Life as a Conscious Conversation with Source

8 min readJul 1, 2018


“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening,

Everything is Source interacting with us, “speaking” to us directly, individually, as well as whatever else it may be; the Both/And in action. Those focused in mind, the either/or paradigm, don’t see this, but blindness doesn’t invalidate it.

Come into the Oneness, into Heart to perceive things this way. Know that you, too, are within Source, as Source-in-form. The Oneness is an Intelligent Oneness; it is alive in ways our mind is unequipped to perceive — but that’s fine since we are not just a mind, a body-mind, but so awesomely much more.

We’re in the Oneness when we’re the witness of the story writing itself, with us as the pen in the hand of the Divine Scribe. It can’t be explained to any mind’s satisfaction, but we don’t care. It just is, & that’s more than enough for us.

There’s no sense of needing to justify ourselves, our existence, our right to speak, our knowledge or beliefs. It’s the flow of the One. We perceive; we enjoy — when that’s our underlying choice.

Each one’s path is necessarily unique.

It becomes easier to see how the mind works to stuff us into acceptable molds, long ago created by others who supposedly figured things out. We go along to get along. Our mind may be the biggest limiting factor in life. We spend our developmental years getting it programmed to suit we-don’t-really-know-who. ❔

We’re at a point where it’s more than just possible to transcend the mind’s innate & programmed limitations but to go well beyond, to soar up high discovering what else may be native to us, the beloved Family of Humanity. We’re no longer on lock-down, friends, & that’s great. 👍 ✨

Sure, we still have some of the programming on-board. What to do about that? Observe it while being aware that, as Source-in-form, we’re unlimited. From our Heart-centric station, we can simply watch the programming via our internal dialog. That doesn’t mean we have to believe it or act on it anymore.

We are always & only as free as we choose to be.

The savior-thing is a part of that programming that many have already dropped. It’s a programmed dependency that rests on a really low estimation of who & what we are. As unworthy sinners, of course, it’s logical to require a pure one to come to our rescue.

Yes, that steps on many toes, but not really. Why not? Because it only offends the mind, the programming installed there, not the real Being you are, as Source-in-form, God in a body walking the earth in perfect equality in & as each of us.

The secret is that we don’t have to externalize the savior. Being in a religion is not wrong or negative & will not necessarily work against us. It may well be a part of the Divine Plan, our chosen way to awaken this time around. Awakening does not rely on external things, nor can externals block it.

As Source is unlimited, that’s our potential as Source-in-form, based on our use of free will.

Source/God can’t be captured, contained, or conveyed in words, but if we had to choose one word for that, it would be Love, the initial capital noting the divine nature, there, distinguishing it from human love. Another good word would be consciousness, which is the ultimate creative force.

We’re taught/programmed to “love one another,” but the glaring missing piece is that Love must first be applied to the self. Otherwise, we don’t have it to share, to give. Thus arises the Love affair between self & Self. 💖 Thus, too, “As above, so below,” as within, so without.

When anchored in Heart, life, itself, becomes Life, Life lived in & as Love. We have Love’s eyes, well able to perceive it all, right down to the nitty-gritty bits, as Source Loving Source, throughout.

Every little thing is a Source/Love interaction.

Yes, we have to maintain a certain level of mastery over the mind to readily access this beautiful perspective, but it’s always there for us. Our mind will never get this sort of thing, but since it’s the wrong tool for the job, that’s more than okay. It’s actually great; it’s appropriate. It’s us expanding out into more of our Source-in-form reality, our true identity.

When we see with eyes of Love, all of life is completely transformed, eventually — sometimes even instantly. It doesn’t matter that others are unaware of 90% of this, we know their Heart knows. We know they, too, are fully Source-in-form, an aspect of the Divine walking the earth, here to help usher in the next act of the Grand Drama.

Perhaps the most beautiful gift of this sight is how it simply Knows that all is well. All is well & could only be so. We may be more aware of the dreamlike aspect of 3D life, knowing it’s not so earth-shakingly important. Whatever it is is just another act in the play that beautifully resolves itself at some point. We perceive that to the extent that we get out of our own way.

