Conscious, not Accidental Creators

10 min readApr 1, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

What catches your eye? To what do you pay attention? On what do you focus? Whatever it is can be recognized in what’s playing out in your life. Creation works through us. 😲

We’re more in charge than we know, not of the world’s happenings, but certainly our experience of them.


We live in strange times. We’re all alchemists, but perhaps 99% of us have forgotten it, have lost touch with our greater, deeper identity as Source-in-form. You know how you can feel someone’s gaze when they’re staring at you, even from behind? There’s an energy flowing through our eyes into the object(s) of our gaze.

Even those who dismiss the human aura are likely aware of the power of a focused gaze. We’re pouring our energy into whatever has our attention, partially merging with it, energetically. Thus, if it’s negative activity then we’re subtly participating in it, sustaining it. To what end?

That depends on what’s behind our focus, on our state of consciousness & our intent.


We see things as we are —

What are we thinking, what are we feeling at the time? Remember, consciousness creates, so what are we creating? It’s in our best interest to be more self-aware, to bring more awareness to our creation. Humans are always creating, whether we’re aware of it or completely oblivious. It’s just what we do, what we are, how we operate.

Let’s look to our own lives to observe the effects of our creation, thus far.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes — 2018–04–01

“At the heart of every condition is a vibrational pattern — a rather minor tweaking of vibrational patterning (sort of like the hub of a wheel) can affect tremendously out there on the peripheral of this big wheel… A little bit of tweaking on the emotion can make big differences in the way the physical manifestation occurs.”

Excerpted from San Antonio, TX on 1/29/05

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

No matter what our current situation & state of awareness, we remain empowered to change it. It’s good to remain friends with change since it’s the only constant in our 3D embodiment. Getting attached to people, circumstances, or possessions guarantees us pain as those things morph in their inevitable come-&-go flow.


Each day delivers up both challenging & delightful goings-on. How aware are we that every coin has two sides, that anything “negative” has a positive aspect, if only as a teaching experience? This will anger those stuck in duality, not yet owning the whole of the yin/yang. (No darkness could appear “out there” if we didn’t contain it.)






Which one do we habitually notice? What grabs our focus? If it’s the difficult stuff, then that’s what we’re continuing to create in our experience. It can just as easily be the delightful side of things. In that case, we’re co-creating delight.

Let us always remember that consciousness creates, that we bear responsibility, not so much for what happens, but for how we experience it.

More of us awaken every day, which is grand. Yet, awakening isn’t something you gain & then keep forever. A wise Buddha once said that even after awakening we still chop wood & carry water. Our experience of it shifts, though; we’re no longer so confused, having a hugely different perspective than most by living from Heart.


We’re endlessly deepening when that’s our free-will choice. There’s always another step, another revelation that comes when we’re ready. Source isn’t a bully. Having given us Free Will, our readiness is a critical aspect of what’s delivered up to consciousness, daily, Now-ly. (If it’s in front of us, then we’re ready. ;-)

Using our free will, we can & do drag our feet, pushing back against some realizations, choosing not to see them when it hurts. We prefer to deny the existence of such things as child & human trafficking, the nightmare reality that is many people’s everyday life.

We know in our gut & in Heart that certain things are off; they just don’t feel right.

I doubt that many of us expected awakening to come at such a price; that we’d have to see & realize such dark nightmares on our way into the Light of higher consciousness. It seems counterintuitive, but only to the mind which would rather not address such agonies. Let us make way for the dark, awful revelations to come, such that we greet them from Heart.

In Heart, we’re one with everything, with everyone, so that aspect of us already knows.


Since our awareness creates, what’s the best sort of focus to maintain? My call is for balance, for owning both yin & yang aspects of the world & our own being. We can’t eliminate the night, nor erase the dark aspects of being; it’s impractical & useless. Let’s balance & master them, not run away.

If we can just find our way into our core, our Inner Being, we’ll be at our point of creation, we’ll become more aware of it. Even though we’re each creating our life experience, we’ve been programmed to be unaware of our creative power. We’re taught to blame things on circumstances, on others, never to take responsibility, not for what’s happening, but again, for how we’re experiencing it, interacting with it.


All we bring into incarnation, into relativity, is our awareness.

That’s also all we take with us when we leave at so-called death, which though real to the flesh is but an illusion to Who we are. All our efforts to produce certain gains, to attain possessions, are seen as nothings upon crossing over.

Of course, we can’t take them with us. Funny, that kings & emperors were buried with such opulence. Makes you wonder what good those treasures do them on the other side. Who knows, right? We’re far more comfortable with not knowing when living from Heart.


One of the biggest aspects of awakening is how the old Belief Systems fall away. Most beliefs go with no effort, hardly noticed. Since consciousness creates, we can help that along by centering & maintaining the best possible intentions.

As we focus on our desire to just be, perhaps to bless & benefit our dear ones & the world, that’s more what we create (& experience). When our focus is locked on the negative, that’s what we help to create as we pour our attention energy into it.

