Can’t applaud this one, Michael. I hope you have it in you to laugh, but I find this divisive. Are you familiar with projection — how we project our views onto others? Could be some of that, here.
I don’t find that the facts support your interpretation, your assertions. I won’t argue them with you — I don’t argue, anyway — as we all have the right to our perspective on things. As long as we harm none, we all deserve respect. It’s not up to us to change anyone’s mind, that’s their job, but presenting people with our view can inspire them to have their own.
The Left has gone totally ad hominem, not addressing the real issues, just dissing the man, regardless of what he says or does. If you can’t see that, look to the blinders created by your beliefs. Every belief, bar none, comes with it’s blinders that cause us to refuse to seriously consider other perspectives. Oh no, ours is “right!” This is not exclusive to any party or country or race or whatever — we all do it, most are just not self-aware.
In our 3D realm of relativity, there is no absolute truth; it’s all relative. Yet, we do have access to real Truth, it’s just that our mind is not the right tool for the job. Heart is.
Blessings along your journey.