Chaos or Conduit into Awakening? Your Choice

11 min readAug 23, 2017


“These eyes, through which I hoped to see God, are the eyes through which God sees me”

What are we doing, folks — or perhaps rather, what are we allowing to happen? If you listen to any news at all — even if you bypass the MSM — what do you get? Discussion of problems, unresolved issues, anywhere you care to look. So what’s going on? What to do?

Let’s start by going within, of course — turning to Heart, our ever-present Internal Adviser. If we value sanity, it’s a good idea to start from a calm, centered “place.” I’d like to present a radically different account on world events — one you’ll have to be open to even consider. (LOL, so what’s new, right?)


To the extent that we can pull away from total immersion in such “news” — prevalent even in the alternative media — we can come to center & take another look, another perspective. What if current events actually indicate something quite other than what they seem to present?

I assure you, it’s at least possible, so buckle in & let’s take another look.

With frequencies rising, evidenced in so many diverse ways — from the Schumann Resonance to the plasma field our solar system is passing through — from our once-yellow sun showing its evidence by turning white — the list is practically endless — & we’re seeing our diverse reactions to this arising everywhere, too. Light flushes out darkness.

From Photo Gallery


The unstable ones are driven over the edge, as it were, into pure reactionism — knee-jerk responses to what they encounter. Though there are many reacting this way, they are not in the majority, as the media would have us believe. So many of us have been preparing for this time, albeit not consciously aware of it, for many years — lifetimes, in fact.

We came in for this. Let that idea settle in. If you’re centered, not in a rush or too much in mind, you’ll feel the resonance, there, with your own inner Being.

This is the time of a great Awakening going forward, not in spite of world events, current conditions — because of them, spurred on by them. Can you see this? When the world has gone basically insane — which it’s been for centuries, now — what would it take to wake people up from their sleeple state, their sheeple state? Had things continued on, we could have gone on indefinitely, continuing our decline.


This is the wake-up call, the clarion call to step back from it all & go within, where the inner Wisdom we seek is ever found. We had to come to the realization that “other people” were not going to fix the mess we’ve made. As long as we believed government, religion, or that mythical “someone else” was going to somehow restore order, peace, & common sense, like some sort of bandage on our terrible wounds, we wouldn’t act — we’d just go on waiting.

At the foundation of the entire mess is the general belief that one person cannot make a large difference — or even much of a small one. We’re well schooled in this belief. Let’s look at that, for it’s hogwash, pure nonsense. There’s an old saying, “One with God is a majority” that touches on this, yet what does it mean? How do we apply it, right?


We start by recognizing — by remembering — just Who we are, as Source-in-form. What is impossible to Source? Right — nothing at all. Good place to start, only it’s got to be more than a possibility, more than an idea. As we begin to own it, only then can it really take hold. At our core, each one of us is mighty beyond imagining, beyond any mind’s ability to conceive.

We’ve been taught that we’re creatures of mind — that thought is perhaps our greatest power, the reason behind our continued existence. While that’s true, it barely scratches the surface of what we are. Nor is mind what will lead us out of the current mess — that will take Heart — those willing to part with the old ways, the old beliefs, to go far deeper, within, to meet the Self.

Every coin has 2 sides — we all know that, but do we apply what we know? For every seeming negative, there’s a positive, only veiled by our current 1-sided perspective. Beliefs are powerful things. Thought actually creates — no, not instantly, but there’s nothing in existence that didn’t begin as a thought, whether in the Mind of Source, or our mind — which can unite, by the way. Seriously — this isn’t fantasy, & if you view it that way, it won’t help you. Until something is seen as possible, as do-able, it remains as idle thought.


So what happens when we open ourselves to new possibilities? Isn’t that what every inventor who ever lived did? That’s precisely how change happens — when we make ourselves available to new perspectives, new possibilities, new interpretations of current “facts” — which are only factual until displaced by later “facts.”

We’re keeping ourselves in a box when we limit the possible — by our own choice. We’ve got to start questioning the workings of mind — the conclusions it draws. What is the basis for those conclusions? I’ll share another Medium blog that blows the whole “placebo effect” belief wide open: The Placebo Effect is a Lie. This is amazing stuff, based on both research & scientific analysis, & yet further research.

So if the placebo effect was based on bad science — on clear misrepresentation of research — with the obvious intent to make research on human subjects acceptable — where does that leave us? A little scary, huh? That’s okay, though, for nothing trumps truth, simple, honest truth. We’ve got to be willing to go where truth leads, not coloring or shading it to suit our personal aims.


There’s a merger of Heart & mind that’s coming about — a merge with the divine Mind, as well. We are more, much more, than we were taught, than we were ever led to believe. It’s time to do our own research on these things — on this internal Being to which all have access. Clearly, the way we’ve been going gets worse by the day, by the hour — is just not working.

When, oh when, will we begin to seriously question all the crap we’ve been taught to believe? If not Now, then when? Will we silent-majority our way into perdition, just allowing things to continue as they are — or will we step back, step deep into Heart, & look again, only this time from a Heart perspective? It’s high time.


We are the very One we’ve been looking for, since time immemorial. We are the very rescuers we seek — have been, all along, only we were too wrapped-up in mind to be aware of our deeper identity. We can fix that right now, with sufficient courage & a will to make this great Shift.

