Cure for Confirmation Bias
Confirmation Bias, or the tendency of people to place what they see into the framework of their existing Belief Systems, challenges us all. While being aware of it is good, that doesn’t make it go away. I’m going to get radical, here, & suggest that there actually is a cure — yes, one which will only hold interest for those on the awakening trek.
As we awaken, over time we’re shown the nonsense that is part & parcel of our beliefs. As they crumble, one-by-one, the picture actually clarifies. At some point many or most of us will realize two things — first, that beliefs aren’t even required, & second, that they’re not fixable — not necessarily in that order. 😆
Our beliefs are the lenses through which we view life.
They color the view, no matter where our focus goes. My question for us all is, “Do we really require corrective lenses to perceive reality?” If so, why? What benefit do they bring, if their side effect is to subtly (& not so subtly) alter what we perceive? How is that healthy? It would be one thing if our beliefs were actually true — instead of blocking us from perceiving what’s there. All they are is our best “educated” guesses about truth.
I know, I know, science is based on endless beliefs, beliefs which have supposedly been tested & thus “proven” to be “true.” If we don’t question that at some point, progress halts. We go no farther, hemmed in by those beliefs. A look through history confirms that our scientific beliefs shift & change across time. New facts are discovered & old ones receive a more enlightened interpretation.
Not only is Confirmation Bias at work, but so is the Observer Effect, indicating that we interact in ways not well understood with our experiments, our machinery, with matter, itself, shifting experiment outcomes. There are more things yet unknown than we realize, yet this is seldom taken into account, as we tend to assume we know what’s going on. Science is heavily laden with this sort of arrogance.
What if we were able to view the world & everything else with vision unclouded by any particular beliefs? What would we see if we were truly open?
As young children we learn many things best by our experience of what works & what doesn’t, what hurts, what’s fun, what isn’t. As we accept the rules laid down by our parents, we begin to see why they’re important — or not. Natural consequences are the best teachers.
Yet, in believing we have a good grasp on reality, on why things are the way they are, we err — for we don’t. We just think we do, & there lies a world of trouble. We misinterpret many things, based on those beliefs, on our feeling that we actually know. Confirmation Bias enables this.
Right now, humanity is in worse shape, in some important ways, than we were several centuries ago.
Many historical scientists were not that — they were alchemists, for alchemy & philosophy were once regarded as legitimate branches or aspects of scientific inquiry. Not so, today, where the famous ones’ alchemical work is suppressed by the mechanistic turn we took, symbolized by the Big Bang, a wild theory if there ever was one. Only their more mechanical work is purveyed, the rest not included, either ignored or suppressed by the scientific establishment.
It’s likewise with the Theory of Evolution. Science goes out in search of evidence in favor of the theory, not giving any attention to that which might disprove it. This goes beyond Confirmation Bias (CB), being CB on steroids. Nor do we take into account those working behind the scenes with manipulative intent, seeking to steer things in a preferred direction for their own reasons, seeking their own ends.
We’ve been naive — far too trusting — from which many are now waking-up, spotting some of the darkness behind the scenes. Huge sums of money disappear from the official books, steered into black budget projects. We have a Secret Space Program that works with technology centuries ahead of what humanity is allowed to know about, much less use — much of it back-engineered from UFO crashes around the world.
It’s time to wake-up to many things, not all of them dark. Yet, until we start to recognize the very present darkness at work through some among us, how can we move out of it? We’ve allowed ourselves to be manipulated this way, who knows why. The “why” doesn’t matter much, now, it’s the “what” that we need to face — to look “what is” in the face, willing to call a spade a spade.
Many dark revelations will surface in the next few years, so it’s well to be prepared, to rub the sleep out of our eyes, now. For starters, anything that turns us against one another is highly suspect, for that’s a basic cabal strategy, diverting our attention from them. We’ve been heavily manipulated, folks — can you make room in your Belief Systems to see this? Or do you still have too much trust at work, there?
The basic building block of reality is consciousness, not matter nor anything external. It’s by consciousness that we create, & thought is a major component of that. What if we knew this early on, instead of all of the instilled beliefs that say otherwise? When we’re programmed as children, we’re all but forced down certain roads, into certain systems of belief, certain ways of perceiving.
