Chasing Happiness, pt 3
Finding Peace
Let’s get right into it, friends. Let’s take a Heart journey into the underworld of the dark ones. They won’t appreciate the exposure, but it will help us gain a basic grasp on what makes them tick. Where we looked at their depravities, before, befuddled & confused at how anyone could do those things, let’s make room for some clarity to refocus our views.
There are many valid avenues into awakening, many potential paths up the mountain. Shamanism of various sorts take us there, so we’ll be examining a parable offered by a Nagual. Be centered to watch this fairly short video by Lujan Matus:
I’d actually suggest taking a break, now, to lovingly allow deeper integration with both your Self & with Lujan’s revelations about how the dark arts operate, making use of innocence.
. . .
Perhaps now we begin to go deep enough to see the value of innocent life from the perspective of the black arts. We see the wisdom behind their choice to blend innocent blood into their spell weaving. It tears at our heartstrings, of course — I’m sure many shed tears over the agony of the suffering puppy.
Be cautious about taking any actions at this point. They’re not appropriate, being but creations of the mind. They make all the sense in the world to our persona, but not with Heart.
Ours is a path calling for a great deal of non-action at first. This is torturous within our mental realm, where we want to get out & do something, to influence things for the better, to rescue the innocents, to save them from further suffering & pain. Let’s look into that.
Are you ready to see what that truly is? To the extent you’re willing to step back into MOM (Mind-Observer Mode) for this, you’ll discover hugely different perspectives. When we spring into action — mind-motivated action — too quickly, we usually regret it, later on. We don’t spend endless time in the non-action mode. Yet, it’s a critically important phase, deserving of our respect.
What if our impulses to take action are not what they seem to be? What if they’re yet more of the old running-away game? Well, could they be? Everything relies on our openness to view from new perspectives as we examine whatever it is. What if it’s our own pain from which we’re again running away? What if it’s our wounded feelings our actions seek to assuage?
As usual, let’s go deeper, within, willing to take a fresh look. If nothing else, we’re being shown how awakening is not at all the trek we thought it would be. Never did we expect to encounter darkness on these depths. It’s material no mind would choose to view — well, almost no mind, lol. We likely feel violated in some way.
Let’s keep looking, exploring our inner realm. Are you ready? Try this one out — there are no victims, anywhere, at any time. Those in Heart have a hope of seeing this, while those still too shocked over the revelations may be ready to see this after further integration. Comfort yourself through this, friends! Be gentle, kind, & nurturing to you. Cease allowing your mind to run the show, to boss you around, using your beliefs, your persona’s values as spurs.
Heart dwells in a highly positive, benevolent realm to which we were trained to be strangers. To anyone’s mind, it’s impossible to justify such actions, such works — & that’s fine. It’s good to accept that as simply what is, not seeking to manipulate our mind about it. That’s not how deep inner change occurs.
As we integrate what we learn, new ways, new understandings simply arise, shoving our old beliefs either into the background or out the door. We’re not the ones doing any of that — it just happens as we befriend the self & MOM.
There’s nothing more critical than being good to YOU.
Those old beliefs around selfishness have to go at some point. As we treat the self as our most dearly beloved one, the most precious one walking planet earth, the healing, the wholeness just naturally flows into & through our experience.
At some point we begin to see how all of the wounding, all of the pain of the world originates within. We begin to realize that there’s nothing “out there” we need to fix, that it’s not broken — we are. While this is a deeply shocking perspective for anyone’s mind, it’s there as we dive ever deeper, within.
Everything depends on us, folks — individually.
Source-in-form is far more powerful than any seeming externals. Are you seeing to what depth we’ve been programmed to be blind to something like this? It’s totally alien to the programmed mind, resting so cozily within it’s Garden of Beliefs. We, however, have been busily weeding our garden, making room for new clarity to arise, for new perspectives to replace the old ones.
Do we now have a deeper perspective into pedophilia, into child-sacrifice & ritual abuse? Once we see the critical factor as simple innocence, new doors of understanding open themselves. What does this priceless, vital innocence hold, so pivotal to the dark arts, so key to their success?
Is it not the very state in which each one is born?
