Dancing with Emptiness

Reality Shifts

6 min readDec 12, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Dancing in the emptiness, here, in the pleasure of no (conscious) thought. I wonder how our concepts of this emptiness will fare as more people find their way into its shocking void-ness. It swiftly eliminates all we took for knowledge, ushering us into a realm beyond the mind, humanity’s current playpen.

Finding one’s internal emptiness breaks the Matrix chains, offering up endless opportunities to discard them. They make no sense from the void’s perspective. It’s an ideal time to be made anew as our reality shifts — if that is our choice.


This full emptiness contains an empty fullness, violating all of mind’s tenets & understandings. We just can’t know, here, where all details are irrelevant. We emptied out so much to get here, yet, we had no clue what the direct experience would be like. Our lives are a full cornucopia & we are likewise full, having identified with much of that: ways of being, moral codes, our wealth of beliefs around life.

What to do when they all disappear, even momentarily? We sought our Inner Being so intently, & now we find this? What the heck? We feel our consciousness shifting as we settle down into this. How radically different it feels, here. It’s empty, yes, but our sense of the emptiness, our awareness, itself, has shifted — it seems more vast, even in this nothing point.

It’s things that all look different, now. They’re not what we took them to be, don’t have the meanings we assigned to them — that our mind assigned. This non-mental arena is unlike anything we’ve experienced, so we have no anchor to deploy.

Our only option, if we want to remain here, is to let go & just Be.


There is nothing, no thing to grasp, here — we’re cut adrift, but adrift in what? This indefinable space kicks the mind in the rear. The mind is useless, here. That, by itself, makes this a pristine experience. All support structure is absent. Our whole way of being & its context shifts.

In the midst of this no-thing-ness, we sense a vastness — but how can that be? We’re not perceiving intellectually, instead discovering our ability to sense, to understand in non-mental ways. This can’t even be imagined, since that’s of the mind. It can only be directly experienced.

Initial forays into the emptiness are short-lived. Thought interferes, pulling us back into our old, more stable “reality.” As we keep focusing in Heart, our empty times grow longer, our comfort level increases. Though it’s strange beyond strange, we don’t lose our existence, our I Am-ness, which may be our only comfort, initially.


We’re experiencing consciousness in a new way, unplugged from the Matrix, perhaps for the first time. We sense the eternal & infinite context for Who we are, tied down to nothing, but rather containing it all.

During our times away from the emptiness, we’re busy integrating what we experienced, there. Apples are disappearing from our apple cart of beliefs, all of which are rotting.

We’re making choices unlike any we previously made.

We’re more unsure than ever of our prior life. Friends & family don’t know us, either, as the integration proceeds. There are certain things we just know without understanding why or how we know — we just do, & we act on our knowing. Our knowings carry more sense of depth & solidity than any mental knowledge, any of our old reality.

Some chicken-out during this process, not willing to untether from social relationships enough to go free. That’s fine. We’ve had the experience, & that’s what counts. What we do with it will reveal itself over time. The emptiness pulled the rug out from under our identity, so we’re morphing on deeper levels that don’t yet reveal themselves.


We enter a sense of unity, a oneness that’s stunning. Yet, that seems unreal when we’re back in mind mode. We’re living in 2 different worlds, now, & it takes time to digest. Nothing is the same, nor will it ever be. The emptiness violates our whole basic sense of reality.

This cannot be overstated.

In Between — Taneciaktuality.cz

This is a great time to befriend the self, to be gentle & not demanding with you. We know we’re not who we took ourselves to be, so this is a time of rediscovery as we approach the greater Reality that subsumes all others. In this full emptiness is a greatness so vast it encompasses All That Is. Somehow, we are That. 😲

It’s not that we are great relative to anyone or anything else, for all of that vanished into the One. Nor are we an aspect of That, but the whole of it in some mysterious way. So is everyone/everything else. It literally makes no sense to the mind from which we’re being weaned.


If nothing else, we come away from this knowing the limitations of mind & thought, their narrow realm. This contains mind & so much more. Consciousness creates with a power relative to how much of the Self we bring to it. While the emptiness is cleaning-out our old ways of being, our old beliefs, we bring a different self/Self to the equation, now.

When we return to thought, more of us is present to that. In the midst of the mind’s confusion we discover new areas of clarity. How can we be both confused & clear? We see how all confusion tracks back to the mind, so it’s mind that’s confused, not us. Our deeper Being is crystal clear, & we get flashes of that. Either/or fades into both/and as the emptiness shines its dark Light.

We resonate to different things, now, many of them new to us. Our old value system fades. We’re making room for deeper values to surface. We’re learning to rely more on Heart, on our inner sensing, than on the mind. It’s a trip!


What we’ll do with all of this is unique, no two alike.

We rely less on the old authorities we once used to anchor our views. We’re more free flying, unwilling to be tied down to anything. It’s an unsettled state, yet, so very good for us. We sense ourselves closer to Truth than ever before, even if we don’t (mentally) understand a lick of it. Again, we just know, & we learn to rely more on that, less on our mind’s contributions.

As more of us enter & explore this hugely new territory, life on earth will shift. We actually exist right now on all dimensions, in all of our incarnations in this mystical NowHere. Our concepts around time, itself, are shattered as we realize its relativity, its total dependence on perspective. Our explorations illustrate how time manifests differently on other dimensions.



Bottom line? We know nothing. That is the net gain that shatters all we once thought we knew. As we gain comfort in relying on this truth, we’re far more open, willing to consider & reconsider whatever presents itself.

We become more empathetic, more compassionately understanding of our fellow humans.

Have fun with this, friends. Go down as many of its rabbit holes as you like, not allowing mind to be in charge. You’re so much vaster & greater than the mind-body you once took yourself to be. Your core power is immense, which takes getting used to. Your words are also more powerful.

Remember often to center in Heart & touch bases with the ease, the tranquility present there. Let that become the mode of your explorations. You have a right to happiness if you choose to exercise it.

Being content in your Now is job number one. Everything else will take care of itself, will work in alignment with you & your Now frequency. Life is truly our mirror, & we’re both unknown & awesome! 😲 😆

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2017/12/12

“You didn’t come here to fix things that are broken, or to know things you don’t know. You came because life on the path of least resistance is a delicious state of being. And you are in love with life, and you are in love with you, and you are in love with being in love with life.”

Excerpted from Boca Raton, FL on 1/18/14

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)



10:22 am, Tuesday 2017/12/12, 1st, Mayan day 1 Earth / Caban




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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