The point of holding beliefs in the first place is to draw as near as possible to truth — ultimately to Truth, the innate Purity of that. Thus, when we discover that any belief doesn’t align with truth, it needs to go. When they become tools of manipulation, it’s time to tread cautiously, indeed.
We’d all be on the awakening trek if we didn’t have a bunch of BS beliefs carefully programmed into us, basically from birth. None of them are founded on anything approximating real Truth. What we’re given, instead, is the relative version of that — relative truth, laid out, here — What is Truth?
Where from here? Which way to go? What about no way at all? What about just leaving all of that to the side to take another, cleaner look at it all? I suggest that beliefs are not necessary to life. We have better tools on-board, deep within, more than able to show us all we need to see, to understand — to remember — to Know.
There is, indeed, an ocean of awareness deep inside of each one, one which we haven’t even been told about, much less taught to enter & directly experience.
You can’t leave consciousness, awareness, or soul — call it what you will — out of the equation & arrive at anything of true worth, anything that will stand the test of time. It’s too fundamental, castrating all belief systems that exclude or ignore it. Consciousness, itself, is the stuff of creation.
What if we were taught this as a small child? How would the world be different, today, if we were? It’s almost unimaginable, isn’t it? Indeed.
Being angry or upset at being so grossly misled — our parents & ancestors, too — isn’t useful, doesn’t change anything. To remain as functional as possible under current circumstances takes facing “what is,” & just dealing with that. Finding our particular way into simple acceptance of the situation is a great place to start.
After all, it just is what it is.
We can actually celebrate a few things, here. First, that we are seeing this, now — something those who went before us didn’t do. It’s a really great sign of the awakening in progress, & a wonderful sign for things to come. We’ve got loads of awakening to do, & we will. As we begin to experience the clarity for which acceptance opens the door, it only gets better from there.
See through one thing & soon three more come to light. It grows, developing a momentum in a clearly beneficial direction. We’re far more powerful than we’ve been led to believe. Let’s start there. We have no clue Who & what we actually are, having been fed pablum & nonsense in place of Truth — yet that’s on its way out right now.
We’ve been in some sort of visible awakening mode since the 1960’s, the first big evidence being the Hippy movement. There have been ongoing evidences of this motion toward awakening, all of which have been undermined by the hidden hand of a certain dark element among us — mostly at the top of whatever hierarchical structures you’d care to name — certainly, government & science, at a minimum.
These movements were both infiltrated & led off-track, not allowing them to grow & blossom into their full potential. Today, there is far too much overall momentum toward awakening for it to be derailed. Ain’t happenin.’ You’ll see. We can either sit on the sidelines or actively participate in the way of our choosing.
This is a Revolution of One, & it’s all up to the individual, now — the individual accessing the divine Power inherent in each one, as Source-in-form.
We are unstoppable, friends. Some of us already know, but it’s not that far off for the rest of us. Can you feel it, arising? If you tune into Heart you have the best shot at directly experiencing any of this. It’s there for you — you’re just as powerful as anyone else on the planet. Let that sink in. 😉
The power of one.
Our work isn’t in riots, in fighting, in taking down anything. I know, that’s a shock to some, who are so ready they’re like a match that’s being struck. There will be some fighting, some defensive work, but don’t go there unless Heart is leading you. We’ve all got plenty of clean-up work to do, internally. Our work, now, is in consciousness, not with the external chaos, which will just fall away, going forward, self-destructing.
What we see “out there” isn’t what we currently take it to be, anyway.
We’ve got a huge dose of BS Belief Systems that need to be seen through, then purged. Only then will sufficient clarity arise to shine a light on the next steps. So our work is entirely within, at this stage. Those who can see this will be far ahead of the others, who will encounter endless challenges to whatever they try to accomplish in the midst of the Matrix of BS Beliefs.
Consciousness is fundamental, it’s the ground-work that must be laid & tended to build a solid, long-lasting structure based on actual Truth, not the relative variety so highly regarded in today’s world. I highly suggest that time is well spent reading the journals linked within this one, which offer the fuller picture in support of what’s being shared, here.
Yet, to do this takes Heart focus, for mind exists in another realm.
Unless our fundamental awareness is as clear as it can be, we don’t have a hope of building the structures we desire to create. We go off in stupid directions, based on our conflicting, misleading beliefs. We’ve been fed so full of hogwash that it will take some real time & focus to clean the Aegean Stables of our polluted awareness.