We all have the inner beacon, the inner resonance with innocence. Every life began there, so it remains available, within. Our current agony as we view the dark ways arises out of that innocence. Whatever else it may be, we feel so strongly that it is just WRONG. We wish we could erase it from the world — & then we feel powerless, helpless before its seeming impregnability, fearful of the dark forces it employs.
Can we release that? It’s not the only perspective available, you know.
What does this whole scene look like from another angle, a Heart viewpoint? Only you will know when you’re ready to explore this. Please don’t pressure yourself by allowing your belief systems to dominate Who you truly are.
If nothing else, we can all choose, no matter where we are along our personal trek, to identify ever more with Heart, ever less with the outer persona. Lots of MOM time is the prescription for what ails us, here.
Friends, what do we have to lose? If we’re truly content with our old ways, then, by all means, continue in them. No rough stuff with you! As a better question, what of true value is at risk, here? At some point, we recognize how, in weeding the Belief Garden, we’re planting precious, amazing new understandings in their place, new perspectives that make sense of life on far deeper levels.
Abraham-Hicks — 2017/11/17
“Parents often think that they are here to guide the little ones. When — in reality — the little ones come forth with clarity to guide you.”
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 2/15/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
It’s all backward. 😆 Thus is awakening nothing like what anyone expected. It’s actually anything but, since our beliefs are the sole source of those expectations. We don’t just awaken into unending divine Light, we awaken into the enduring Oneness of the whole, including whatever darkness we once perceived. Our old perceptions are fading along with our old perspectives.
We see how many things were & are but appearances, with no deep underlying reality, which abides ever within.
It becomes ever more clear, too, that awakening is not for wusses & wimps. It’s a gradual process that, though it may have many high & fantastic moments, bears its fuller fruits to those who persist. There is no way to look ahead, to examine what awaits us a few steps further on. That’s not how the emptiness works.
We & our relationships — the primary one being ever with the self — are bearing fruits at this stage. We are watching ourselves shift in unaccountable ways. We enable more of that strange clarity to arise as we relax into our deep inner purity.
Only the emptiness can speak to this. There’s no way we can explain ourselves to others, & we begin to realize that. We’ve tried, heaven knows! Heart sometimes speaks its inner Clarity through us, but mind lacks this depth.
I’ll close with a little for-instance of those relationship fruits. Moonlight is the dearest cat who has ever graced a home of mine. While they’re all my “favorite” when I’m with them, this one is beyond special, almost more like a lion or a shaman than a domestic feline.
My grown daughter moved back here & my beloved pet took to her like white on rice. They became bosom buddies, almost always together. While I was okay with it at first, I soon recognized that some part of me was growing more distant from my dear cat. I saw myself resenting what appeared as her ditching of me in favor of my Nature-loving, shamanic daughter. It hurt.
That didn’t last long, however, for once seen, it was defanged. My persona hadn’t recognized the hidden resentment. That came as I experienced how I was petting her now (when she would deign to share her presence with me 😉). That’s when real Love took over, releasing the beautiful feline to go her own chosen way.
Love desires the very best for everyone, not just the (belief-based) best for the self.
All it took was recognizing that I wanted her happiness, her joy above all. Recognizing my old ways at work wasn’t really that difficult. When we make a practice of abiding in Heart, that perspective is always available. All we need do is reach for it — it’s really that simple.
Our relationship is quite healed & whole once again, as we both enjoy our interactions fully. I can no longer even identify with the old me, the one who chose to be hurt by Moonlight’s choices. That’s truly gone, as if it never existed, fully replaced by Love, which never clings.
Everything gets down to how we choose to view whatever it is, friends. Our inner vision is more than able to carry us into the arms of our Higher Self. Life is far more about perspective than anything else. Heart shows us how the old ways of seeing were but seemings, given temporary reality by our adherence to our underlying beliefs.
We are so ultimately powerful that our whole experience of reality is amenable to our will, to whatever perspectives from which we choose to view simply anything. We are all powerful creators in our own right, borrowing that power from our Source-in-form identity. As the old will slides away into obscurity, then into the nothingness, the emptiness, a much more radiant, vibrant world takes its place.
Ultimately, it’s all up to us, individually. What reality do we choose? Let us choose wisely — from Heart —knowing that every thought counts. 😉
About 1 pm, Friday 2017/11/17, 2nd, Mayan day 2 Road / Eb