Conundrum of Time — Part 3

9 min readJun 17, 2017


Anunaki Awakening?

These Eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me

Now that the groundwork is laid, let’s return to the questions around the possibility that some among the Anunaki race will shift to the path of Light. Enki, with his half-sister Ninmah (or Ninhursag), would be the likely ones to lead the way, if that was their choice. No doubt others of their line would follow suit.

It’s such a tough challenge, when you’ve been quite in charge of simply everything & pretty much everyone (except some among your own race) for endless millennia — billions, perhaps trillions of what we call years. Keep in mind that their sense of time is so unlike our own as to be incompatible.


We have no way, absent walking a mile in their shoes, to conceive of such stretches of time. Even the 5D Andromedans — whose lifetimes span 2,000 to 4,000 of our “years” — have challenges converting their time into ours — & they have the advantage of 5th dimensional perspective. I don’t know how much Anunaki technology plays into it, but their lifespans are said to encompass millions of our “years.” For them, 3 of our centuries is perhaps 1 month.

Most don’t realize how very relative a term “year” is, being dependent on a planet’s relationship to its star. Even on Mars a year is quite different — 686.98 Earth days — as it is for any planet, anywhere. The point being that — talk about ingrained habits — compared to us, theirs are extreme. They know no other ways, outside of dominating everything/everyone they encounter.


Up to now, the Anunaki saw all of Creation as their plaything, to mold & shape as they chose — & that worked for them. However, it also worked against them, resulting in their current comeuppance, which some see as their “judgment,” rather than just the natural outcome of their choices, their use of Free Will.

Can we cut them some slack? Don’t we have enough, here, in our own experience, to get at least some sense of the massive challenges they now face? Have we no empathy, no compassion?

Anything in existence is, at its core, the Presence of Source. No thing & no one exists or can exist outside of That — yes, even “devils” or “demons,” if such existed — & they don’t, being yet other beings who lost their way at some point.

Unfortunately, judgment & devils are more of the BS generously laced throughout our belief systems. We can choose to drop them, as they bring us no real benefit (beyond being steps on our homeward journey). If I harm you, I harm self. How we choose to see Life, in all of its manifestations, also reflects back on the self. We do self no service by looking down on another, no matter the darkness that one chose to enact.


We find both hierarchy & judgment at the core of the Anunaki ways. All of the world’s caste systems originate there, in the innate belief that some are simply better than others. It’s a lie of the whole cloth, but who among us can see this, see through it? Hopefully, you can. It’s also why the USA is such a favored destination for so many on earth. Nowhere else is Freedom so enshrined, even it its currently torn & tattered state.

As we get to our soul, going ever deeper within on our awakening trek, these things come so much easier to us. It’s quite a contrast, this 3D Matrix with its beliefs, vs our reality as truly divine Beings. So full of beauty, though, is this trek, as we watch all sense of superiority, all judgment, fade into oblivion. Those aren’t native to Source, whose way, whose Nature is a Love so divine as to be shocking, in the midst of said contrast.


Let us look at, not just the Anunaki, but at simply everything through eyes of Love, eyes of Source. Of course that doesn’t mean to invite the dark ones in as neighbors, to enable their continuance along their dark path at anyone’s expense. That would be ridiculous. Yet we can look with compassion on the choices they now face — how challenging that must be.

The Anunaki are a truly great race, friends. Yes, they’ve directed that greatness into a terribly dark path — but so what? Who among us hasn’t made a big mistake, hasn’t wandered, lost for a time — many lifetimes, perhaps? At the heart of it, they walked the trek of mind, choosing to so develop it that matters of Heart/soul faded into the background. Talk about chasing your tail in endless circles — they’ve done that in spades!

Eventually, everything they sought to “fix” blew-up in their faces. They tried their best, too, to negotiate their way out of their current fix. Were it not for the star brethren, our ET & ED family who have joined together with us, we would remain powerless under their great reign of dominion. Thankfully, that’s not how things are.

To give the Anunaki their due, it took practically the whole Family of Light in concerted effort to defeat their domination. Yet that’s in the very nature of Source’s Creation. Does the dark of night not always retreat in the presence of sunrise? You see, we have the whole story, visible right where we are — yet not accessible, not seen until we allow our old ways & beliefs to drop away.


For those able to take this journal trek, I have a suggestion to make. Let us pray for them, friends — pray that they find their way back into alignment with Source, with the Light at their core. Of course we can’t make them do it, but we can put the wind of our prayers under their “wings.”

That’s actually relevant, as the ruling class retain vestigial wings, absent in the “lower” classes. Yes, you can bet they’ve got the strictest hierarchy thing going among their own race, not just that imposed on conquered races. Their caste system is alive & well in India & other nations, today — until we chose otherwise, of course.

