Cause & Effect Backward?
What if we’ve got the basic cause-&-effect thing backwards? What if all causes are internal, rather than external? What if the clear cause-&-effect we see at work in the external world is but a reflection of what’s inside?
If you’ve read my last few journals, then you have the background from which this arises. I grow ever more distrustful of words, for how can they possibly wrap themselves around what’s being shared, here? It totally depends on both you & I being in Heart — again, just words, but you get the drift.
From Heart, there is no more two-ness at all, submerged in the One as all is. So what’s with this karma thing, then? What about the cause-effect sequences we watch playing out? As this is completely ungraspable by mind, go within.
What if the whole chaos thing humanity has going on in the world is but the result of our failure to see — to awaken? The feather-light touch has long been applied, but hasn’t been noticed, for the most part. Written-off as coincidence, happenstance & the like, it goes often, not just ignored, but unseen. We’re not connecting the dots in the One that we are.
Too busy with cost-benefit analysis, with long-range marketing plans, or where to go on our next vacation, we’re seldom present, right here where we are. It’s quite strange, at least from this new perspective from which I’m viewing it all. The gap, the wide gulf, between Heart & head living is immense! Yet both are so completely, everlastingly available.
I guess it’s all about choice & our use of free will. It’s so deeply bizarre, on realizing Self as Source-in-form, to realize we’re just skimming along on the surface of life, not seeing that we’re the creator of all that we view. Now, that’s not quite correct, of course, as it’s ever Source doing the creating, but it’s through us that it happens, nonetheless.
How do you tell people that they’re the ones creating all of this? Especially, when you know those in mind cannot hear you? Thank heaven that I write for the joy of the experience, or I’d quit, at this point — now that I witness the vast, yawning gulf that I’m calling “the gap.” My god, it’s a crevasse, a canyon, a galaxy-sized thing!
Oh well — it just is what it is, & no doubt Source knows what It is doing, is well able to work it all out. Sure, you’d wish you could reach out & touch someone — light a candle in the dark to help people see. Yet I don’t see that as the way, mired in two-ness as it is, which is not ultimately real, no matter what appearances seem to present.
Sticking with the Oneness, at this point, is a bit more challenging. There’s something in all of us that wants to be of service in some way. More cords to cut; more to release. It’s awesome to find Truth, not so awesome to look back into the rear-view mirror at all you’re leaving behind as you let go.
No one (but those totally lost to the dark path) wants to see humanity suffer, much less those we know, those we hold dear. Yes, there’s the rub. When you finally see how very unnecessary all suffering is, you wish you could take a magic brush & paint it out of the picture — but, of course, you can’t. Why not? Unfortunately, you’re still in mind, locked into the two-ness thing — which isn’t real, yet try telling your mate that. 😂
So many ways to look at this thing — seemingly endless perspectives available — which one(s) to choose? Yep, there’s the rub. If we make the best choice, we keep diving inward, deep into the divine waters of Heart.
What we’ve been shown, what we’ve seen, is far more real than anything ever experienced via body or mind. And we know that. Yet, once dipping back down into mind, it’s like the Reality paintbrush begins wiping that from the screen of our present experience.
Mind, even 3D mind, has a unique power all its own, making the Real seem unreal, & the things of unreality seem so certain, so in-your-face real. Were it not that Heart is ever-present, ever available, it would be sooo easy to lose yourSelf, once again in the dream.
This stuff really takes self-discipline, at times. Why? Because mind will never, no never perceive it. It’s one of the many ways of taking your spiritual temperature, so to speak — observing whether you’re present in mind, or Present, in Heart. When the dream starts looking real, you know the answer, plain as day.
We render the best service to all when we stick with our choice to be in Heart. From there, doubt can’t even make an appearance, that being the realm of direct experience, rather than the superficial world that only seems real. Heart offers so many solid proofs, there as supports when we slip back into mind.
They’re not the proofs we can share, of course, being our personal, direct experiences — things for which the world has no respect.
This is truly the splitting of worlds, or realities — all based on the moment-to-moment use of free will.
Nor do we even know why we sometimes slip back into Thinker mode. Sometimes it just happens, & staying there to try to figure it out isn’t useful — as we eventually discover, for ourselves.
