Could the Anunaki Awaken? — Part 1
What would it look like if the Anunaki decided to shift gears — to cease their dark ways & turn toward Light? Just a hypothetical, of course — only exploring, here.
Some of them are trapped here, on earth — most likely within the planet, a pretty safe hiding place. The many benevolent races who’ve gathered together are determined to bring their long reign of tyranny to an end. Much of this game is being out-played on/in our planet, our solar system. Intense times.
CERN could well be a portal, something they could use (for a time) to come & go — to gather needed reinforcements & supplies. What with the invisible blockade that’s been set-up to prevent such things, those still left here are hamstrung. Poor dears, right? LOL
They once ruled over 22 planetary systems — yes, they conquer whole solar systems, not just a planet, here & there. Now they have only 3 remaining — of which earth is one. It is likely that their planet & its system of a dwarf star & a few other moons & planets, is close, now — on our horizon, so to speak.
No doubt the trapped ones looked to its return for rescue, release, & re-empowerment — as did the cabal. Oh well — doesn’t look like that’s in the cards for them. Only a few Anunaki would be here, of course, the bulk of them remaining on/in Niburu, Planet X, call it whatever you will.
So we do have the Niburu group with which to contend, as well. Still, even they are not in such a position of strength as they were, historically. They now have to face the united benevolent ET/ED group, awaiting & prepared for their next moves.
These benevolent ETs are also highly advanced races of beings, having their own advanced technology — not as basically defenseless as we are. Both Corey Goode[1] & Alex Collier are contactees of some of these races, bringing their information to humanity — to those willing & able to listen. They & others have been prepping humanity for the Anunaki arrival for several decades, now — & long before.
Though there will likely be a staged event, or several, don’t trust them. Humanity has no clue how advanced even our own technology is — largely as it’s been kept beyond Top Secret. They have the whole hologram-thing down pat, & have for many years. It was likely used to make it seem as if the World Trade Centers were hit by passenger planes — which is not how that happened at all. (Are you aware of NASA’s patent on an artificial sun?)
Thus, we could have a Second Coming of “Christ.” We could have a false alien invasion, perhaps with some of the darker ones among our Secret Space Program (SSP) playing a role, seeming to come to our defense, & save the day. Perhaps they’ll even stage a return of the Fallen Angels or the like — hard to say. They don’t make final decisions until the event is very close, so no sense trying to predict.
The cabal & their minions are the foot soldiers of the Anunaki, keeping things running during the 3600-year or 2300-year or however-long orbit their mini solar system makes around our sun. Yes, we have a binary sun, though there are millennia between the times of it’s crossing into & through our solar system. Remember, it is also called the Planet of the Crossing. (The whole meme with crosses has its origin here.)
The Anunaki don’t get along at all well with one another, always fighting & scheming for personal advantage. They are what’s behind the endless wars on our earth — they fight using human armies as proxies, having divided the planet up among themselves — the ruling family, descendants of Anu, their overlord.
The USA, with her strong military might, is an experiment in freedom by Enki, one of the best ones of the bunch. Not that he’s all good — none of them are, being quite backward in matters pertaining to Heart, to soul, to higher awareness. Though they once likely had a solid interior connection to Source, their long trek on the dark side has quite covered that up, or so it seems.
How would I know? I don’t — just going on instinct & intuition, perhaps with some memories of other lives thrown in, along with the work of Alex & Corey. Just following Heart to see where this will lead. In no way do I have my mind made up about any of this. Mind takes a back-seat to Heart.
Some of them — the trapped ones — are perhaps facing annihilation — that is, if they refuse to turn over a new leaf & align with Light/Love. That being so distant, so foreign to them, it’s unlikely they will willingly do it. They’re all about domination, about power & control. They know no other way to survive, have no recent experience with any other way, so it’s not likely to fly.
At this point they’ve come to the end of their rope, at least those on/in earth. Their comeuppance is being forcibly delivered, via the good-guy ET group(s). I hear — from Alex — that there’s even a large mothership type craft parked just beyond our solar system, awaiting their “judgment” day.
The A’s (Andromedans) indicate that it’s from another Universe, where the Anunaki also raided & pillaged, causing massive destruction & degradation of numerous races — just as they have, here. Thus, they await joining up with the benevolent ET group that’s here to help bring that “judgment” on. Their intention is to remove one or more of the Anunaki leaders, taking them to face the music for their misdeeds in that universe.
Overall, we’re not in nearly as dark a spot as it’s been when they’ve made their crossings down through history. We have strong, united back-up to remove these bad boys & deal with them — which is great, as left to ourselves there is no possible way we’d have a chance. Their tech is too far advanced, plus they’re in a dimension just outside of our limited range of vision. How can you defeat an enemy you neither know about nor can even see?
Here’s the thing, though — it is said to be some of the highest ranking members of the Anunaki ruling family that remain imprisoned, here — most likely their entryway into earth is via Antarctica. (Ring any bells?) That being the case, if even one or a few of these could be turned around — given their dire situation, their inability to escape — that could have a huge affect on the rest of them.
Okay, enough for now. Will continue this in another journal.
[1] At the time of this journal I hadn’t yet realized the liklihood that Corey Goode & David Wilcock’s favorite being, Ra, was likely AI — Artificial Intelligence. Though the “I am Ra” mechanical greeting was always there, it just hadn’t clicked for me, yet. Now it has. Live & learn ;-)
6:09 pm, Wednesday 2017/06/14, Mayan day 2 Cib/Wisdom