The only way out is through — Facing What Is

Corruption Coming into View — Why?

Pedo, Monetary, & Educational Perversions

7 min readSep 2, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

What if bringing much-needed change to our world required us to first face things as they are? What if there was real benefit hidden in facing & accepting “what is?” For those with the courage to go there, let’s lay it out in a fairly simple way, delineating 3 interwoven layers of corruption: the pedophilic, monetary, & educational braid. [1]

Corrupcion —

Many of us don’t want to face the current darkness popping up everywhere. Trying to be the best we can be, we’d rather not see the ugly tentacles; nor can we bear to hear the cries of the abused. This is peace-shattering stuff! We have enough of our own & our friends’ & family’s pain to deal with, right?

Well, what has that strategy brought us? Has avoiding the dark facts of life helped? Unfortunately, it has enabled the perverse actions to thrive as we look the other way, any other way but directly into the invading darkness.

We wonder how we ever allowed ourselves to come to this sickening pass.

As seemingly endless layers of the corruption onion are peeled away, we begin to see a depth of degradation & moral turpitude the likes of which we’ve neither known nor could we even have imagined. These people are sick!

How do we prepare ourselves & others to discover that, not only is pedophilia common across the top levels of many aspects of society — from Hollywood to education to Congress to finance & corporate structures — it’s actually embedded in many so-called “rescue organizations” that purport to fight it.

OMG, when the rescuers are just another set of perpetrators, where do we turn? Where do the solutions lie?

The truth rising up from the swamp is far worse than we imagined. It’s so dark it seems inhuman, how our helpless, defenseless children & young adults are treated. Because I grew up with an abusive Dad, I was aware that it’s prevalent in families, too— just regular-seeming folks. The abused tend to later become the abusers, so pedophilia is not restricted to those in public positions.

What keeps it going? Could it be our previous unwillingness to see & deal with it?

This is deeply shocking, soul-shattering stuff. Well, it can’t actually shatter the soul, but it can feel that way amidst the tears, rage, & pain of facing it. We lose whatever sense of comfort & safety we once nestled within.

It’s not wise to take all of this in as just so much information. The shock factor, alone, is intense. We’ll likely have a deeper response to it than to anything else we’ve encountered. All of this darkness is coming up with a great purpose: to be released! We’re waking up!

EVERY coin has 2 sides. Source calls us to enter the rising frequencies, extricating ourselves from these pits as we awaken.

Sad to say, the pedo factor is but one tentacle of the corrupting beast. Great sums of money change hands to enable the pedo trade. The corruption around money is sickening in endless ways. It infests not just banking & investment, but our whole corporate realm, as well. What’s happening in education is also unspeakable.

Money is not evil in itself, but the love of, the addiction to more & ever more money is a perversion. The truth of this is on full display for those with open eyes. The rest will see it when they’re ready. There’s no forcing that, so let’s trust the Source-in-form aspect of their being to bring them along in perfect timing.

Our business is ever & only the self/Self.

After just one day of visiting children’s classrooms as the proverbial fly on the wall, we’d know that education had been replaced by NWO programming. Many would pull their children from those schools immediately after viewing the unbalanced, unhinged curriculum at work. Globalism, where they’re programming our youth to be global citizens, entered the schools long ago.

In the future, we’ll look back on this stretch of time as the Revelation Phase that came prior to the full-blown Great Awakening Phase, our move into higher frequencies, higher consciousness. Listening to good, solid voices that are both positive & pragmatic can really help, supporting us back into the native Balance of our core.

Jordan Peterson plays that role for me, but he’s not alone, just a prominent, courageous voice. Steve Turley & You Are Free TV are also gems, always delivering an uplifting message, seeing even dark things from an uplifting, constructive angle.

Since consciousness creates, our attitude to what we’re viewing is critical, is actually creative.

Cabal Greed —

No matter how dark the manifestation, it, too, has a positive side. Sometimes it’s simply to illumine something previously unseen, encouraging us to deal with it & move on. Clearly, we can’t deal with what we don’t yet see. Remaining blind to this depth of corruption keeps us bound, locked down & dominated.

Society was literally taken over by those with much darker goals than our own; goals so dark they’re shocking to the human spirit or soul. However we think things work, we’re incorrect. We’ve been lied to & endlessly bamboozled in the worst ways. [2]

As we take in what’s really been happening, we’ll be knocked temporarily off-balance.

Who has the courage [3] to plow ahead, to not run from what we’re all being shown? That would likely be you if you’ve read this far, if you’re set on awakening — also if you’re more Heart-centric than mind-centric.

It will take coming back to balance to arrive at useful courses of action. Going off half-cocked is a dangerous choice, sure to mix undesirable results in with the good ones. Let’s be prepared to cut ourselves & others plenty of slack as we plow through these horrible revelations. It’s too much to take in while remaining completely stable.

As the dark things are brought into the open, their cabal-secret-status stripped from them, our cleansing becomes available. It’s all about choice & free will; what choices will we make? What future will we choose to create?

How often do we read comments calling on us to do what the dark ones are doing to us, to abuse or even kill them? They justify their dark words by the depth of corruption in their target. Will we choose to descend to cabal levels? Some will, but we won’t let it be us. Heart just Knows there’s always a better way.

In the Great Awakening Phase, we’ll look back & see how our awakening waited until we would choose to face the sickening corruption that remained hidden for centuries — yes, centuries, perhaps even millennia. We were so dumbed-down & trusting that we were blind to what was happening right under our noses.

During the Revelation Phase, some were finally so willing to see it so we could dispense with it that they began crusading to expose it to its sickening depths. We were already in the process of awakening, so our fear had sufficiently faded to enable even more to take a good look, to finally put the puzzle pieces together.

We were shocked that we’d put up with children disappearing in great numbers for such a long time. We were likewise shocked that we’d accepted that then-current efforts to find & rescue them were sufficient. During this phase, we finally saw through the guises & disguises of yet other cabal figures playing at being the rescuers in so many organizations.

Now we know, friends, with more coming out every day. We cannot unsee what we’ve seen. We’re no longer willing to pay that price (of not seeing, not knowing) for the bit of false comfort it once provided. The price is too high, the price our children pay.

This whole situation is, in effect, forcing us to awaken, to take the necessary steps to heal both the abused ones, but also ourselves. We’ll be tempted to feel guilty since it occurred on our watch, but that’s not helpful. As we train ourselves to see both sides of the corruption coin, we’ll realize this one is on its way out. That’s why it’s being seen, & dealt with, now — so it can be released! So we can go free!!!

As we quit playing the victim roles the cabal assigns to us, busting completely out of that matrix of nonsense, our vision clarifies. It becomes easier to see the darkness parading as Light, playing the holier-than-thou game. We were too innocent, too easily manipulated once upon a time, but no more! Now we choose to align with Higher Self at our Source-in-form core.

We can’t defeat a foe we can’t see.

We, the lucky ones, the blessed ones, get to be those who helped expose & usher the corruption out. We can & we are turning this thing around. History blessed us that way, so let’s be about following Heart’s guidance for the win, ever remembering that consciousness, itself, is the creative force!



PS My recent silence was due to a back injury that is now on the way to full healing.

[1] A high-level summary will help many who are currently afraid to look since what they find is so unbearably dark. There are many ways to view today’s sad state of affairs, so I don’t claim this is either the only one or the best one, just what comes to me to share.

[2] “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

[3] “Courage,” from the French, even contains the word “cour,” or “heart.” Courage can be seen as “The coming of age of the heart,” which I call Heart.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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