Cats Just Know — Do You?

Your Cat is already Awakened

8 min readOct 3, 2017
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

I don’t know about you, but the pace of the shift, the awakening, is becoming dizzying, at this point. Makes one wonder if they’ll be the same person that went to bed when waking-up the next morning. Were it not for this journaling, I wouldn’t be so aware of this, so you might try journaling for a bit, to see if you notice it.

It’s a bit frightening, noticing how subtly, how easily we slip back into mind mode — not Mind-Observer Mode — MOM — but Thinker mode. It isn’t until something that generally comes so easily just isn’t there for us that we’re faced with this. Oh, how being the Observer is ever so useful, so instructive!

Before delving into the words of UG Krishnamurti, I wouldn’t have expressed some this the way I’m now doing. He’s like a short-cut into awakening to certain things, if you’re ready. He has a way of cutting right to the chase, summing up things that might take longer to put together for ourselves. His summaries can be shocking, too:

“Somewhere along the line probably thought was necessary, but it has become the enemy of man now.”

He fleshes this out a bit more later, on the same page, yet it’s a stunning statement to make — that thought, itself, is the enemy. I see that, now. Not that we can ever get rid of thought — nor would we want to do that — yet, until it’s tamed, until it’s mastered, it is, indeed, a worthy foe. With its subtleties, & with us being ever so used to its presence, until we spend some time in Heart, it’s all but impossible to spot, playing its games. Here’s a bit of what follows the above quote, from Mystique of Awakening, part 4:

“It has become the enemy of man because the potential of the evolutionary process… is thwarted by the culture, because the culture has created a ‘perfect man’, a ‘religious man’, a ‘true gentleman’, a ‘true blue’, and so on and so on, and that is quite the opposite of what is inherent here…

“It has created a neurotic state. It has created this divisive movement of thought. This divisive movement has got to come to an end if whatever is there is to express itself and come into flower.”

We’ve all experienced this, yet as long as we haven’t found our way into MOM, then we have no way to be aware of mind’s activities — no way to see the forest due to the endless trees (thoughts) blocking our view. Time spent, either in Heart, or in the detachment of MOM, shows us what’s there — the neurosis of endless thoughts, working against Who we truly are.

How can your thoughts work against you? This, we must each discover for the self. It’s addressed in The Underlying Movement of Being Against, as well as part 2 of that. In the non-observant, all of this goes unnoticed, right to the grave. We can’t use thought to examine thought, friends, quite like we can’t use the eye to see itself, unaided by the mirror. (And even then, what it sees is backwards, reversed, unlike what it is reflecting — much like thought. 😉)


This is understandably disconcerting — to the mind. That makes it useful, however, as we can then view our measure of discomfort, tracing all of it directly to mind. In other words, to the extent we’re either resident fully in Heart OR in MOM, just watching, we feel fine. It’s no big deal, just a bit of what simply is. Are you tracking with me, here?

Mind may be subtle, but the view from Heart is drastically, distinctly “other” — not subtle at all. Nothing budges Heart from its calm repose, its awareness that all is for our benefit — regardless of mind’s take on whatever it is. It’s literally a whole new way to live, I kid you not.

As long as we stick with the maps of life, delivered up via mind, via thought, we’ll never experience this drastic difference. No, it won’t be immediately noticed as drastic — after all, it’s a process, a walk we take, finding then entering Heart. Though a kundalini awakening may take place in an hour or less, entering Heart is not that. Heart living will activate kundalini over time, just not right away. They aren’t at all the same thing.

While I hesitate to offer something like this, as we’re each so unique — depending on “where” you are on your trek, & depending on the strength of your intent, within a week or 10 days there will be a noticeable difference in your experience. This presumes, too, that you make the time for a daily journal during the process. Otherwise, you continue to rely upon thought — which can’t see itself.


Then, too, this is not mental journaling. What would be the point of that?! The point of this type of journaling is not note-taking — it is being in Heart, allowing the words to simply arise — & they will — not from mind. At first, mind will likely be in the mix of your writing — which makes sense — you have to start where you are.

By starting out with 3 deep breaths, you give yourself time to shift into deeper awareness — to center, within. That, along with your intent to just let Heart have a voice, will go far. You’ll soon get the knack of ignoring mind when it speaks — just centering back in listening mode, listening for Heart’s words.

