Deeper than Telepathy

Our Greater Being

10 min readMay 12, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

What if consciousness resides in the invisible energy field rather than in the brain? What if its a deeply shared phenomenon on some level? Can we get past the woo-woo implication placed on words like “aura,” & move to the core of this? It’s a potential expansion that can suddenly make our territory far larger than that of the mind.

We may even be stunned for a time until we adapt. 😲 This is huge.

Humanity doesn’t yet know itself very well — itSelf, its nature & origin as Source-in-form. Source is everything, of course, not just humans. Not one iota of anything anywhere is outside of Source, the true One that is the All in All. To some, this sounds a bit crazy, while to others it’s as natural as breathing, simple common sense, albeit not so common these days.


We allowed ourselves to be corralled into the mind, taking that to be our most empowering aspect, the best ground to explore & master. The higher the IQ, the grades at school, the better. We viewed explorations of the mental arena as the path to express our maximum potential, as our avenue to success.

What if we were misled? What if that was a path toward containment, instead?

From my perspective, we’ve been fed a raw deal, one we trustingly accepted. We aligned with it. The mind became the customary pinnacle to traverse & master. Anything to keep us out of Heart, to distract us from our true nature, our core as Source-in-form. It’s one thing to be that, a ray of Light of the Divine Sun, yet quite another to consciously merge with it, to allow it free reign. 😉


The subject matter here is far too broad, so let’s focus on telepathy & its Heart analog for which I have no word. Heart offers a more profound union, understandings that transcend thought.

For now, my best is to call it Knowing, but it’s deeper, sensed more with the biology than with the mind, a new avenue into knowledge & expansion. Be in Heart.

The inescapable fact greets us, once we welcome it, that we’re MUCH more than we think or believe we are, far less limited. (Ultimately, we’re unlimited, but we have such a long way to go before that will make sense, so let’s leave it aside.) It’s time to go within & enter this new land of discovery whose portal I call Heart.

That which fenced us in was the mental structure, the thoughts & ideas, forged into the steel fencing of laws & beliefs.


In the land of beliefs, thought is king. We move from one concept to another & call that change (& it is, just on a more superficial level). What we now face is change of another sort, more profound; an awakening that shifts our very way of being, of understanding ourselves.

Rather than moving from one thought realm to another, shifting our mental furniture while staying within the bounds of the mind, we’re moving out of our old sense of self. What it will create is best left to it, as we’re not yet ready, not expansive enough in our perceptions to even go there. [1]

How, then, do we make the leap?


We let go, adapting to the new idea of our greater Being. If we continue to rely on the mental constructs we’re not going there. The mind & thought, itself, aren’t what we’ve taken them to be. Perhaps more accurately, they are but a limited (& limiting) aspect of the self/Self, not the great crown we once assumed they were.

That leaves everyone immediately handicapped, doesn’t it? If thought isn’t the way we explore, then what is? It may seem tricky, but the whole idea of “going somewhere” is something else to release.

We let go. Then we just be, at least for a time. We learn to self-observe from Heart; to not interfere but just watch. Tricky stuff. Our mind objects.


There’s a very loose group of road workers presently constructing highways to our broader destination. We’re headed into a realm so different that it could be right in front of us & we literally would not see it, absent a certain readiness. (Remember, consciousness actually creates.)

These are some of the most misunderstood folks on the planet—the rebels, those our mind relegates to left field; the “kooks.”

It’s impossible to group them since they come from every slice & walk of life, so I have no name for them, either. You may be one. The challenge with nouns, with labels of any sort, is their baggage, the ideas people attach to them. Their locked-down dictionary definitions keep us in the mental arena.

We’re going beyond. 🌈

We’ve already covered the arrogance of the mind in prior journals, as well as its version of truth. Mind’s arrogance is perhaps the largest factor blocking humanity’s ongoing Great Awakening. If mind won’t take us there, what other ways do we know to progress, right?


How is this awakening supposed to happen?

What can we do to bring it about?

These are mental questions, so only those who’ve realized that mind can’t take us there will move beyond, & in ways no mind will understand. Just as the surgeon cannot operate on herself, the mind cannot break out of itself. What’s called for is a certain break from the mind.


Now is not a time to use the mind to find our way, but a time to sit back & observe it at work. Nor need we determine to do that, for Source does such things through us as our readiness arises. We release the idea of being a doer as we learn to allow.

Our whole way of being is shifting, surprising the mind at every turn.

Meanwhile, we watch from Heart.

What does this accomplish? It’s a huge adventure, offering great enjoyment. One thing we may discover is that we’re already telepathic — have been our whole lives, just unaware. The mind & Confirmation Bias blocked the view.


Most of us are aware of quantum entanglement, at least as a concept. Science discovered a strange connection within & between elementary particles such that action taken on one gives instant results in another, whatever the distance. Such instant action violates our concepts of time & space, of the time “required” to traverse such distances.

This illustrates an underlying union that transcends the bounds of time & space, producing results which violate the old particle-physics teachings; thus, did we birth quantum physics. These two fields are one & will eventually (re)unite as we discover the underlying errors in methodology that seem to irreconcilably separate them.

