Current “Sanity” Actually Insane

12 min readSep 9, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

It’s tough, sometimes — like now. It seems we’re being bombarded on every side by challenges. We’re under the gun of intense solar activity — intense solar wind (over 800 km/sec, recently), as well as amazing solar flares — an X10 that they’re calling an X9.3. Yet that’s not all. We’ve just come out of an amazing month of intensity — August, 2017.

As we add to this the many severe hurricanes of current & recent experience — oh, my! Irma is the strongest on record since record-keeping began, resulting in the largest mass evacuation, as well. We have energetic intensity everywhere we look, so if you’re draggin’ your wagon, feeling energetically “under the weather,” that’s more than reasonable. Get any extra rest you can.

In the midst of it all you can bet we’re being internally upgraded, as well — goes with the territory, especially the solar activity. We have so much more going on in the invisible aspects of self, reflected in these externals. Nothing is really external — have you realized this, yet?


The seemingly external world is but a reflection, a manifestation of what we’ve all got going on, within. Took me a long while to get there, but I’m finally seeing it this way. (Until we do, karma, or the law of cause & effect, is our teacher/mentor.)

We are amazing beings, my friends, only we don’t begin uncovering this until we get some distance from being the thinker — locked-up within mind, believing that’s who we are. I never cease marveling at the almost totally not-there atom — the one whose substance, whose “solidity,” is 0.000001% — the rest being absent, empty — nothing.

Where do we get off believing that anything composed of such “substance” could be solid? Solidity is actually a myth — yet one believed in so firmly, so staunchly by humanity, that we get to experience it that way. Not realizing the power of thought, the power inherent in mind, we trick ourselves this way all the time — until we begin to wake-up, that is — begin to play with such things, to discover how malleable they are.


There’s no wilder, crazier, more exciting, exceptional ride in the world than the awakening journey. It takes us places no one ever even imagined could exist — into reaches so far beyond mind’s ability to comprehend that they leave us stunned & gasping for breath at times. Oh, it has its seemingly boring bits, too — until we realize that those come when we slip back into mind-mode, abandoning MOM (Mind-Observer Mode).

Bill Hicks got it right — it’s just a ride, up’s & downs, spills & chills, wildly colored & loud — crazy stuff. What makes it even crazier is looking around at all the people who have no idea this is going on — that it’s even available. It’s so funny, but they’re the ones who’ve tumbled down into Alice’s rabbit hole — not us. OMG, it’s all so upside-down & backwards as to be totally hilarious — if we could just find someone who gets that with whom to converse, lol. Nutty stuff!

Sometimes I retreat into the future I begin seeing — the one where we’ve finally made the trek, finding ourselves in New Earth, as many like to call it — the spot where this all finally both fell apart (the nasty parts) & came together — into a time of radiant Harmony. Far more sane there, than here.


This, too, is rather humorous, as I’m a stout proponent of remaining ever centered in the NowHere — the present moment. Yet even that is not what we take it to be. Yes, it is the portal into Heart space, that magical otherworldly realm that co-exists with us right where we are. Yet I’m now finding it’s so much more than just that. 😆

How could it possibly be more magical than magical, than divine? Let’s see if the words will come for this, but what I’m finding is the beginning stages of entry into the reality that all time — ALL of it — is just Now. Thus, the “future” isn’t the future at all — not anymore. It’s also in the NowHere. Like I said, crazy stuff. (“There” is also just “Here,” but we’ll leave that one alone, for Now ;-)


Our minds should all come with a big, red, WARNING label, friends. They get us into all sorts of trouble all the time — then, as we awaken, only most of the time. (Speaking of 3D mind, here, not the Divine one that is now coming online for the awakening ones.)

The danger is that we’re taught to believe our minds— to see them as rational, logical, reliable— when they’re anything but. Trusting them is the sure road to (spiritual) insanity — but we won’t recognize it until we leave them in the dust — or at least in the back seat ;)

What do I mean? Look around you — is not the way things are, today, not actually insane? Can you not see it? I begin to see it everywhere, in pretty much everything. Take this belief in solidity. You can’t really discuss this openly with many folks — they’re too caught-up in the craziness, believing in their rock-solid sanity, to be able to even consider it.

Science has actually stumbled into many odd areas of truth — such as the quite empty atom — yet they don’t take it to its logical conclusion — that nothing made of emptiness could possibly be “solid.” Isn’t that a bit nuts?