You’ll know you’ve got it going when you’ve no idea what you’re going to write, yet you’re watching the words appear.

We can talk about these things until the cows come home, but they’re nothing at all until put into personal practice. That’s the only place where the rubber meets the road. We don’t know any of these things until we experience them, directly — until then, all we know is about them — the experience of mind.

Please, don’t allow anything shared here to frighten you. Be aware that only mind can be frightened — it’s impossible to Who you truly are — to the Heart’s experience. That calm peace is ever resident, deep within — in all of us. No one is excluded, here, except bots & clones. 😆 As UG shares so very well, we don’t know what it’s like to be truly human — to be natural. We’ve never been told, much less shown.

Whenever you’re in fear or discomfort, Heart is there. Heart knows nothing of fear, that being outside of its perspective, its reality. Heart is more you than you are, my friend. Heart is the experience of your Inner Being, your core. It’s what makes you divine — or rather the portal into you, as Source-in-form. Heart uses mind, as needed, yet never lets mind run the show, your life. That’s something we choose to do, by a less than beneficial use of free will.

We do the self no favors by spending all of our time preoccupied with thought.

Thought will eventually, on this path, be seen for the divisive beast it’s been allowed to become. Society actually nurtures that monstrous misuse of mind. Humanity is not meant to be lost in the Matrix, as so many are, & it’s largely by identification with mind (& body) that this has come about.

Nor do I suggest there’s anything useful in attempting to analyze the situation to come-up with who should bear the blame for the current messy state of affairs. That is a 100% thought journey with zero potential to produce a useful result. Please, it just is what it is, & we’re best served by accepting that & just moving on from where we are — else we’ll never find our way into Heart or even MOM.

Cat close-up —

There are endless ways to guage your presence in mind vs Heart. One is to note your willingness to stop what you’re doing when the cat jumps into your lap. If you can’t bring yourself to just stop & pet your friend — you’re not there, yet. No need to force yourself, just note it — just observe. As we become ever more aware — as long as our intent is set on Heart — it will take care of itself.

Remember, the qualities of Source are active, not passive. All it takes is aligning, setting our intent to move into Heart. It will happen, as if on its own, if our intent is sincere. Meanwhile, along to road in that direction, we’ll discover the may ways we work against the self. We’ll be shown. All it takes is being the witness, the observer, & being willing to see what we’re being shown.

Your cat, for instance, is actually offering you a break, the chance to experience a bit of relaxation, a bit of Source Love. Humanity’s tendency is ever to say, “No, I’m busy right now — can’t you see?” That is, when we’re in mind, which is all we’re used to, you have to agree. We can take charge & chart a new course at any time.

Then we’ll have the mixed delight of discovering how Source has been reaching out, conversing with us via the cat, & in so many other unnoticed ways, all along. It’s certainly & frequently disconcerting, as we begin to recognize all we’ve been missing, all this time. Still, the other side of that coin is the pure enjoyment we’ll eventually find in all of the little things of Life, as we put the pieces of the previously unseen puzzle together, finally.

Sunday Cat — blogspot

Your kitty will teach you a good bit, too — probably refusing the belly rub if you’re not in Heart. They can tell where our energies are, & always prefer full attention from Heart, where we’re quite in the NowHere, present with them, to the one-handed petting while the other hand writes or types. They can tell — & pretty soon, you will know, too. You’ll be simply amazed at what you’ve been missing, all of this time. 😲

We’re so deeply Loved, friends — it’s beyond amazing. All it takes to begin to notice these things — to see them in new ways — is to find your way deeper into Who you really are. Don’t take my word for it, though — do take the trek for yourself.



PS You’ll also have the happiest cat on the block. Watch your dear friend — s/he’ll sense the New You, & really respond. You’ll then have two wonderful things in one — the perfect barometer to gauge how much in mind you are — & the perfect instrument of deep relaxation, the cat belly-rub 😉

PPS Oh, one more thing — absolutely no guilt or self-condemnation when you’re too much in mind to engage with your pet. That’s yet another barometer — you guessed it — of being too much in mind 😆

1:07 am, Tuesday 2017/10/03, 1st, Mayan day 9 Deer / Manik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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