Discovering Our New “Normal”
To Access Your Power, Own Your $h1t
What we consider normal is neither normal nor desirable; it’s just what we’ve grown used to, making it seem normal. We put up with so much that’s not beneficial. Let’s go within to have a look at undoing that.
We’re hindered in such quests until we see & admit we’ve been programmed to a notable extent. When you find yourself speaking or acting against your or others’ best interests, know that your programming is in charge, there. Your Source-in-form Self wouldn’t likely handle things that way.
Then again, we only think we know what is best in any instance. We don’t, not necessarily. What we know is our conscious mind’s take on it, & that applies only to us.
Our tendency is to view the conscious mind as the whole enchilada, forgetting about the subconscious & unconscious bits which are ever so important to our quest. Those are the areas where we’ve been tamed & harnessed, the very areas we want to set free. (The superconscious is also ever-present though rarely accessed.)
We can do better, friends, but it must start within.
There’s nothing external we can tweak to somehow fix what we perceive as wrong. Our external life flows purely from what we’ve got going on inside.
Our visible life is actually a mirror of our interior reality. It’s helpful, if disconcerting, to know that.
It puts us in charge, which is a real shift in perspective, isn’t it?
As long as we think we know what’s going on or how to “fix” things, we’re getting in our own way; in the way of what we can call our Higher Self, Source within & above. Our own arrogance is taking us for a ride, one we don’t always enjoy, but it’s no one else’s fault.
It’s time to own our own stuff.
We can’t do that until we begin to step back from the self, to enter Self or Heart or go within or become the observer — there are many ways to frame this, so just go for the gist of it. Your programming goes against it, making it a bit rocky at first. That’s where our stubborn determination is worth its weight in gold, such that nothing can long stand in our way.
Life is meant to be enjoyed!
Yeah, that sounds a bit crazy to the (programmed) mind, but Heart (your Inner Being) Knows it’s true. We’re not here to suffer & toil, to pay for the supposed wrongs of prior years or incarnations. There’s simply no punishment involved. It’s all beneficial, it all comes as blessings. It’s on us to see it that way.
Are you game?
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2019/05/25
“It usually takes about 30 days to change a habit. Not because you need 30 days. You could do it in 68 seconds if you could once you did it hold your vibration there, but you have to consciously make that decision.” [Emphasis mine]
Excerpted from Napa, CA on 3/2/97
Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)
It takes being open to new possibilities, to new angles on things we long thought we had mastered. We’re arrogant, friends — all of us — just in ways no mind is equipped to sort out. As long as we choose to leave our mind in the driver’s seat, we’re screwed.
“Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.”
― Voltaire
What’s important to recognize is that we’re doing the screwing. It may seem like Aunt Sally or Bob or life or the world is messing with us. Not. WE are the only one messing with us. Who can see this? Who is willing to see this??
When you’ve been programmed & abused — & we ALL have — it doesn’t heal overnight. It’s a healing, wholing journey we’re all on, & we’re doing it together. We came in to do it that way, to ditch the whole notion that we’re here all alone, dealing with our own particular “problems.”
We’ve never been alone, not for one nanosecond.
That’s a digression, however, so back to taking charge, taking ownership of our own life & situation. We’re been well programmed to play the victim role & we all do it well, we all slip into that. Some live in that, but IT’S A CHOICE. Sorry for yelling, but once we grasp that it’s a choice that’s in our hands to make, everything shifts.
We go from wuss to warrior, but it’s a spiritual warrior, nothing like the mind’s notion of “warrior.”
Sometimes it will seem like slogging through foot-deep mind (LOL, that was supposed to be “mud” — what a “typo”). Do you see how our Inner Self is always right here with us, always lending a valuable hand? That was no “typo,” for heaven’s sake; that was the truth. What we take for mistakes deserves a closer look, but from Heart.
We may even seem broken at times, lost, confused, or afraid. Once we get the distinction, the choice that’s ours to make between Heart & head, divine help is always right there. It just takes looking at the whole thing from another angle, a distinctly different one. Nothing & no one is broken, but it will seem that way until we shift our perspective.
We’re that Powerful.
Let’s keep the mind out of this, okay? The mind is clueless in this territory, so whatever we think we know or understand, let’s set that to the side & just feel our way through.
Our Power is both divine & internal. To the mind, that may seem as nothing, as gobbledygook. So what?
This is not the mind’s territory so its opinions are meaningless.
Our entire external world & reality spring from within. It’s best to leave the religions out of this, too, for they’ll subtlely mislead us, putting their programmed interpretation on the words & concepts.
The NowHere is ever fresh, ever new, always just Now. It contains all the rest, including past & future, including the dimensions & other incarnations — all of that. We lose nothing by sticking with the freshness of the NowHere.
We’ve been taught that we must defer, we must rely on others, be they people, writings, or institutions. Balderdash! Source lives & breathes within us, each one. Once we break the habit of believing we know this or that, that we know anything, we’re in much better shape to have a direct encounter with Who we truly are.
Until then, we choose to live on the surface of life, in the realm of the relative, in Either-Or-Ville.
That’s actually fine. There’s nothing wrong with that, thanks to free will. We have the right to choose whatever we like. We also have the right to see our choices reflected back to us in the mirror that is 3D; to, in effect, reap the natural consequences of those choices.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/01/20
“These beings, that are acting out in those ways that you find so awful, are tormented and suffering in ways that you will not understand. Their horrible acts are extensions of that pain. We also have to say to you — no one who is not a vibrational match to that could be their victim.” [Emphasis added]
Excerpted from Los Angeles, CA on 1/31/99
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
The whole nothing (another “typo” for what was meant to be “notion”) of punishment has to go. It has no Reality, just the temporary experience we sustain based on our programmed beliefs (which we can ditch at any time). WE ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED FOR ANYTHING AT ANY TIME.
We choose what experience to have & sustain based on what we choose to believe, & our beliefs are not just conscious-mind deep. The beliefs most in our way abide at our subconscious & unconscious levels. They require some stubborn determination to cleanse & release.
Making our choice to change is just the beginning.
This walk is SO worth it, so worth the challenges set before us, different for each one. Those differences are actually precious. They’re evidence of how unique we are & how finely tuned our Reality is. We may be in precisely the same conditions as someone else, but what our Inner Being is after is quite different, so our best outcome won’t be what’s best for the other one.
Things are actually perfect at all times.
Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds, but only to the mind, my friends. Do you think Source-in-or-out-of-form would make a “mistake?” We’ll have to rethink & redefine words like “mistake,” “right” & “wrong,” “good” & “bad,” & so many others.
It’s ever our mind, our programming that’s in the way, never ourselves, never Who we truly are. As shared so beautifully in The Little Soul by Neale Donald Walsch, Source/God only sends blessings, only sends angels. It’s just that they often come in disguise.
What is awakening?
Perhaps it’s no more complex than seeing through the many disguises on the blessings everywhere present — seeing through the old programming to help it dissolve & fall away so we can see the world & everything in its pristine Purity.
To the extent we’re pure, we see that Purity. Remember, simply everything originates right within. I KNOW it makes no sense to the mind, & at this point, I actually deLight in that, ROFL. Things are much lighter, much better than any mind has a clue about.
12:06 p.m., Saturday, 2019/06/01 — Mayan day 4 Reed / Ben