Actually, the Shift is being made for us — all we need do is align with it. It’s not so challenging as it may, at first, appear. It does take courage, though — courage to step out of the daze, out of the Matrix of BS Belief Systems.

There’s a great separating out going on — Biblically, it would be called separating the wheat from the chaff. It’s being caused by the great influx of both physical light & Cosmic Light, generating the great rise in frequency. Just as those returning from NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) have both more strands of DNA & more active DNA, this is available to one & all, now. It’s actually happening. Are you aligning with it, or resisting, fighting it — fearing it?


One major beauty of Heart is that it’s a fear-free zone — nothing remotely resembling fear can exist, here. After all, what has Source to fear from anyone or anything? Nothing, right? Same goes for you, once you find your way in — beautiful Peace. That doesn’t mean the world suddenly rights itself & settles down, but it does mean you won’t be disturbed by all the nonsense currently parading as “reality” — it is not. It’s what we’ve been settling for, but nothing that’s actually Real.

Many of us have been feeling the changes without being able to put a finger on them, define them, or understand them. We just recognize that we’re somehow different — perhaps radically different from who we were just a few years ago. We’re not sure how it’s happening, or even what is happening, yet we have the evidence in the ways that we’ve changed — those in Heart much more so than those in mind. Find some stillness in the storm — within.

There are no magical formulas or incantations that will suddenly make all things right. Doesn’t work that way. Sure, the dark side uses magical ritual & ceremony to run things, but those are very weak, next to the one who has found their way into Heart — made their Home, there. We are magical beings by our very nature, friends — we just forgot, strange though that must sound. Just be open to the possibilities, remember — that’s where we all start.


We’re actually on our way Home — to our real Home, whose doorway is ever Heart. There’s no magical formula to open the door— you just set your intent & stick with it. This is your rightful heritage, temporarily taken from you by your compliance with “the way things are,” thinking, believing, that’s how they must be. It is not! This is just a transitional time, that’s all — nothing permanent. It’s Light flushing out darkness as we rise.

Don’t let it all get to you. That’s more important than most realize. We LET thing get to us — they cannot do that on their own, or we’d all respond precisely the same way to the same stimulus. They must be invited in. We can close the door by simply stating, with firm intent — no more! Let’s renounce the old ways, the old thoughts that led to this — begin again — only this time, with a Heart, instead of a head focus. Very do-able. It all starts with that firm intent — no more!


It’s also critical in these crazy times to move our focus away from the endless negativity. That doesn’t mean to pretend the mess doesn’t exist — it’s more subtle than that. Instead, we can look at whatever negative thing is transpiring from another point-of-view.

What is the beauty that negativity brings? Let’s face it, when confronted with something nasty, don’t we immediately know what we’d prefer, instead? Here comes the subtlety — we’ve got to move our focus to that, & keep it there. Remember, thought creates. By keeping our thoughts on what we want, rather than on what we don’t want, we bring the good stuff closer to manifestation.

Perhaps Abraham-Hicks says it best — & in so many ways. Here’s one of them, worth repeating here — from their Daily Quotes on the day of the 8/21 eclipse:

“You cannot continue to beat the drum of things that don’t feel good when you beat them — without filling your future experience full of things that don’t feel good. At some point, there’s going to be a tipping point that’s going to become a manifestation.”

Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/12/05

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Doesn’t get much better than that to sum-up what’s being said, here.


If we are Source-in-form — & we are — then we, too, create by the power of thought, of intent. By simply setting our intent to take dominion over 3D mind — best done from Heart — we create, bit by precious bit, just what Heart wants. It won’t create itself, friends — we’ve got to cooperate with this overall rise in consciousness — & we don’t do that by wallowing in the mess, which just creates ever more mess.

It’s pretty simple, really, to get a good start on this. It’s pretty well laid-out, here, so perhaps go back & read it, again, to let it sink in. By consciously choosing to align with Heart, with Heart’s desires, we enable that to manifest. Source is impartial. Having given humanity free will, Source simply allows us to make our own choices.

We’re participating in what’s called in the East the In-Breath of God — pulling all of Creation up higher. The trick is that free-will thing — it’s only those who align with this who are going along. Nor need we worry or fear over where the rest are going. We all exist in the body of God, the body of Source — Source has our backs — all of us, not just the few. They’ll be fine, too — eventually — once they figure this out. We’re just a wee bit ahead, that’s all. Nothing to get the big head about ;)

Here’s one of the greatest movies I’ve ever enjoyed — called Astral City : Spiritual Journey — though this Portuguese uploader calls it City Astral (English subtitles). Watching it (1:49:22) will greatly assist you to rise on wings of Heart — rise in consciousness.

I’ll meet you in Heart, where we all discover our ultimate Oneness with each other & Nature & simply all that is.


Lauren, from the 5D Report — Aug 2017

“At the last galactic council meeting it was discussed that the solar eclipse would be ushering forth the codes needed to fully activate the New Human Heart-mind processor.

“The way it was explained was that the heart and mind are merging thru what was called a fusion process and this fusion creates a literal (Merkabic) forcefield of energy by which the heart & mind become ONE unified processor. At the point by which this process completes in each of us, it was said that we are never to return to a separate processing system of intelligence again.”

1:25 am, Wednesday 2017/08/23, 1st, Mayan day 7 Death or Transformer / Cimi




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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