Clarity via Innerstanding
Yesterday was bloody hell, at least for me. Felt strangely cut-off from higher consciousness, somehow. It was a first in my 60+ years — not a pleasant one. Was interesting to just watch the self — doing a bit of floundering, before finally just releasing, letting go. Consciousness didn’t immediately rebound — things seemed to remain the same, but I was at peace.
Seeking out the origin, I dowsed (kinesiology) the experience. Ruling out any sort of attack was nice, along with a number of possibilities (such as a health issue). My answer pointed to incoming energies broadly impacting planet earth. LOL, we’ve got lots of those, coming in any number of different shapes, but I wasn’t concerned with specificity. It was enough just to know the basics.
Today dawned new & fresh — no trace of yesterday’s adventure. Yum. We have so many distinctly different activities impacting us, here in our 3D/4D reality. Being aware of them is helpful, cutting off mind’s attempts to somehow blame the self or others for what we’re experiencing. That never works out very well, anyway.
DO vs BE
It comes as quite a shock to mind to discover that there’s no need to fight — to resist what just is — that it’s more than okay to let go & just Be. Stay in Heart for this, please, or you risk missing the point, missing what’s actually being shared.
Yes, there may be times when you’ll take up arms in a certain situation. This discussion is not on that level. Unless we take up Heart residence, mind will control the interpretations. Thus, the meat of an offering can be missed, an unnecessary detour pursued.
The happenings of our life are direct results of our consciousness, our energy — our vibration, if you like. They are manifested by us. No, not consciously, of course, or they’d surely be other than what they are. Though the conscious mind is involved, it is not the doer of that, but more the perceiver. Manifestation takes place on much finer, deeper “levels.”
How we feel is a better guide to what we’re manifesting. Some people are still so Matrix-entrapped that they blame others, blame circumstances, for what they feel, what they say & do, even. When we go deeper, entering more into Heart, we realize that it’s the gestalt of our energy — the sum total, if you will, of buried beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, & feelings — that come together & result in our experiences.
Only as we begin to fully own the self — thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions… all of it — do we begin to find our way out of the Matrix trap. Absent that sense of responsibility for simply everything in our life, we’re going nowhere fast.
Oh, of course we can make progress, & we do — just not as swiftly as possible. Each & every step in Freedom’s direction comes at the expense of some old attitude or belief. We may be chained, but we’ve also got the keys to the locks on each & every chain.
We are self-chained, folks. Hard to swallow, perhaps — but if you’ll notice, that’s mind having a hard time — not you, the real You, i.e., Self. Sometimes all we can do is witness mind in a mess, having a hard time with whatever it is. To recognize that ‘whatever it is’ is calling you, mirroring to you something you need to see — that’s a huge move. It’s evidence of Heart entering into your experience.
Vision is a Master Key. Once something is spotted, it loses all or most of its power over us. Seeing is a vital doing. Inner Vision holds Freedom’s keys. This occurs in the stillness, however, not the cacophony of thought, of mind activity. It is not mind that sees, dear friends, but the Inner Being, the You who you actually are. (We are certainly not discussing eyesight.)
This can be called Inner Vision, but the initial cap — “V” — points ever inward & upward. Let those initial caps be a steady reminder to listen from Heart — from deeper within than mind can ever go. Like those initial caps sprinkled throughout my writings, Life sprinkles our lives with little keys. Hints & inner exposures are never absent from any day, from anyone, anywhere.
Why aren’t we more awake, or why aren’t more of us awakening? Why don’t we see those hints? Reliance on mind. Mind will always have an interpretation for whatever it is. Our contentment with that interpretation shows us we’re not (yet) ready to move on. Worries & regrets are just mind spending time in future & past — never content to be still, & just rest — rest in Now Here, the nowhere of That.
Power & power
I know my crew — those with an interest in such things — will be small, yet that doesn’t matter one bit. Why not? The key is in our Power, dear ones. As we keep releasing all the ties, the addictions, the chains that seem to bind us here, to the Matrix — our power steadily increases.
Now that’s not quite accurate, so please be patient with the challenge of representing Higher things in words. It’s not that our power increases, for in Heart, in the One, we’re already fully in Power — always were, always will be. Yet who among us contacts that, communes with it — allows it to act through them? From there, everything just IS — there is no time-space to it. Just Now.
So while divine Power just is, human power can grow & develop — increase. Mind is actually capable of being a friend to Heart, once sufficient letting go occurs. S/He who reigns from Heart has no need to grow & increase. Growing & increasing are movement through time, which is not present in Inner “space.” All that grows & develops does so in the 3D/4D realm we inhabit — the other side of the divine coin of the NowHere nowhere.
Are you beginning to rise up above it all, to some extent — to a greater extent? Obviously you can see quite a bit, or reading these journals would be a waste of time — to mind. As we rise up above the fray via all the releasing, the letting go of old ways, old ideas, patterns & such, clarity grows. One couldn’t explain how that happens, but it’s clear that it does, & that’s good enough for me.
Mind will be ever the inquisitive one, wanting to explore, so as to be able to understand, to explain. What we’re talking here is not “understanding,” it is “Innerstanding.” These two are vastly different perspectives.
While the majority are able to mentally understand something that’s well explained, that’s not the case with Heart’s Innerstanding. This exists in a realm forbidden to any 3D mind. (This is “sung” through Paul Morgan-Somers, here.)
What happens over time is that we choose less & less to follow where mind leads. We see the thought, & tend to ignore it, more & more. Once you know with certainty that mind can’t “take you there,” you turn from the thought back to centering in Heart, taking your guidance from within.
Guidance well & truly arises from Heart. Yet when it appears it’s generally not a concept or an idea, just a move in a certain direction. Why? Because it feels right. We learn, over time, to trust that. We’re moving from predominantly thinking beings to sensing & feeling ones. We employ a whole nother range of senses — those of Heart, but of course ;)
3:02 pm, Saturday 2017/03/04, Mayan day 4 Ix/Jaguar, Shaman