We’re watching old habits slip away — better said, we’re willingly seeing, then releasing them. It gets easier, sure, but Thinker mode gets more & more an unpleasant place to visit, much less occupy for any length of time. Are you with me — can you feel any of this?
Letting go — sometimes you may wonder when the letting-go will end — when you’ll finally “arrive.” OMG, what a joke. Mind doesn’t reckon with the eternity-infinity of Reality — of our true environment — being stuck to 3D as it is. One good thing about duality is that, just wait awhile — things will change. Nothing is ever permanent, not even the things you wish would last forever.
Sometimes perhaps the way is to know change is on its way, & just stick it out. Still, that won’t get you there, absent the clear intent, the marshaling of free will toward Heart. So it’s an active passivity, in a way — lol.
Awakening from the (mind) dream is ever a process. It relies on sticking strictly with the NowHere, the present moment. Another way to take your temperature is to look at where you are with regard to time. Are you off in the future, imagining terrible scenes oncoming, perhaps — or stuck in past regrets?
None of that has any relevance within Heart, where it’s literally always just Now. Pet the cat 🐱. Walk the dog 🐶. Take a nap 💤. Be good to yourself. Put yourself (yourSelf) first.
The greatest service we can offer the world (or anyone in it) is to wake-up from the daze, ourselves. We can’t do this for anyone else; they’ve got their own free will at work. We can Love them by respecting that — giving Source in them a chance to do this dance in a way that’s perfect — for them. We can’t know what that is, especially not when we’re in mind.
Sometimes we just have to withdraw — to let them sort it out their own way. By our presence in the midst of anyone’s mess, we don’t help. When we put our focus on the mess, we actually increase it, feeding our (thought) power into it. Pet the cat 😻.
Make a cup of tea 🍵. Watch the sunset 🌅. Do what you can to put your focus on what you want — on what lifts you up. If your wants still extend into other people’s lives, that’s a dead end. Not your job.
Okay, I guess my human heart is in a bit of mourning for my daughter, there close to the troubles in St. Louis. Oh, how she wishes people didn’t have to get hurt, to suffer — that innocent businesses wouldn’t be attacked for no better reason than proximity to the mob. Add to that that she’s an empath — just makes it more intense.
So a part of me is sitting with that, so connected are we. I’m sure someone wise once said, “Love is the answer to every question, to every problem.” My current “job” is to let Love be enough. You share what you have to say/share; then let it be.
One day we realize, in crystal clarity, that suffering is actually a choice — one we’ve been somehow taught to habitually make. That’s another old habit, now headed for File 13, the dustbin 🚽. It’s a process, the gentle yet firm releasing of the old ways, spotting the old pitfalls more quickly — often before we fall into them.
You are where you are — they are where they are — just what is.
We make the choice to accept — to allow. We’re no longer willing to indulge suffering in the self. Nor do we encourage it in others; yet our power doesn’t extend to anyone else. Pet the cat. Feel her purr 😸.
Feel into that simple pleasure, letting it bring you back into your NowHere. Yes, while we’re indulging the Thinker in us, we’ve got some hard facts to face. Yet there’s great & abundant comfort just awaiting our return into Heart.
That’s where the Oneness abides, where we know it doesn’t matter — that it’s illusion we’re indulging while resident within mind. Nor does that mean we won’t go there, now & again. Still, the more we realize it’s a choice we’re making — that we can change that at any time — the better it gets ✨.
It’s a big deal, a major undertaking we’re about, on this Heart trek. It’s no small feat to literally shift our identity this way — choosing Heart over endlessly indulging the ever-present suffering of mind.
Heart is strong beyond strong, folks — it’s got what it takes, no matter what. While that may seem to be small comfort when you find yourself once again suffering — still, it’s there for you. It’s ever a choice.
11:18 pm, Saturday 2017/09/16, 2nd, Mayan day 5 Oc / Dog
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 8/12/2017
“You cannot get sick enough to help sick people get better. You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive. It is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone. If you’re wanting to be of an advantage to others, be as tapped in, turned in, turned on as you can possibly be.”
Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/15/03
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)