My prayer is that they find their way into Heart. They are not robots, not automatons, but beings with/of Spirit, of soul. I doubt you’ll find a race more lost & bereft of this awareness anywhere in our Universe. Still, perhaps not. Perhaps those like Enki & his line are quite aware of their souls. I don’t know. I hope so.

Going through this time of hugely limited vision on earth, friends — both physically, & spiritually — it’s a wondrous thing to have access to Spirit — to Heart, our direct link & connection to Source & to Home, our true native realm. Let us take advantage of how very close we ever are to That. And let us rejoice that we aren’t taking the trek of the Anunaki — their deeply challenging road.

Meanwhile, perhaps one day we’ll encounter those Anunaki whose choice was to also go within & reacquaint themselves with Who they truly are — also Source-in-form. OMG, when you consider their great potential for good, it’s quite shocking. With technology so advanced that it makes ours appear as mere tinker-toys, they could make great additions to life in our Universe.


Finally, some may wonder why, if these amazing Anunaki beings are also Source-in-form, also have/are souls, why do they behave as they do, conquering & marauding their way through multiple universes. Good question, really. It all has to do with Free Will & how that operates.

Each choice made in each NowHere moment moves us in its inherent direction. Just like all celestial bodies, there is no standing still. (The sun is not motionless, either.) That being the case, our many choices accumulate over “time,” lending us momentum in the direction inherent in those decisions. With each choice we either move more into Light or more away from it.

For humanity, as we move ever closer to Light, we’re actually on the verge of moving into a higher, i.e., faster vibrating, dimension. This can also be seen as the Will of Source, to bring all of Creation closer to Light — not just here, but everywhere. In Asia they speak of this in terms of the in-breath & out-breath of Source. Source is now breathing us in, across all dimensions. We’re not the only race in process of what some call ascension. Good to know.

This would not work, absent our cooperation — again, that gift of Free Will. Don’t think that Source will force everyone into this higher dimension — no way! It’s easily seen that many are choosing to move in other directions. It’s being played-out for all to see on planet earth. In the midst of the current chaos each one is choosing their path.


We’d have to be in higher dimensions to perceive it, but each choice we make either increases or decreases our Light. Over time we weave either a web of connection to Source or a web of shadow, dimming that Light. It’s possible to weave a web of darkness that seems to quite obliterate the Light. It doesn’t, but that’s how it appears from the perspective of the web-weaver.

It is through each one’s direct link to Source that divine Light flows into Heart, from thence out into our world via our thoughts/words/deeds. Our Light grows, forming an ever more substantial Presence over time, as wise, Loving choices are made. As an analogy, one could envision this as a great rope of light connecting each one to Source — the Central Sun in the midst.

Those with the most substantial “ropes” have more direct access to Source. These would be the ones who seem almost divinely guided, those in whom intuition, inner vision, is strong. These are able to sense the “rightness” or “wrongness” of each potential choice — resulting in a seeming wisdom, an ability to make good decisions. That would include you.


Yet for those whose choices have been ego-driven, seeking what they perceive is their advantage at the expense of others — not so. Over gargantuan stretches of time these have so clouded their personal connection to Source as to not perceive the ever-present guidance of Light. It seems absent, in their experience. It’s there, but they don’t perceive it.

This is not because Source stands in judgment of them, but rather because of the path that they continue to choose. They are the ones who chose to cut Source out of the picture. Anytime we blame another for anything, we’re likewise cutting ourselves off. Though this is not the case in all universes, Love & Free Will are the core, the foundation, here.


We can choose to wander in the darkness. This, the Anunaki have done, albeit not consciously. “Karma” just means you reap what you sow. It’s effect lightens tremendously as you go up in frequency, rising through the endless dimensions of Creation, of Cosmos, ever closer to union with/in/as Source, magnifying, expanding That.

For those who choose the dark path, their rise is inherently limited to the lower dimensions, likely 3D & lower 4D. Thus, we do not need to fight them, friends, for our destination is well beyond their reach. When we’re In upper 4D, they won’t even be able to see us, much less affect us directly. Our job, if we accept it, is to simply move on into Light. No need to join the cabal in their Anunaki war games. Just say no!


Let us find our way into Heart & rejoice. We’re on our way Home! On our way out of 3D, let us pause & reflect on the mighty workings of Free Will. All who awaken eventually realize that simply everything that comes their way is the fruit of their current & prior choices. We step into a new sense of personal responsibility that releases great, huge weights from our shoulders— they literally just fall away.

Vision through Eyes of Heart is totally different from all vision of 3D. It enables us to see through so many things — all the wiles of darkness, for instance, are seen for what they are — lost beings making poor choices. By joining up with Source in Heart, we are enabled to see a much bigger picture. Seeing is Freeing, as a prior journal recounts.

Thanks to Source for the magnificent gift of Free Will!!!


8:10 am, Thursday 2017/06/15, Mayan day 3 Earth/Caban




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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