Cattle Don’t Have Free Speech

Do We?

5 min readMay 14, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

Have you noticed the way we’re being herded into ever narrower spaces, our free speech hampered in so many ways? It’s gotten nasty out there! This is understandable in other countries, but not in the USA, not in America where our God-given right to speak freely is enshrined in our founding documents. So what gives?

We’re the ones giving, friends; we’re letting it happen, & if we continue, it’s not going to end nicely.

Free-speech Zone —

That’s no call to take up arms or cudgels or even fists, but it is a call to attention in Heart. It’s time to bring more awareness to what’s going on, to see through the globalist cabal’s thoroughly unacceptable plans & intentions for us.

Heart doesn’t call us to descend into their nasty, aggressive behavior, but it does call us to drop the trust, to be more aware, less biddable & cooperative with them. Their behavior doesn’t merit our cooperation. Notice, please, I did not say, “They don’t merit our cooperation.” They do, just not now; not like this.

Heart doesn’t let us forget our overall equality, doesn’t support arrogance of any sort. It’s important to recall that our Lady Justice is blindfolded, & for good reason. People are not judged! Actions are.

People can always change.

William O. Douglas — Free Speech —

To judge & condemn them, as people, takes away their right to make the shift, to turn over a new leaf, to become a whistleblower... We wouldn’t want our rights infringed that way, so let’s not do that to others.

Times are tough; I get that. We have some important choices to make. Will we become cattle, so easily herded into cabal traps & pens (as we’ve long been), or will we take the risk to stand tall & firm, to follow Heart, to stand for our rights? Until we clear out the cabal minions everywhere, sometimes we’ll pay a price for that.

Our question is, is it worth it? Just how important is our freedom to speak our truth?

They’re hammering us, folks. Some in Canada & elsewhere find themselves in jail for failing to use the “proper pronoun,” if you can believe it. That could be our fate, as well; IF we allow it by our silence, by ignoring what’s happening to others, by our cowardly cooperation.

I’m not saying to get in their faces, to aggressively taunt them by our refusal to be cowed. When we swallow our anger for too long, sometimes it comes crashing out that way, so let’s be more self-aware. It takes us down to their level where we lose that direct contact with our inner core, with Heart.

A question we must ask ourselves: “To what extent am I willing to be bullied?”

It gets down to, “What price am I willing to pay, as an individual, but also as a society?” for there will be a price. Our rights may be God-given, but it’s on us to stand strong in them. We each play an important role in this. We’re not separate, & our stance either strengthens or weakens our brethren.

Things may look pretty dismal but they are not. Why not? Because of Who & What lives in & as us, because we’re Source-in-form. Recognizing then owning that is a choice, though, one many are refusing to make. It’s awkward & uncomfortable both at first & at times along the way; some chicken out. That doesn’t matter, just let that not be us.

Voltaire (1694–1778) French writer and historian

The one thing the Deep State, the globalist cabal has been good at is pitting us against one another.

It keeps our attention away from them, & they need the cover of darkness & anonymity to succeed in taking us over. All we need do is stand up & say, “Not only no, but hell, no!” We can do this.

We, the Family of Humanity, are NOT the enemy, friends. When will we recognize how we’re being played, being farmed, being ranched as cattle of the cabal? Once that genie gets out of the bottle, there’s no putting it back!

“Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.”

―Neal Boortz

”Without free speech no search for truth is possible… no discovery of truth is useful… Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech. The abuse dies in a day, but the denial slays the life of the people, and entombs the hope of the race.”

Charles Bradlaugh

Hate speech IS protected speech. Yet, as we stop fighting & being nasty to one another, the Light will dawn, the awakening will spread, & the raunchy ranchers will be rounded up & penned, some even executed for treason. We’re being abused, some horribly abused, & it’s up to us to wake up to it & bring a halt.

First, they came for the communists — I wasn’t a communist so I didn’t speak up. Then they came for the socialists — I wasn’t a socialist so I didn’t speak up. Then they came for the Jews — I wasn’t a Jew so I remained silent. Then they came for me & there was no one left to speak up for me. [1]

We’ve seen plenty of this, both in history & in today’s world. It’s rather funny how awakening seems to begin with the challenging things we’d rather not see. It will be fun to watch our Source-in-form response as it unfolds, as we relax into it. We’re either worth standing up for, or we’re not, LOL. It’s really that stark from one perspective.

Meanwhile, it’s instructive to see which things we, personally, don’t want to face.

As we watch our own internal discomfort with them, we can feel the inner guidance kick in. All it takes is being true to staying in Heart. When we do, we watch the challenges slip away, leaving a bit of wisdom in their wake. No more pain, just sometimes awkward growth. It’s an amazing walk!



10:59 a.m., Sunday, 2019/05/12 — Mayan day 10 Reed / Ben

[1] Origin of Martin Niemöller’s famous quote. He used different groups over time.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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