Caterpillar or Butterfly? Your Choice

10 min readAug 24, 2017


“These eyes, through which I hoped to see God, are the eyes through which God sees me”

It’s flutterby time for humanity. We’ve long been these creeping caterpillars, feet firmly anchored to earth, yet our time has finally arrived — to go free as a bird, to soar on the winds, the gentle breezes of time. Are you ready?

Glass Wing Butterfly

What if the caterpillar was worried about her transition to a being with wings? Could she even envision such a thing, when crawling along the ground, nibbling the plants, was all she’d known? How could she possibly know what’s ahead for her? Do you think she has any anxiety about losing her many tiny legs, exchanging them for wings, & taking to the sky? LOL


Just look at us — fretting & so worried over much lesser things than the flutterby’s transformation — so locked into our electronic gadgets that we fail to look up, to even notice the clouds in the sky. We’re so silly. Can you see it this way? The caterpillar follows her inner guidance, confidently walking a path that calls on her to literally surrender all that she has — all that she is — all that she’s ever known. Without a fear, without a care in the world, she moves ahead in perfect trust.

We can, too — it’s do-able. Yes, it takes a massive letting-go — surrender of all that we thought we knew, the way we understood life to be — yet the caterpillar sets a great example, is an amazing teacher, if we’ll just pay attention to other things than those in which most minds are self-trapped. What say you? Are you game? Sound like fun?

I’ll make a metaphor mush & say we’re blossoming, getting ready to spread our divine wings & take flight — into realms we can’t yet imagine — just like the butterfly (which isn’t a fly, & has no butter — thus, flutterby). We’ve got to drop the old rules, the old guidelines — old beliefs — & start afresh — only this time from Heart, leaving the caterpillar mode behind as no longer useful. A divine mind is taking its place — if we’re ready, that is. No forcing the caterpillar; no forcing us, either.

For simply ages humanity has lived far beneath its potential. By forgetting our inner identity, we lost touch with Higher Self — but no more. The winds of true freedom blow strongly, now, wafting a heavenly scent. This isn’t perceived by sleeple or sheeple — not until they’re willing to look up from their daily cares, their electronic addictions. Let’s tell it like it is, & at least recognize them as addictions. It’s a good start. Then soon, we’re not sleeple, not sheeple any longer. It’s happening everywhere!


Just as extracting the gold requires the refiner’s fire, why should it be any different with us? Surrender is the key to so very much — along with a heck of a lot less self-concern. Perhaps that’s our major addiction. In our focus on the lesser self, we lost touch with the greater one. We’d do well to follow the example of the humble caterpillar, quite unconcerned with such things — just following what I call Heart — sticking strictly with Now — the NowHere.

Let us be willing to leave the lesser self in the dust as we, too, enter the nowhere of the Greater Self, perhaps for the first time, at least in this life. While it’s always been there, ever Present with us, like the caterpillar we had to await the divine timing. Of course, there are a few differences along with many similarities.

Similarities — we both don’t know what awaits us — nor how it will all come about. Differences — the caterpillar trusts in Nature to guide the whole process — while humanity seems to seek out those things which inspire worry & fear. The caterpillar isn’t attached to its current situation, while most of humanity is so deeply attached that they create boogeymen around every corner, projections of fear.

I could go on, of course, but I’m sure you get the idea. We have far more in common with Nature than we know, yet we pay it little attention — few of us spending much time out-of-doors, just being — not doing. Nature has been teaching us so many lessons, which we’ve been busily ignoring, locked in mind as we tend to be — as we’ve been taught to be.


That’s why this awakening is having to come through such chaos — what else would get our attention!? It could have been gentler (& for many of us it has been )— yet we’ve all had our personal “catastrophes” — that’s how we look at them. Yet isn’t it time to take a deep breath, take a fresh look at that?

What really is a catastrophe? We’ve all experienced them, at least on the personal level. Yet what was the result in your life? Have you noticed that they always bring a greater benefit, a greater blessing, either personally or for humanity — or both — even if it takes years before we finally see that?

Is the melting body of the caterpillar a catastrophe? She could certainly take that perspective, in the midst of the loss of everything she was — all she ever knew. And what is her result? Blessings both for her & for us, enjoying her loveliness.

Have you ever picked up a cocoon from which a butterfly is emerging? I did once. Thinking to help, I pulled away some of the remains out of which she seemed to be fighting her way. In the end she died — never able to take to the skies.

That touches me still, to this day — a powerful lesson. We each have the right to work our way through our challenges. Consider the spoiled rich child — we may take away their chance to earn their own wings by being too helpful. Perhaps we don’t respect ourselves enough — nor do we tend to respect the awkward, difficult situations, the benefits they present.


