Disempowerment of Blame

7 min readJul 16, 2019


These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — In5d.com

It seems so easy to identify those responsible for the nasty things happening these days. We all point the finger of blame now & then, no exceptions. If we realized how very disempowering that is, we wouldn’t be so quick to do it.

How does it disempower us to identify a creep, a cheat, or a liar? It makes us subject to them, giving them power over us, the power to harm. Listen from Heart, as the consciousness, the Source-in-form that you are since our head can’t reach where we’re going with this.

As Source-in-form, we can only be messed with to the extent we allow that. When we align with & choose to be Who we really are, everything shifts — every time. We’re far more powerful than we’ve got a clue about, but we must choose to be That to experience it. (We’ll also experience a period of transition while we drop the old programming that’s been running the show for us.)

For starters, things wouldn’t, they couldn’t be in the current mess that they are without our consent, without us allowing that to occur. Sure, we were tricked, manipulated, & endlessly lied to, but we chose to believe it, didn’t we? We chose to go along.

Now comes the time of the awakening.

As we look around, wiping the sleep from our eyes, finally beginning to see through so much that once kept us captives of belief, we’re often shocked, shocked & deeply disgusted by what we see. That’s the moment we’re programmed to point those fingers of blame, giving our power away to the supposed bad guys. They did it, not me!

They did it with your permission, dear one, & with mine. All of us went along for this ride. We let it happen. Now, if that is the case, perhaps there’s a method to our madness, don’t you think? No doubt our Source-in-form Self has its reasons for allowing all of this to transpire.

What might those reasons be?

It won’t be your mind that’s illumined with the answers, the deeper answers to any of this. It’s not the mind that’s awakening, contrary to many expectations. It’s time to learn a new language, the language of Heart that’s distinctly different from any & all languages that we know.

Our Inner Being just Knows things. I don’t know how else to put it. There’s no rhyme nor reason to it, no way to figure it out. We either accept it or we don’t. We experience it! We make room for this new thing, this new way of being, of perceiving — or we don’t.

Source forces no one at any time.

Words aren’t necessarily any part of the inner Knowing, either. Words are lovely & useful, but they’re linear & Heart is well beyond that, while also containing the linear, the relative. It’s so much more expansive, though, & it’s when we let go of all we think we know that we begin to enter that vaster realm.

I’d almost wish an NDE on everyone if it wasn’t such a (seemingly) risky experience. NDEers just Know that our 3D life is the dream, that the Reality is on the other side. What we call a death is far more akin to a birth, birth into the vastness beyond. It’s a waking up far more than a going to sleep.

Meanwhile, back at the 3D farm, we have all this programming to contend with, to eventually move beyond. We CAN have a good bit of that vaster awareness while still here. It doesn’t take dying to re-member our dismembered selves, but it does take a serious willingness to change, an openness to seeing from radically different perspectives.

What will we see?

What do we want to see? What do we fear? We draw all of that to us by our focus on it. Consciousness is our reality generator, as we’re bound to discover, eventually. If we’ll allow that it could be that, then we open the door to greater possibilities. While we know many of the ways we’ve been tricked, already, far more of them still wait to be spotted.

We’ve got to look to our programming with a willingness to undo it, a trust & reliance on Source, on What Is as being safe & okay regardless of what any boogey(wo)man might say. Those firmly in Heart find no fear of any kind there.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2019/07/11

Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.” And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel — and then, you’ll love them all. Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good.

Excerpted from Asheville, NC on 4/30/05

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

I know — it’s strange to even contemplate the possibility that everything is, in some strange, bizarre way, okay — that no real harm can come to us. It seems illogical to any mind, but we’re going well beyond the mind’s realm; those who are brave, daring, & willing, that is. When you’re Source/God, an emanation of That, what’s to fear? Who or what can hurt you in the Cosmos of your own creation?

We don’t yet see how fear is a magnet, attracting the object of its focus.

Our various fears are very much a part of our programming. Eliminating them is easier said than done, but just realizing that opens a major door into awakening. The fear that makes us leap out of the path of the oncoming truck is great, but beyond that sort of safety-based elemental fear, there’s not much use for fear.

Fear disempowers us every bit as much as pointing fingers of blame. We have some rather nasty waking up to do along the way into our greater Awakening & it’s vital that we be willing to face What Is head on. It will shock & slay many a snowflake, knocking them for a loop, but when we know & accept Who we truly are at our core, we’ll be fine with whatever we discover.

No, it won’t always feel good. There will be tears & pain along with gut-wrenching responses to what’s going on; what’s long been going on right under our noses. We blinded ourselves to so much we weren’t yet ready to see, but now is our time. We won’t be making it through this as just a body-mind. That’s the corral we’re set to escape.

Blame or Grow — Fabiusmaximus.files.wordpress.com

No, we’re not predators, we’re not the Jeffrey Epsteins of the world. We’re not the Deep State players, or if we were for a time, we’ve left that aside on realizing how very dark it was. In our 3D Live-and-Learn realm, we all eventually learn that what goes around comes around. Our mistakes come back to punch us in the nose, which actually helps us to see & identify them, to change our ways. It’s not a bad thing, really.

We have eternity/infinity in which to play. As consciousness, we experiment with ever so many possibilities, often with simple curiosity to see where they lead. It’s not wrong or evil to walk what turns out to be a dark path since our Source-in-form reality is never gone. We might shut it down & ignore it for a season to take that walk, but we come back around when the time is right.

It’s time to stop blaming the “bad buys” — & yes, their actions are bad beyond bad, I agree. Their actions cannot be allowed or we risk our very society, our families, our values; everything. What would be awesome to realize is that we, ourselves, if not in this lifetime then in others, have also played some of those dark roles.

What we’re not taking into account is that this earth, this 3D realm, is the dream, not the Reality. We’re not owning Who we actually are, not looking through those Source-in-form eyes at all that we see. Don’t you think Source would tend to see things differently than what we perceive from our limited perspective?

This is no call to run riot over all you cherish, to try being a bad guy just for the experience of it. That would be the mind’s take, so let’s stick with Heart, okay? Honor, integrity, Compassion, & Love are aspects of Who we truly are & acting in consonance with those is ever so fulfilling.

This is a call to get beyond the fences around our corral, our programming, the perspectives we’ve taken on. It’s a time to question everything as we find our way out of our age-old reliance on the mind to resolve it all, finding our way into Heart that contains the mind but is not limited to it; not at all.

We’re much more than we took ourselves to be.

We’re in charge, not of what happens, but of how we experience it. How we choose to experience it helps craft what happens later on. There’s a great flow of it all that we’ve been missing while we’ve been locked down into body-mind slavery. Let’s ditch the fear as we find our way out of the many traps.

As Source-in-form, NOTHING is impossible for us. Let’s keep remembering that nothing is what we take it to be, nothing is as we’ve been taught. There are endless layers & levels to reality, to experience. We’re much more in charge than we know. Let’s have a great time finding that out.



10:12 a.m., Saturday, 2019/07/13 — Mayan day 7 Eagles / Men




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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