1 min readNov 18, 2017


Came back to reread this great article. I’m now finding deeper layers of understanding, both in the article, but also in me. It turns our that all of our expectations arise from our systems of belief. Our internal dissonance arises when life experience doesn’t align with our beliefs.

As we delve deeper within ourselves, looking for who we really are, the greatest dissonance, yet, arises when we don’t find a self, when we touch down into an emptiness, a seeming nothing. It’s a real belief-whacker. Yet on exploring this emptiness, we find it connects us (& all) to the greater whole — which some call the One.

It also smashes our beliefs around the search for happiness, somehow. The deeper we penetrate into the nothingness, the more whole we feel. This is a space with nary a two, much less the existence of any sort of discontent. It’s more like an is-ness, a beingness, in which nothing is or could ever be lacking.

So perhaps it doesn’t fit anyone’s ideas around happiness, but there’s a level or layer in us all where a tranquility abides, a great peace. It’s also beautiful in its always-there-ness, unlike mental or emotional states that are rather fickle, never steady.

Anyway, once again enjoyed reading your story. 😃





Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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