Yes, yes — I know — if a car hits you at 80 mph, your body is not likely going to fare well. Yet, can you see that this has everything to do with your belief-based “reality?” If you didn’t hold such beliefs, your experience could be quite other.


Can’t track down the reference for you, but as an example from my decades of research into the NDE (Near-Death Experience) phenomenon, there’s a perfect story about an approaching head-on freeway accident that turned-out to be anything but. This person saw a driver who’d lost control of their car, coming straight at him at considerable speed — no time, no way to avoid the head-on collision. So the person said a quick, intense prayer — & braced.

What happened? This person & their vehicle passed right through the oncoming car — both totally unharmed. He had to pull over to the shoulder of the road to regroup, so stunned at the “miracle” just experienced, as the other car drove on. Two “solid” objects temporarily occupied the same space, at the same time — & didn’t interact. Let that seep in — if you can at least allow the possibility.

How could this be? Clearly, there was an alternate belief system at work — the religious or spiritual one. I’m not saying it was a miracle of divine intervention, either. Anything we attribute to that will one day be seen for what it is by seriously advanced science — by deeper understandings of the way things work than we now have.


Thought creates — simple words, but unimaginable depth, there.

Our belief systems literally structure our individual reality. It helps a good bit to realize that all dimensions, all planes of existence, interpenetrate here. There are many earths, all of them peopled by those on other dimensions, or other layers of our 3rd dimension — unseen, unperceived by the current human 5 senses. Somewhat like Russian dolls, they’re all contained within each other, yet all together as one.

It’s our consciousness that opens the doorway into the other realms — no rocket-ship required.

The access point? The NowHere, via Heart — but of course. Mind can play many games, take many adventures, but 3D mind is not the vehicle for actual exploration of such realms. While thought actually creates, words are only & ever about the object of thought. Words & thought are the map, but Heart is the territory, the Real McCoy — what’s behind appearances.


OMG, I write for such a select few! The rest are convinced I’ve quite lost my mind — which I have, lol, consigning the poor dear to the back seat for this enjoyable ride. We don’t even gain the least bit of access to these realms until we become mind’s observer — the witness of thought, rather than the perpetual thinker.

So, while on the one hand, thought actually creates, on the other, thought is not the mechanism to explore your creation — that takes Heart. (Thought only explores the results of your creation.)

Who’d a thunk it, that seeming insanity would be the route back to actual Reality — rather than this poor excuse for it that we’ve got running, now? People are endlessly doing themselves all sorts of harm by the way they treat life — self, others & Nature, our planet. In their anger, their nastiness, they have no idea of the future they’re self-creating. This belief in separation — that it even exists — is a killer, blinding us to the greater Reality.


Melting into One — flikr

We’re all one — the One — but since this makes no sense to logical, 3D mind, don’t try telling anyone who isn’t ready for it. They literally can’t hear you. Oh sure, they hear the words — but that’s all. We find ourselves programmed with so many ridiculous beliefs — such as solidity & separation — that we’re ill-equipped to hear anything that contradicts those beliefs.

So they think we’re crazy, & we know they’re crazy — funny plot line, huh?

If only it wasn’t so in-your-face out there. I won’t call it real, because that’s a dangerous word. Whatever we believe folks, that’s real — for us — but only for us, & others who share those belief systems — not for anyone else. We are each literally in process of self-creating our own personal reality — all the while thinking everyone else shares it with us.

They do not!!

Yet, try convincing them of that, right?! Hell, no. Just leave them alone — that’s the best route. Otherwise it could get really messy. Someone could get themselves committed to the loony bin, & in this day & age that’s likely to be you.

Give us a while, though, & that will shift, guaranteed. There’s just not enough awareness on the planet, yet — we haven’t quite made The Great Shift — but we’re on it. Many of us alive, today, will be “here” to experience it — some already do.


Don’t tell them just yet, but there’s really nothing but Here, nothing but Now — there aren’t “other places,” “other times.” It’s all a big myth, created by God-knows-who, God-knows-why. I’m not concerning myself with such stuff, since I’ve got more than enough on my hands with all I’ve just shared.

