Ah-ha! Moments — Heart-Timing
Will We Pay the Price?
We’re all familiar with those times when something just clicks for us, when we somehow get it on a deeper level, an ah-ha moment. What’s happening, there? We may even have seen or heard whatever it is, before, but it didn’t hit us like this — so what’s different, now?
As we move into Heart we live from another, deeper layer of being, one with its own ways. From Heart all is perfect. We see it that way as we ditch old expectations & beliefs — ultimately, the belief that we know anything at all. What makes perfect sense to Heart mind sees as craziness.
Clearly, this discourages some from further exploration.
We may watch a movie we’ve seen earlier, yet now see it differently, more deeply, perhaps, or perhaps pick-up something missed, before. There’s an inner feeling, the Ah-ha! when something clicks. We may push pause to let it settle in before moving on.
We’re now richer than we were but a moment ago.
What are the riches of Heart? Those of the body-mind are clear, but they don’t transfer to this other realm where possessions & prestige are meaningless, mere details. How do we mine for Heart riches? That’s fairly easy — we move into the stillness of Now via Heart. We just Be, attuned to Heart’s input while allowing & witnessing the flow of life.
What is best for our Now moment is always what we experience — whether we see it that way, or not.
The power of Truth is not in the things of 3D, not the wealth, the structures, even the wise words. If it was, then everyone hearing the same words would have the same response, the same understanding. It just doesn’t work that way. We are a vast Being, a realm unto ourselves, no two alike. Twins disappoint if we’re looking for carbon copies, there.
We’re unique; simple but so profound.
Then what are we doing, trying to force everyone into the same set of beliefs? What are we doing, saying some are right & others wrong? What part does free will play in our uniqueness? Can we all really be trusted to go our own way & do no harm? What’s wrong with this picture?
No doubt most would love to live in a more perfect world where that was the case, where all could move freely, also looking out for one another. I suggest we had that here, once upon a long time ago. I also suggest it’s possible, now, but with a major caveat — we must first find our way into the oneness of Heart, beyond the mind’s relativity.
It’s in the mind & the relative reality where things go astray. The mind attaches to beliefs such as being a separate being, then desiring to put itself first, above others. That’s not even possible from Heart, friends, where it’s seen for the nonsense of the relativity game, the distracting drama.
The “me” in which 90+% of humanity believes is a fiction, a piece on the gameboard.
Somewhere along the way we began taking things (& our beliefs) far too seriously. Initially, we knew we were playing a game, one that held potential expansion for us, our consciousness, & our world. Even just that shift in attitude — from seriousness to an enjoyable game — would soothe much of the current chaos.
No one step or method will solve it for all of us, though. This move from serious individual to observing game-player is a step away from the relativity of 3D, yes, a step up in frequency. Yet, nothing is guaranteed to be all bad or all good in 3D; nor is it meant to be. 😲
It’s possible to mentally step too far back, such that you find yourself doing horrendous things in the name of winning the game; horrendous to others, not to you. The mind can be manipulated, corrupted. You lose your connection to Heart & Higher Self, perhaps even becoming a pedophile, a Satanist, a murderer, etc.; perhaps “just” a liar or a thief.
There are no iron-clad rules — there never were. Anything is allowed, but it’s not wise to forget what we’re about, why we entered 3D. Karma teaches us that the way we treat others comes back on us, even if it takes several lifetimes, but there are better ways.
There aren’t rules, but there are eternal principles structured into the reality. Karma is a useful lower-dimensional one. It’s self-limiting functions on darker actions are unneeded in higher dimensions.
Everything is unique yet still One in the both/and of triality.
How do we uncover those principles? Live-and-learn is the best way in 3D — from experience. As long as we continue to abide in the limited body-mind realm we often go astray. There are always those smarter, wilier, or less ethical than we are. We’re sometimes tempted into their methods to “get ahead.”
We transcend such games on entering Heart, which grounds us in the pivotal point of it all, in our Now. As this Now also encompasses past & future, we know or sense the likely results of this or that decision or action. We don’t lose sight of the point, which is our enjoyment of Being Who we are in our interactions with others & when (seemingly) alone.
From Heart, we recognize it’s impossible to be alone. Things that maintain a relative reality in 3D lose that in the higher frequencies. The me that you think you are doesn’t exist except as a chess piece on the board of life. The seeming absence of other beings around you is but a seeming. “Alone” is but a code for “all one.”
Time, too, is experienced so differently in Heart as to bear almost no resemblance to what we thought it was. There is no end to the differences of moving from the body-mind realm into Heart. We won’t experience all of those differences at once, for Mercy & Compassion are also structured into the Heart-accessed Reality.