As we grow in Self-respect, when we look around, we begin to respect everyone else & their innate abilities, whether they’re obvious or only there as potential. No one needs our pity, friends! If you’ve ever received pity, yourself, you know what a debilitating energy it truly is — nasty stuff. Let’s cease pitying one another, & go within to nurture that deep Self-respect, seeing all through eyes of Heart (Source).

It’s not a respect for the outer, the lesser self, but for the butterfly, the winged one in all of us, young & old, frail & healthy. There is no one on this planet who doesn’t deserve that respect. Though they may have forgotten their true nature as Source-in-form, once we touch down into ours, we can’t help but see it in them, as well. It’s everywhere, whether nascent or obvious.

Nor do we have to go looking for challenges on which to cut our teeth — that would be mind at work, not Heart. Life brings the perfect challenges to our doorstep. All we need be is receptive, reasonably open, able to take a different perspective.

Once we step out of fear by entering Heart, we can welcome those challenges with open arms & a light heart. We come to know them as friends, bringing gifts as yet unknown to us. We trust in the process, just like the dear caterpillar.


Nor am I preaching masochism, which is how some minds would interpret this. For them, I have nothing to offer, for I can’t force them to go deeper, to enter Heart. It’s still a free-will universe — that’s likely why it’s so messy. We get to make our own choices, & it’s well to respect the choices of others. Besides, mind finds nothing into which to sink its teeth in these writings, so the mind-trapped ones move along rather quickly, finding this boring.

Good for them, I say! They’ll find their own way, in their own time — I have faith in them, even if they don’t. All of this becomes so beautifully obvious once we make that inner connection — so there’s no use trying to explain it. Explanations are mind things, anyway. While I like to claim a flexible perspective, there are certain perspectives that I also find boring — like going back into being under the thumb of my mind. No thanks! Been there, done that, LOL.


No one needs rescuing. Many a time along my way in life certain people reached out, trying to help me into this understanding. It was as if they were speaking Greek — I just didn’t get it. Now I realize that I just wasn’t ready. It would take a few more personal challenges, a few catastrophes, I guess, to soften me up, to bring forth that receptivity.

Just like those who emigrate to America so they can join the Welfare roles, sign-up for Food Stamps & all the rest; we’re not necessarily helping them out by supporting them like that. For a short while it makes good sense — to help them get grounded & self-sufficient — but we take from them those challenges that could be the making of them.

Do you see? Let Heart guide you. They don’t require our pity, just a helping hand for a bit. When we deliver more than that, it’s like giving them a cancer of the Spirit. Why bother to work when you don’t have to — a question the typical mind would ask. We’re tearing the cocoon away from the emerging butterfly — taking that opportunity away from her that would make her sufficiently strong to fly free.


Let’s be more careful with how we structure our charities, official & otherwise — so as not to do damage to the emerging Spirit in those we seek to assist. As Source-in-form, they require neither pity nor too much assistance. This comes from Love, not from being stingy — which can be sensed by those already in Heart. Heart takes the perfect action — not too much, not too little — as we allow that.

It’s truly an awakening time, friends. We’re all set to emerge from our chrysalis. Let’s be delicate & cautious in how we approach giving, with more respect for the inner Spirit than for the outer circumstances. It’s not up to us to make others successful. Let’s respect them enough to know they can accomplish this — & that it won’t be worth much if it’s just handed to them, a la the spoiled rich child. Sometimes we give at the price of their Spirit.

Challenges are actually beautiful; it just takes new eyes to seem them in this light — yet we’ve all got those eyes. We find them on touch-down in Heart. The world is definitely not going to hell in a hand-basket, so don’t trust the messenger bringing such tidings. Close the door.

Go find something you enjoy & lose yourself in it. That serves humanity in far greater ways than most yet realize. Your Joy is the uplifting wind under the wings of your brethren — all being but one, interlinked, interwoven into That, the only One worthy of trust. Let us wake-up to realize we’ve vested our trust in the unworthy, & pull it back.

Find your Self — that one is worthy — yet it’s funny, too. You cannot trust that one, because it is naught other than You — there is no two there, one trusting, one being trusted. It’s all very strange & intriguing. You’ll never be bored again, upon finding yourself in Heart. Nothing at all is what it seems to be, & it’s a great adventure of endless discovery.


PS If you like homework, then your assignment is to read Self-Reliance, essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson — very enlightening, very spirited.

9:40 pm, Wednesday 2017/08/23, 2nd, Mayan day 7 Transformer or Death / Cimi




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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