This doesn’t work well, this awakening stuff, if you bite off too much at one time. Just takes you back into mind-mode, which is never a good thing, unless you’re doing your taxes or some other useful mind function. Otherwise, it’s an accident waiting to happen — self-limiting in the extreme.

You could say we’re living in a realm of unreality, but that wouldn’t be correct, either. Sure, people are believing in all sorts of things that won’t stand the test of time — but since thought creates, their realities are real for them — in a relative sense — until they drop those beliefs.

They’re not the higher, the purer Reality — just relative ones. Another crazy bit is that you can’t help them out of it — only they can do that. But since they don’t yet realize this, it seems that they’re at least temporarily stuck — & they are — again, only until they drop those beliefs.


What I’ve come to see as the saving grace in this whole rather chaotic mess is that, one & all, we’re are Source-in-form — Creator in a body, if you like — walking around as literally all of us. Yeah, Source can do that, don’t ya know? Until we wake-up to that, however — we stay stuck. The more Light, or high frequency energy, that bombards us, the more whacked-out it will all get.

Why? That part is easy. Only Truth is eternal — stands the test of time. Everything else collapses, being merely relative — relatively real, but not Real in any enduring sense. The pressure of the Light illumines the darkness, the misperceptions, collapsing the structures whose foundations are mired in sand. They can’t withstand the hurricane pressures, so we’re witnessing the utter collapse of so many of these relative realities. It’s a daily occurrence, now — for those with eyes to see.


Just as my opening quote is ever, “These eyes through which I hoped to see God are the eyes through which God sees me” — can you begin to see through those eyes? Realizing that everything you see, everywhere, is also Source — & that it’s also You — You as Source, or Source-in-that-form? There literally is NO separation, friends. It’s a literal thing — we’re all one — but only viewable from within the terrain of what I call Heart. We’re not talking 3D, here.

Mandelbrot Set —

We’re coming out of the daze, out of the dream in which humanity has been — well, not living, but existing for so many millennia, now. It used to be “slowly, but surely,” but not anymore — now we’re entering quantum speeds, buffeted by the quantum winds. We can ride the waves of energy, of Light — if that’s our choice. Not saying it’s easy, but it’s do-able — just not for those recalcitrant ones sticking with mind.

It’s a Heart awakening, like it or not, so best find your way in. It’s time & past time to enter oneness with MOM — Mind-Observer Mode. That’s the transitional stage, where at least some of this begins to make some sort of sense — becomes perceptible. You’ll slip in & out of MOM for a good while, but at some point you’ll find yourself Home — in Heart. That’s when the direct experience, not just the perception of the possibilities, occurs.


No need to question — you’ll know it when you arrive. Heart IS the territory — mind/thought is but the map — useful, but not the real deal. Maps tell us only so much, not being able to give us the experience of the actual trek.

Nor is this a bad thing — none of this is! “Bad,” “evil,” “suffering” & such concepts are also found to be illusions along the way. No one can tell you when you’ll get this experience, these deep knowings /understandings— it’s entirely younique for each one, so it’s best to avoid mind at this time.

You’re designing it, just not this 3D aspect of You. I call that call Higher Self, for lack of better words. Remember, words are never, ever the real deal — just pointers to That. There’s an aspect, the divine aspect that You are, that knows literally all of this & so much more.

Again, contact point for that is first finding & sticking to the NowHere, then entering Heart. At some point we realize that it’s simply inaccessible to 3D mind — so we let go of our intense, ridiculous reliance on that.

Mind has all sorts of suspicions, questioning motives, questioning sources of information, questioning integrity — questioning everything. We stick with that distrustful trek until we’re fed-up with it, I guess. It gets really old, delivering not the Joy, the transcendence, the Love we find in Heart — just the old rat race, the day-to-day relative reality — the negative experiences humanity has come to accept as the norm. Well, no thanks!

Just as the Wise ones, the Masters have told us down through the ages, there IS another way — one that costs all you’ve got — your very self. Only it’s but the relative self, the relative “reality” that’s got to go. Else you won’t discover the Real You, the One you somehow know that you truly are — Self. It’s not like we haven’t been told about this — it’s just that our beliefs created too much cognitive dissonance for it to really sink in.

Well, there’s no time like the Present — how about Now — or even NowHere, portal, entry into the nowhere of Heart.


12:53 am, Saturday 2017/09/09, 1st, Mayan day 11 Night / Akbal




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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