We’ll be shown — from Heart awareness — how everything seemingly external to us is not in the realm of cause, but of effects — effects flowing from our consciousness, the root cause. There is no solid matter, folks — it’s a solid illusion, based on mistaken beliefs. Due to the divine power inherent in consciousness, it appears to be true — due to us.
How can the atom, well known to be so empty as to have almost NO solidity, be the building block for solid substance?
We have such fundamental things out-of-kilter that it’s bound to be a shocking ride into Truth — which is actually real, no myth at all. Our relative truths are a joke, next to the real thing. It’s time to question simply everything — absolutely everything, including who & what you are.
Then, let Heart show us what is, & what is not.
How many will hear this message, I don’t know. Not many are well situated for the reception of it, in the midst of so many mistaken beliefs. Yet, some of us have been at work for years, others even decades, weeding out the old beliefs. What occurs along the way is the appearance of an amazing clarity that simplifies it all.
We’re blinding ourselves to so very much, via our beliefs. Sometimes we get insights that partake of a higher clarity — which I’ve dubbed Clarity, using initial capitals to point to aspects of the divine at work. All I can say is that there’s a whole nother reality available, much, much closer to Truth than the old one — the current one, for most.
It’s fully accessible to one & all, but there’s a price that, up to now, few have been willing to pay.
What is that price? The complete crumbling of what you now take to be real. It falls apart in the presence of this inner Clarity — goes to dust at your feet, to the extent that it wasn’t true. Yet, as you continue to experience this crumbling, what’s left in place of the old, rather confused state, is a new (to you) inner You — the one who is Source-in-form — yes, who is purely, clearly of the divine.
Quite literally nothing is as we were told it was — nothing at all. It turns out that you don’t need a bunch of conflicting beliefs to guide your life. You’re much better off without them. What you discover is, paradoxically, what the Inner Being knew all along, yet was never heard. Instead, we were directed into The Matrix show, that whole song & dance, given the appropriate beliefs to make it all seem so very reasonable. It is not!
I’m not here to give you a bunch of new beliefs with which to replace the old — it doesn’t work like that. In The Revolution of One, each one goes within & does the work, as we’re guided from there. No two paths look the same, nor are they meant to do so. As UG Krishnamurti said some time ago, you won’t find another Buddha coming out of the structure of Buddhism. That too, is not how this works — no leaders, no followers required.
The deal is that we each get to go our own way — following Heart, immersed in that inner perspective, so very different from anything we’ve known in this life. The choice is ever ours, moment-by-moment in the ever-present NowHere where we all abide. It just takes the courage to follow your Heart, to trust in that.
Every thought counts, friends, much more than we realize. Thought creates. At least, by taking this awakening trek, we begin sense this more with each step we have the courage to take. It’s truly blue pill or red pill time — awakening, or going along to get along. The new realm ever beckons us deeper within.
Yes, your relationships will change — hugely. They must. The old ones, just like the old “reality,” are mostly built on unstable foundations. The real ones will last, as long as the other one also made the choice to take this trek. On this walk, ultimately only Truth will survive, so we align with that. We’re much better equipped to spot it, in the midst of our new space of clarity, so it’s all good. It’s always all good, we just weren’t taught to view it this way — but we can.
Everything, simply everything, tracks back to personal choice.
The series, Healing Relationships — Self 1st, lays out this walk, some of what it may look like, the farther on we progress. It’s a strange walk, guaranteed to confound the minds of us all, but that’s just the way of it. It all gets clearer, simpler as we go. There’s a Knowing within that trumps everything else once it’s uncovered.
Recognizing that our minds were polluted from early on makes it that much easier to set the old beliefs aside. We take a new look, unencumbered by them, & the view is vastly different, that’s all. No one can really prepare anyone else for this ride — we’re all unique. Plus, until we get clear, what we’d likely be sharing is merely our own beliefs, which don’t truly support us, much less anyone else.
Here’s hoping you make the choices that will lead you into your own awakening from this daze we’ve all occupied for so very long — centuries, millennia. It’s time, that’s all. There’s never a better time than Now.
4:59 pm, Wednesday 2017/10/25, 2nd, Mayan day 5 Offering or Water / Muluc