The foundation of Reality, as near as I can discern, is a Love so Divine as to be beyond comprehension to those stuck in relativity. There’s no principle in operation that doesn’t embody this Love, thus Mercy & Compassion make perfect Heart sense. Do you see?
Our lives are meant to be a sort of magic, Divine Magic, not the creepy cult stuff. This Love, Itself, would be as a Magic potion to soothe & restore the world. Don’t think the world is broken or is a prison planet, friends, for then it is, but only for you.
Thought is the Divine Magician’s wand, altering, influencing all that it touches.
The Beauty is on display, everywhere, to those who find their way into Heart’s realm. What the one in relativity experiences as pain & nastiness is perceived otherwise from Heart. Yes, it still hurts, but seen in its broader context, the blessings trump the challenges in which they’re encased.
It’s not a superficial Beauty, so those focused in relativity don’t see it, still stuck identifying with the body-mind game piece.
On entering Heart, we connect with the Game Player, legitimately taking the chess game to another level.
Time is a different experience on different levels. In relativity, we’ve ceded much control to the clocks, letting them manage our days & nights. On the Heart-level we find something entirely new regarding time — let’s call it Divine Timing. Here, it’s possible to be attuned to Heart’s guidance while moving our 3D game piece.
These two experiences of time have little in common. Bounded by relativity, nothing about time seems divine. On the Heart level, we eventually recognize that every Now moment actually IS divine, at least in potential. To experience it that way we must align with Heart in our NowHere.
When we experience an Ah-ha! moment we’re dialed into Divine Timing.
On 3D earth (for yes, to access Heart is to access higher frequencies, sometimes even higher dimensions) not all times are the same. We welcome Friday’s 5:00 pm, yet may dread Monday’s 8:00 am call to work. We prefer weekends to weekdays, following the same sort of perspective. Let’s step out of that.
This is so far-out for those operating in relativity, so we’ll play, “What If?” What if each & every moment was actually special, pregnant with every good gift, awaiting only our awareness, our shift of focus? What if Divine Timing was native to all Heart experience? Don’t try to take mind here, but let Heart’s Wisdom guide, for mind only mucks things up.
That special feeling we get when we really connect with something that gives us pause, as we allow it to integrate — that is Divine Timing at work, evidence that we were dialed in. Mind will draw faulty conclusions, perhaps assuming this means every Now experience is meant to have us stunned & stammering with delight — that is not what’s being said, so do stick with Heart.
You have the same Heart Wisdom on board as I do, so there’s nothing here you can’t establish for yourself. No one is more divine than another — not even a Yeshua, a Buddha, or whatever ancient exemplar you care to bring forward. Had their true texts & words come down to us, we’d have that very thing issuing from their mouths.
“The kingdom is within” does a good job of summing it up. No hierarchy, no mediator, just equal access via Heart.
Many are now awakening from the daze that’s had us worshiping various game pieces down through time, unaware that to truly hear them requires our presence in Heart. It’s Game-Player speaking to other Game-Players, calling them Home into Heart, yet, being most often heard by the relativity-game players still unaware of Who they are.
We’re all as wealthy as Croesus, yet we’ve have been robbed. Instead of using our direct (Heart) access to the Divine, we’ve participated in the biggest rip-off of all time by accepting the mechanistic lies as the basis of reality.
Without our participation this could not have happened. How? Too much trust & a willingness to believe in hierarchies, in those “above” us in wisdom, knowledge, & power; too little awareness of Self as Source-in-form.
We’re, in effect, bowing to false idols, mental constructs.
Like me, many of you have been decades on the awakening trek. We’ve had many Ah-ha! moments along the way. I was reacquainted with the inherent mystery of them, recently. On seeing a video that powerfully influenced me, I wrote a short journal to introduce it to others.
So excited to share this special moment, this wonderful understanding that beautifully joined me with my Higher Self, I was stunned — still am — that it only got one thumbs-up/clap. Clearly, it wasn’t touching others as it did me, giving them that deeper communion experience. Why not?
It served as a reminder that we can’t give our special experiences to others. We don’t need to — they have their own. Good to know. The Ah-ha! comes when it will, not at anyone’s command.
Maintaining alignment with Heart is perhaps the best we can “do,” entrusting the rest to Source.
Many still seek the higher-level experiences via the mind, on the relativity level. Many confound & confuse the game-piece vs Game-Player aspects of life. Those game pieces are not going to awaken, no matter the care & expenditure we lavish on them. They are NOT us, just tiny aspects amidst our vastness.