Sometimes we’re idiot creators, mad scientists in the subtle realms where science isn’t good at observing, where their tools cannot yet measure. Wise ones have walked the planet through the ages, leaving their footprints, their revelations. This isn’t new territory.

Yet, what’s happening now is drastically different.

Rather than a sage or master here & there, we’re moving toward being a planet of such Masters, reconnecting with Who we’ve been all along. It’s playing out rather like a comic book, it’s so crazy, but those on the leading edge of awakening see this & give a good-hearted, compassionate laugh — at themselves.


How, then, do we catch-up with this Inner Being that has things all worked out? Why is it that we don’t feel that way, that we fail to figure things out? What’s blocking our awareness, our awakening?

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/03/31

“When you are feeling the discomfort from seeing other people in a lackful or needy situation, and you decide to help them from your place of discomfort, no lasting value ever occurs, for two important reasons: first, you are not in alignment with the Energy of your Source, and so you have no real value to give; and second, your attention to their need only amplifies their need.

“Of course, it is a wonderful thing to help others, but you must do it from your position of strength and alignment, which means you must be in alignment with their success as you offer assistance, and not in alignment with their problem.

“When your awareness of their situation makes you uncomfortable and you offer help to make them feel better and to make yourself feel better, you are not in the Vortex and you are not helping. When you feel an inspired eagerness to offer something because you want to participate in their happy, successful process, your attention to their success harmonizes with the point of view of your Source; and the infinite resources of the Universe are at your disposal. And that does help.” [Emphasis added]

Excerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Abraham-Hicks is a great teacher of the creative power of awareness, of how we get these results that we call “our life.” In spite of what our mind sets out to gain, we get what we get due to our state of awareness, which is much deeper than mere thought. We realize how our attention to any need only amplifies that need, even when our intent is to fix it.

Thought is meant to be a tool at our disposal, not our master.


When we’re in the Matrix, we’re at the mercy of its programmed thoughts & behaviors. We remain unaware of the harm done by our consistent focus on the negative, how that focus amplifies negativity. This was the intent of the programmers who march to the beat of a very different drummer. 😲

We know that forcing happy, positive thoughts on things doesn’t change much. It’s like putting a band-aid on a surgical wound; largely ineffective. Again, it’s not just thought that creates, but the awareness, the consciousness underlying every thought.

To see this, we keep stepping back, broadening our perspective.

Black Eagle— Kalyanvarma,net

Once we’re over the lie that we must eliminate everything negative & become only Light, we’re ready for the next step, the next revelation.

“What you resist persists” is a good quote to post on the mirror, the fridge, the computer monitor. With that constant reminder, we become more conscious creators.

We move past both seeking & rejecting, diving deeper within. We discover & enter the flow of awareness that’s much closer to Who we are than our body or anything external. We don’t force a river to flow, it just does. It’s the same with consciousness; always flowing. We’re either aware of the depths of that — or not. It’s always up to us.


It’s the little things carrying us into the Great Awakening, folks, the everyday things of our Now moment. It’s not so much what we see, but how we see it, what perspective we choose. As we shift our focus from externals, from all judgment & blame to go within, we more actively participate in better outcomes.

We stick with the Now’s “little” things.

We’re not making the river run as it does. We’re not creating the flow of our consciousness, we’re just choosing our perspective within it. As we notice & harmonize with our deeper Beingness, we enter more deeply into our Source-in-form awareness.


Awakening entails an awful lot of letting go.

Awakening can’t be forced, can’t be sought out & nailed down, it just happens. We align with it. We’re the only ones in our way, no matter how strange that sounds, no matter who/what we’re currently blaming. As we get more adept at going with the flow while taking charge of our perspective, great things are in store, are already happening.

Let’s stay focused on what truly counts, on the NowHere of it all, the infinite beauty that hinges on our chosen perspective. To do so is to take our great power back, the Power of Creation that abides within Source, thus accessible to Source-in-form.

Let’s quit being accidental creators.


Let’s wield the tools, the implements of conscious awareness (such as thought, perception, & perspective), directing them into the best, the most awesome aspects this present moment always offers. Let’s remember that every coin has two sides, that many angles of perception & perspective are available.

The only thing stopping us from being the great alchemist we already are (as Source-in-form) is us: our programming, our habits, our addiction to convenience that gives no thought to the real costs. Whether you think you’re a great creator or not, you are.

Eventually, we see this as inescapable, as Truth. Then we laugh. 😆


Meanwhile, it won’t hurt to at least consider the possibilities. What if this is true? Wouldn’t it be great to improve our creations, to choose to bring blessings to ourselves & all of Life? We start by seeing all life as blessed — no matter how much the mind will object. We put the mind in its place, often ignoring it. We step out of the costume & into the character, the Being.

As we move from chess-piece perspective to Chess Player, the very first thing that goes is the victim consciousness, which we all have to whatever extent. You can’t be both a victim & a creator at the same time in 3D, so let’s migrate from that duality into the higher-vibrational triality of the both/and, putting Source/Heart in the driver’s seat. 😉



9:23 am, Saturday 2018/03/31, 1st, Mayan day 6 Death, Transformer / Cimi




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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