting them — of course not! Nor is that what I mean. Those are lower level temporal powers that will bow before the divine, if & as we align with That. So it’s all on us to turn this thing around. Are you game? I certainly am.
Our hearts sometimes ache as we read through the comment threads of online vids. People are either erupting in anger — or bemoaning their fate, some crying out for help. What’s needed is a paradigm change, a shift in vision, in perspective. It’s time to see things in a whole new light.
The first thing to see is how the victim consciousness has infested humanity — but most importantly, invaded the self. This magic, this shift, does not happen to one who retains elements of victimhood — it can’t. Play the victim & you just invite more of the same — more opportunities to be victimized. We don’t realize that we are actually creating that, but sometimes what we don’t know can hurt us. (Ever known anyone married multiple times, each spouse being much like the last?)
It all just is what it is. Can we agree to accept that? Once accepted, only then do we open the door to other options — to leaving The Matrix. Now, lest you think you got away by without any of this programming, consider — to the extent that you blame anyone for anything, you did not. People & organizations have no more power over you than you’re willing to grant them. Playing the victim is one way we give our power away.
Before we enter the blame-game, chances are we’ve got some misery going on. We’re suffering — looking for a way out, perhaps a way to put responsibility on someone else’s shoulders. That makes sense, but only to mind — never to Heart, to Higher Self (who knows better). One huge aspect of awakening is evicting mind from the driver’s seat of our life — installing Heart in its place. Then, everything can shift — not before.
Mind doesn’t have the answers to the situations we face — it never did. Sure, it can play a supporting role, but those who have mind in charge won’t see their way out. We leave 3D duality behind as we enter triality — adding Heart to the mix. Our solutions then appear to be transcendent — to mind. To Heart, they’re just more of what is, but from a new perspective, entirely.
Each one can implement this in his/her own life — that’s the beauty of it. No permits nor licenses required — you’re in control. Do NOT listen to this from mind, which cannot translate what is meant. This messages is Heart to Heart — which is great, as our true Power abides there.
Let’s use mind more as a calculator, a computer — a tool — not as that which basically rules us. That’s the sheeple/sleeple way, unbeknownst to them — admittedly not a conscious choice, but a choice, nonetheless.
Nothing against the sleeple or sheeple, either — they have their part to play. We can trust that they have the same divine Power within — they are Source-in-form, just as we are. We can trust Source, both within & in others, too. First, it’s time to gain a new respect for Self, after which we’ll find ourselves giving that same respect to Source in all others.
It’s all about how we use free will. As humanity, it may seem that we don’t control much — & that assumption is correct on the 3D level. When we begin identifying as Source-in-form, however, everything shifts. It’s a major perspective change that makes simply nothing look the same. We begin to access our multidimensional Self — we’re not limited, either to time or to 3D.
We don’t realize just how close Source is & has ever been . That was just an aspect of The Matrix, which we willingly entered on accepting the BS beliefs programmed into us. Granted, we were tricked — but so what? Granted, the cabal/Anunaki are endlessly deceptive — but again, so what? Can you — no, will you — choose to see this as just what is? When you do, that opens the door enabling you to move on — not until.
As long as we’re resisting aspects of our 3D reality, we’re as a dog endlessly chasing its tail. Never will mind have what it takes to reach out & significantly change events or “how things are” in the external world. Mind is simply the wrong tool for this job. Why? Mind is trapped in duality, in the yes/no, good/bad game that is The Matrix. YOU are not — neither trapped nor powerless to engender real change — a real Shift.
Mind always seeks to know the how & why of things. I suggest that, enmeshed as that is in duality, we take another path — one with huge potential that remains unseen in the presence of the old BS beliefs. You are not only Source-in-form — which is beyond huge — but you, as lesser self (the human aspect), are literally the only one standing in your way.
To the extent that some or all of this seems too huge to swallow, that’s likely mind perceiving it through the lens of beliefs. Until we choose to drop the beliefs, we don’t see our way out — our way into realizing, into embodying Higher Self whose vision far surpasses what any mind can achieve.
Instead of “embodiment,” let’s call that imgodiment, i.e., Im-God-I-me-n[e]t — embodying God/Source in the I no longer trapped in the “me” net (The Matrix). We stand in acceptance, in alignment with Who we truly are. Once we do, an amazing clarity ensues. From here, nothing looks the same — it never will. We suddenly see right through so many of the deceptions that once had us fooled — & it’s great!!
This clarity you could even call divine Vision — it’s that amazing. So many things that once tricked you, that wormed their way into your beliefs, are now seen as ridiculous! Great laughter ensues. The more you release old beliefs, the greater the clarity. Yet it takes walking the talk to get the direct experience. In this do-it-yourself world, no one can awaken anyone else — period.
The bottom line is that things are actually not as horrible as they seem. It’s mind that sees them that way, based on its programming. A new openness is required to step out of ego thinking it knows — anything.
Humanity has been intentionally kept back, not even given our true history — much less true science, education, or anything else. Again, these are Matrix aspects, rather easily shed once we embark on this ride. New vision fills the void left by the old BS.
Yes, “bad” things happen — it often hurts or brings what seem to be negative consequences. But stick with me, here — in Heart — do you sense the shift that takes place on realizing that we can’t actually die? We just lay the body down, in favor of higher vibrational realms. Soon we begin to see all seeming negatives in such a light.
There is no room for victim consciousness, here — not one iota. The victim is ever & always trapped in mind’s snare. There’s a self-righteousness that accompanies it. You may notice it first in others, before seeing it in self . We ALL have this on-board to some extent — usually in a layered form that requires one layer to be stripped before another is seen.
I know all of this sounds crazy to mind — but if you were entirely trapped in mind, then you wouldn’t have read this far. Centering in Heart is most helpful, especially on waking-up & on going to sleep at night. Choose to make it a new habit — anchoring within — perceiving from there. Take responsibility for your self/Self. The air is much better up t/here.
11:41 am, Tuesday 2017/06/27, Mayan day 2 Offering, Water / Muluc