Awakening experiences are always available, but they don’t come to us, we flow into them. One day we’ll all realize they are higher-frequency things & act appropriately, moving into the Game-Player level. Many will make this move while still incarnate on earth, each in our own unique way. Yeah, awakening. 😆
It’s not about being rescued by some better, more advanced being — there’s that hierarchy thing, again. It’s not about leaving this “prison planet,” going elsewhere to some “New earth,” or another planet, entirely. These are relativity’s tricks & traps, distractions.
Nor is it about awaiting physical death for the enlightening move into higher frequencies. All of these are but mind-generated possibilities, pulling us away from our NowHere to look anywhere/anywhen but right where we always are.
We’ve been distracted to death, the death of our connection with Source. Like physical death, that’s largely a mirage, only seen as “death” from a limited perspective; seen as “rebirth” from wider ones. It’s as if the cabal built imposing fortifications around our Heart area, convincing us to stay out on pain of terrible punishment — & we fell for it.
We are NOT who we take ourselves to be, these wussy wimps so easily dominated by them. These are but the game pieces, folks, they are not us! If your child interrupts your chess game to take your queen & break it, how important is that to your life? How lasting are the effects? Won’t a stone work as well, for now? 😆
Do you see how we’ve got the perspective wrong on the whole game?
The cabal is well aware of humanity’s power to create. They know we’re divine, Source-in-form; that what we think, we create. Thus, they know how to effectively hobble us, but only IF we cooperate by believing them. Another option is to cease believing anything they say, going back Home into Heart & reentering our rightful Kingdom, thereby firing the cabal.
If people would only sense how ridiculously far off their beliefs are from the greater Reality, we could lock this game up in a week & walk away, victorious. The 1% have nothing on us, on Who we truly are — though they do have some temporary power over the game pieces — power humanity ceded over time.
Once we make a sufficiently radical shift in our perspective on the whole game — both levels (chess pieces & Chess Players) — the cabal is done! As Chess Players they have nothing on us.
It’s not quite as easy as that might sound to the mind, though.
To the Chess Player, our mind is akin to a calculator in our hip pocket, not something we go to for guidance & direction. In order to reunite with the Higher Self/Chess Player we must demote the 3D mind. For many, that’s the hardest thing of all, since they can’t even imagine doing so.
Back to the Ah-ha! moment thing, the feeling of that. This feeling is of the connection between game piece & Game Player — the feeling when the Player takes the piece in hand to move it.
Balance is required to master this Game, the balance of not going completely into Game-Player mode nor remaining completely in game-piece mode — do you see the both/and, there?
Friends, this is the feeling we’re after, the pivotal fulcrum of perspective on our Now. It takes mastery, yes, but as Source-in-form at heart, there’s nothing that can block our victory. The thing most likely to throw us off-balance? That would not be the mind, but reliance on the mind.
Mastery is mastery, pretty tricky at times, but we’ve got what it takes.
Any chess player has a small army of game pieces to deploy. Our Ah-ha! moments will feel distinctly different depending on which piece & what move we’re making. This game requires flexibility & lots of attunement, making Heart our go-to spot, our cozy nest. A whole lot less talking & thinking is required to master the Divine Game of Life.
Nor is our game limited to these two levels. They’re just the ones on which we’re focused, right now. It doesn’t pay to get too far ahead of ourselves, exploring what may be available in the Great Beyond. This can be a distraction, too, a way to avoid embracing our NowHere moment’s gifts.
We are not who we take ourselves to be, time is not what we take it to be — NOTHING is what we take it to be. Let’s lose all the arrogance, the certainty that we’re right on this or that aspect of the game. In Heart there is neither arrogance nor humility, just a beautiful Is-ness that abides in perfectly attuned Balance.
When we’re in Heart, we can also sense when another is writing or speaking from there.
There’s a new way of life, an Ah-ha! way of living on the table, awaiting our choice to inquire into it. The price — from the 3D, chess-piece perspective — is quite high. It costs us everything we now believe, quite vaporizing our current version of reality. So our current “reality” is the price of admission.
Seen from the Chess-Player perspective, that’s no big deal, no great price to pay. From this perspective, what’s being surrendered are merely the ropes, chains, & bindings that have us believing a total fiction while forgetting Who & what we truly are. Small price to pay, wouldn’t you say? 😆
Everything hinges on our choice of perspective. 🌏
11:19 pm, Friday 2018/01/26, 2nd, Mayan day 7 Wind / Ik
completed 12:00 pm, Saturday, 2018/01/27, Mayan day 8 Night / Akbal