Meanwhile, it illustrates a union underlying all seeming separation in 3D.

What about telepathy? Could it be another sort of quantum-entangled manifestation? I don’t know; just sharing my personal take on things. Telepathy seems to function in the mental arena, one person being aware of another’s thoughts. The phone rings & before you see who’s calling, you just know; you have a hunch maybe even before the phone rings.

Is this mental or is it cellular, biological? Is it energetic, perhaps transcending both? I’m not sure that we know. Since today’s science doesn’t yet recognize telepathy, how can they study it?


Nature is multifaceted, not just linear & objective. Endless perspectives are available. Objectivity, by its non-recognition of the under-all oneness, leads us to violate that oneness, to treat things as “just matter,” as something external to us. It is & it is not. It’s a choice of perspective.

Let’s expand beyond science as we enter Heart to explore a vaster connection, our connection with (& as) Nature, itself.

Nature is not full of dumb plants [2] & animals, with man on the top rung of that ladder. Every species, every being is brilliant in its own unique ways. Our biology is exceedingly intelligent.

We don’t need to stop & start processes in the body, stopping cancer, starting wound healing, as much as we need to get out of the body’s way. It always knows what’s best to do & how to do it, yet by our foolish choices (beliefs & actions) we consistently block & interfere with that.

We don’t need drugs, surgeries, & radiation to “fix” presumed wrongs. We need to get to know the body & provide for its needs with what’s naturally best for it. The body is well able to realign, reorganize, & “heal” from the mistreatment it received once we learn to both support it & get out of its way.

Being corralled into the mental arena did us a great disservice. The body was considered dumb, elementary matter, having no intelligence of its own. If it couldn’t speak & intellectualize it couldn’t be smart. How wrong we were!

There are many types of intelligence, not all of which we were accessing, there.


We’ve been deceived about Who & what we really are, told we’re descendants of primates, the apes. That’s a lie on several levels. First, we’re consciousness, not just the bodies, the minds with which we’re taught to identify. We bring our consciousness to endless incarnations, not just this one. We are not just the body labeled with our current name, but so very much more.

Second, we arrived on planet earth from elsewhere in Cosmos, fully developed. History, being written by the victors, currently hides this from us. Even Darwin recanted his Theory of Evolution later in life, but those running science repressed it. However biologies develop, that cannot define us, being the merest fragment of our Being, even if evolution were correct.

Do you see how the cabal tricks us into self-identifying as this fragment of our manifestation — how our cooperation with that co-creates the restricting corral?

If we don’t begin & end with Who we truly are, we wander down many an unhelpful rabbit hole. What’s true for the mentality or the biology doesn’t say that much about us, just about an aspect of our overall being. This is where the move out of the head & into Heart comes to the rescue, providing a new layer of sanity, a new & broader perspective.


Let’s go beyond telepathy to explore our Heart connections where we more closely approach the meaning of Life, the core of it all, both our destiny & our origin. Not only are we far wiser than we believe, but so is all of nature. The animals, in particular, are, in their own way, both wiser & smarter than many of us, with a deeper, more grounded sort of awareness.

Using elephants as one example from Nature, these 3 short elephant stories display this deeper Knowing in action. Best to view them from Heart, rather than the mind, for (hopefully) obvious reasons. The animals recognize those among us who “get them,” who connect with them. They respond in intelligent ways.

  1. The Elephants Knew

2. Wild Elephants salutes the men who rescued their baby elephant from a ditch

3. Africa’s Elephant Queen | Kenya

Ivory DNA sequencing tracks elephant poaching hotspots —

The tears stream as I watch such things. We can each participate in these deeper bonds we have, but it requires that we set our mind to the side. The link is not mental or not only that. It’s a oneness in Heart, illustrated by my title image caption: “These eyes through which I hoped to see God [Source] are the eyes through which God [Source] sees me.”

On some level, in some way, we actually are that, whatever we’re viewing. It’s but another aspect of our Greater Being, our Source-in-form-ness. We can sense & feel things from both our body’s perspective & from the other’s perspective, all separation ultimately being illusory.

This is only elephants, but we’ll find such truths about other animals (& even the plants [2],) once come down from our high horse & take another look at them, this time from Heart. Our arena is suddenly so much larger than that of the mind that we may be stunned for a time. As we continue to throw off the ropes & the chains, take down the fences previously accepted as our boundaries, we find room for endless expansion.

Grief in Animals: the case of elephants —

Life, itself, at the most basic levels, isn’t what we were led to believe, what we were taught that it is.

Who has the courage to explore these profound realms, unfathomable to the mind? Until we come together around these much more basic perceptions & awarenesses, all rabbit-hole diving is but distraction, entertainment. Whatever conclusions we may draw take on the flaws of our basic premises.



Begun at 5:04 pm, Saturday, 2018/05/05, Mayan day 2 Crocodile / Imix

[1] Our current tendency is to go to the mind for all answers, to explore thought — current & historical — in search of solutions. That only keeps us trapped.

[2] Yes, plants are also intelligent.New research on plant intelligence may forever change how you think about plants. (They even produce neurotransmitters, as do the human heart & gut.)




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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