D-Wave Computing & the Hegelian Dialectic
We have some very lost souls, here on earth — living among the family that is Humanity — a divine race of Beings who’ve somehow, through long ages, lost their way, but are now once again finding it. The sleeping giant is awakening. Hooray!
Meanwhile, back at the farm…
Many walk in fear of earth being overtaken, then completely taken over by a very dark race of beings — humanoid or otherwise. That is a critical part of the plot line, installed by what I call the cabal — a catch-all word for those who have thoroughly lost their way, along with their human & AI minions. Being aligned with the dark, these survive & subsist on the negative — be it negative energies, or even (some few) on human flesh (which is largely consumed off-planet, or underground).
Okay, most of the nastiness in this journal is thus out of the way — identified. What about the rest of us, the majority who are the Light Beings, here? Most are in the midst of a grand Awakening — this is huge, folks. We haven’t yet seen much of what’s in store for us, but we will be truly deLighted to see it unfold — to participate in the unfolding. Buckle-in.
We are at our various stages of awakening, of experiencing the regeneration of the DNA underpinning it. There’s no “one thing” that we can point to as the underlying Cause — all of Universe, all of Cosmos is participating, in appropriate ways. We are not the only ones being affected by this overall waking-up, this rise in both frequency & dimension (which are obviously interconnected).
Did you know that a nuclear explosion on earth affects more than those here in 3D? Well, it does, as it ripples out through the neighboring dimensions. Why else would we have so much overt interference in our nuclear programs — actual UFO sightings above the weapon silos — the disabling of the nuke warheads? If you’re unaware of this, just do the research — the info, the images are out there, available. It was triggered by Hiroshima, Nagasaki in 1945.
Many have already come to the awakening stage of realizing the union, the actual literal oneness of humanity, as they self-realize the internal Divine Union. Let’s expand that with the recognition that our ET families are also an important part of us — also quite one with us. This world was originally populated by what we today call ET — extra-terrestrials.
That would be us, some of the earliest being those who founded Mu — Lemuria, then later, Atlantis. No human life originated here, friends — regardless of what the various texts say. Perhaps, in addition to the textual tampering, we’ve also been led to misinterpret them. Well, could be, right? It’s worth at least considering — playing the game of “What If?” Can’t hurt, as it brings with it expansion.
The only — repeat, the ONLY — dangers we face are those of mind — the mental take-over that’s ongoing, & has been for millennia. That’s the thing — they want us fearing invasion from the skies, while the take-over happened ever so long ago — & has been erased from our history, our literature, & they’re doing their best to erase it from the world’s historical monuments.
We see all of this happening, right before our eyes, yet due to not having all of the pieces of the puzzle, we fail to put them together into a unified whole that clearly displays the full story. Perhaps the biggest tampering the invading forced accomplished was in the destruction of the wholeness of Humanity’s original DNA — taking it down to but two strands, thus making us vulnerable to whatever stories they’d want to propagate.
We became too docile, too trusting, by far — making us ever so easy to manipulate. Oh well — I said the main dark stuff was covered at the beginning, but clearly, it’s a key part of what’s unfolding, here. Stick with me, though, as the overall story line may look dark & terrible, but that’s just the vision they want us to take. It’s actually hugely uplifting, once the pieces are all put in their right places. Humanity is the total victor in this play — you’ll see, as Light dawns, clearing away the darkness, which is powerless before it.
It’s so important, both not to lose hope, but more importantly, to not go into any sort of a fear energy. That’s a take-down of our ability to make Heart connection — to stay in higher vibration. Fear takes us down into their realm, where they more easily mess with us. Why? Because we went there of our own accord, by our use of free will. They didn’t force us there — we went willingly, albeit unaware of what was happening, how we were being manipulated into it.
Are ya with me, so far? Are you following, finding your own way into Heart, where you feel the resonance — with what your Inner Being already knows? An important thing to remember is your native Power — which is of the divine. As Source-in-form, how could it be otherwise? They want us cowering in fear & groveling at their feet, crying out for the “solution” that was part of their plan from the beginning. It’s the Hegelian Dialectic at work — a good topic for Light-Being research.
Hegel sorted their strategy out, presenting it via his Dialectic, which tells us how the ones controlling things have certain plans that they want to implement — yet humanity would never agree, & there’s this thing called free will. Yes, they could & often do violate our free will, but it’s done with the utmost trickery — not blatantly — due to what they learned, ages ago.
When doing an outright take-over of an area, be it a nation or a region, it took putting huge garrisons in, manning them with soldiers in support of the conquering rulers — a heavy manpower expense. Further, the conquered humanity was always busily plotting either their escape, or how to undermine the control mechanisms set in place.
This was too difficult, too expensive, to long maintain. There were endless rebellions, at huge expense to them. So they found a way, delineated in Hegel’s Dialectic. They have a plan from the beginning, but rather than trying to ramrod it down Humanity’s throat, they’re now far more subtle. They’ve learned to rule from behind the scenes, all the while pretending to be doing that which is in our best interests — thus getting us to going along with being dominated — by them.
David Icke, whatever his good & less good points, sums it up well — as Problem, Reaction, Solution — the solution being their original plan from the beginning. It takes far less manpower & funds to control a population this way. Most are well aware that the bulk of the dark activities — the riots, the terrorism, bombings, et al — are instigated by the cabal & carried out by their minions. No, they’d never sully their hands by doing anything in the trenches — so they use money & minions to make it happen.
Thus, they manage to present the Problem — meanwhile, further pitting us against one another, as they point the various fingers of blame all over the place, carefully hiding their participation (or so they think — not working out so well, these days).
Next, they look to us to provide the Reaction aspect — which we do, in spades. Their dark hand is also hidden here, their minions both ginning-up the reaction & fully participating in it, making it as big as possible. They want us suffering in dread & outright fear — which feeds them, along the way. So thus, the Reaction phase.
What happens next? Of course — humanity calls out for the Solution! We allow ourselves to be driven a bit crazy during these two, carefully manipulated phases. Though we’re eager for a good solution, that is never what’s presented. They keep the earlier two phases going as long as tactically possible, until they feel we’re truly desperate for any solution.
At this point they bring out their carefully crafted solution, with all the dark stuff hidden away midst the fine print. Oh, it always has a great title, a thoroughly benevolent seeming one, presented as just that which will quite fix the problem & bring us the needed relief. It is never that — but with our attention spans engineered down to a precious few minutes, very few do the research that would expose the dark hands at work.
So this is the so-called solution — which is ever anything but. It’s just the Solution phase of the Dialectic — that which Humanity buys into, due to both our innocence & Purity, & too much trust vested in those unworthy of any trust at all.
This is where their long-term programming through the school systems pays off for them. We’ve largely become both sleeple — unaware — & sheeple — easily led & manipulated. So we buy into their “solution,” never reading much more than the headlines — title, subtitle, & summary.
It is THIS from which much of Humanity is currently awakening. Sheeple & sleeple, no longer, we’re refusing to buy into their line, anymore. We’re finally sufficiently awake to do our own research, & many are publishing theirs, both online in blogs & videos, & in published books & essays.
All of that being said, here’s the video aluded to in my prior journal/blog:
As you’re more than able to draw your own conclusions, & as I’ve gone on long enough, I leave it, there. You’re both intelligent enough & awakening sufficiently to take what you will from this video. Here’s the one thing I’d add — do not let this bring you down in any way. We are winning — heck, we’ve already won, it’s just a matter of watching that play out, as we play our parts in the Cosmic Dance. ;-)
1:04 pm, Saturday. 2017/08/26, 1st, Mayan day .10 Offering / Muluc