We’re the ones in charge of when that “some point” will arrive based on our use of free will, on the choices we make. Literally, every thought counts; it creates. Where we tend to slip is in allowing our creations to come into form, to fully manifest. We tend to get in the way.

How do we get in our own way?

With doubt, mostly. When we doubt or disbelieve in ourselves, in Self, or in anything, we undo what we were creating. So we work both for & against the self, most of us hugely unaware. That’s why the dark ones, the cabal were able to come in & take charge. We hadn’t yet mastered ourselves, so they came in & did that “for” us — which, of course, was really for them. 🐲

Now that we’re becoming increasingly Self-aware, that’s not working so well for them; nor will it ever, again. Something, once seen, cannot be unseen. (As an aside, that’s why I have no plans to watch any of the awful abuse videos as they become available.)

Multidimensional Heart —

To live from Heart is to reign in a whole new world, one no mind can even imagine, much less enter.

It’s all about perspective & choice. Knowing that every happening, every interaction is a manifestation of Source/Love changes it all, alchemizes it into that new & better reality we’ve all sought for so long. We watch all of the hopelessness, the helplessness just fade away. It was all built on false premises that can’t stand the Light of the New Day.

We’re both awesome & awful, folks; BOTH sides of the coin.

Who is willing to take that in, to see what gifts it brings?

Three-Dollar Piece — En.wikipedia,org

No one can force anyone else into awakening, but no one needs to violate another’s free will. We just Be Who we are & let that quietly shine, always following Heart’s lead; when to act or speak, when to be silent… We’re mostly silent. 😶

It’s all good. Each one of us gets the right to choose, & we can all honor one another’s choices, recognizing that if someone lands in prison thanks to their choices, that, too, is the Love of Source in action. (Keep the mind strictly out of this; it is no judgment, more like the opposite.)

That was the best way to bless them in those circumstances, & the best can come of it. This is seen clearly to the extent that one chooses to allow Who they truly are to arise & just Be; the perpetual conversation with Source.

Sometimes the quiet of a cell or a desert island is precisely the shortest route into awakening.

It’s all good. We cannot die, never, ever, no way. We always live on. Nor are we limited to 3D. What the mind just doesn’t get is that we already exist on those other dimensions & planes. We have other lifetimes than this one, all being lived in the awesome, infinite Now, the NowHere that’s always nowhere to the mind trying to sort it all out.

Just as we are clearly this 3D form, playing our part on the stage, we are also Source-in-form, the full Purity of That. No, it makes no sense to the mind, but if we limit ourselves to what any mind can comprehend, we do ourSelves a grave disservice. We are so very much more!

Let us go forth enjoying the Dance, enjoying being that Dance far more than just being the form. Let us continually choose to identify with our eternalness, the infinity of being the manifestations of Source, dancing in the deLight, being pure Joy as the Dance. Perhaps the Sufis come closest to this.

We are that Joy, but only when that is our choice; when we get out of our own way & just allow. All Wisdom, all Knowledge is available within. We enjoy both the inner Beingness & the outer 3D journey. One doesn’t trump the other.

We find perfect Balance viewing both sides of the coin.

We laugh to discover that we are the “savior” we seek. Only Heart can take this trek, so to the extent we are in the mind with it, that we take it on as just a new set of beliefs, we shortchange ourselves & others. Our biggest “job,” if you will, is one heck of a lot of letting go of the old ways, the old thoughts & ideas, the old perspectives & beliefs.

Our “job” is to erase ourselves, lol.

Meanwhile, we enjoy every step of the way, knowing that if we can’t now see the blessing in what’s taking place, one day we will. We know it is there, & one day it reveals itself. The timing is divine, not up to any mind to determine. So we trust the (Divine) plan.

We are the one, the only one, who has been making ourself miserable, friends. Who else is ready to own this with me? It’s a major perspective shift that completely alters the view. 🌈



10-ish am, Saturday, 2018/06/30, Mayan day 6 Earth / Caban

PS Have you noticed how, with every new revelation, every new understanding, it was always there all along, just not noticed? It’s the magic of “There’s nothing new under the sun,” & “Behold, I make all things new,” the two-sided coin, the Both/And. 😆




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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