Break Down the 3D Boxes

8 min readSep 6, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Got a feeling this journal may go a bit woo-woo for some — mostly those still in mind, not yet accessing MOM — Mind-Observer Mode — thus, still locked into beliefs, to whatever extent. Oh well, let’s see where it goes.

Many people still believe that earth is one planet, that all living here share the same reality, the same dimensional 3D frequency, & so on. Some still retain the belief that humanity is the only advanced lifeform in the Universe, lol. Not so. So I’ll share with you my take on these things. Let’s have fun with this, okay — no taking it too seriously :p

Every dimension (such as 3D) has multiple layers & levels that interpenetrate. [1] Depending on what frequency we maintain, we shift & move amongst a range of these — our range, again, a function of the vibration we hold, both overall & at any point in the NowHere. I’ve spoken, before, about how we find the traditional “heaven” & “hell” as the outer ranges of 4D — yet of course there’s a broad range in the middle where many others abide, based on their frequency & their Belief Systems (which are always BS).

What about 3D — is it any different here? Let me ask you — why would it be? All dimensions are like this. Just as the electromagnetic spectrum is a broad range of those frequencies of which we’re aware — with the “visible light spectrum” being but a sliver of that whole — so it is with the 3D (or any D) dimensional frequency spectrum. It’s a much broader range, but the analogy holds up well — our entire electromagnetic spectrum being the tiny sliver of the entirety of the 3D spectrum.

We don’t actually know what others experience of, for example, the color blue. Their blue may look different (be a different frequency) than ours. By using the 5 senses, we just can’t know what others experience. (Our inner senses do go there, yet not many are accessing those, experienced as we enter Heart.)

When we look around at the diversity that surrounds us, why would we expect everyone’s experience to march in lock-step — to be the same? Well, they don’t — so let’s begin there. My experiences, along with many others — perhaps yours — vastly diverge from any such norm.


Diversity is the nature, the theme of our reality. Imagine if there was only one perfume fragrance for all women — & one after-shave fragrance for all men? How much fun would that be? What if all flowers were yellow? Let’s break down the walls of this particular belief system & thus broaden the range of our experience.

Said another way, our experiences already diverge — far more than most realize — so let’s be done with the ridiculous belief that we all experience everything alike. That’s just nuts!

Venn Diagram —

People tend to group together based on shared views & experiences. Can we also see this as a grouping by shared frequency bands? Not that we all vibrate at the same frequency, but within a common band. We’re also repulsed by certain people & the groups into which they gather — again, our frequencies don’t harmonize — no Venn Diagram, there. We’re too far out of that band or frequency range, thus making it an uncomfortable association, like two dissonant notes/frequencies.

I can feel that some already “get it,” thus not requiring further explanation, yet I’ll let the journal go where it will. What we’re in the midst of, now, is an intensifying acceleration, a rise in frequencies encompassing far more than just Mother Earth & our solar system, so let’s expand, as we choose to broaden our sensing abilities. We all have them, folks. These rising frequencies are fast delivering to us our greater potential as sensing beings — or Beings — take your pick.


Those choosing to remain solidly human, stuck fast to their BS Belief Systems, will have their (human) being expanded. Those moving on are in process of expanding out into their Being — merging with Higher Self in its unlimited capacities. Chances are good that your current abilities far outstrip the ones you believe you have — so why not change the beliefs, or just drop them in favor of having the direct experiences?

Yes, we’re all still present (to whatever extent) here in 3D — but since when is our frequency limited to just one number? That’s a ridiculous assumption held, indirectly, by many — by those retaining the belief in one shared reality. We’re all actually morphing with some intensity — have been for many years, now, but recently it’s been seriously amped-up.

We’re shifting in & out of frequency ranges with every thought, every feeling, every energy we radiate & with which we harmonize.

Are you aware of any of this? Remember, it’s by retaining beliefs that we create the boxes of our experience, either within or outside of The Matrix so prevalent on earth. The beauty, here, is that we’re the ones in charge of those beliefs — able to adopt, change, or drop them at will. So no one is forcing anyone into anything — though it takes making a close companion of MOM to see it this way.


Time to adopt a far more flexible perspective than the one(s) with which we grew-up, into which we were “educated”/programmed. You’re the jailer, you have the keys to any prison cell. Time to take back your native Power as Source-in-form, wouldn’t you say? We do that by ditching those beliefs — not really so difficult — shocking only to mind, who feels comfortable there.

You’ll laugh when I share that the A’s (5D Andromedans) told contactee Alex Collier that our energy bodies — auras, if you like — reach out as far as — here’s the funny part — I forget whether it’s 900 feet or 900 meters. A radically huge difference, yet for our purposes, here, either one is sufficiently huge to expand our realm of the possible. Though the eye can’t see into the energy field spectrum, it still exists — & is 3D substance.

This means you’re in close connection with not just your whole house, but out into the broader area — for me, that’s woods & fields, birds, animals & all that lives there. I’m actually in physical contact with all of that — yet my awareness would be limited by a belief that this isn’t the case— wouldn’t it? So I wouldn’t reach out to interact with the broad area I actually occupy, in the presence of such a belief.

Do you get my drift, here? Beliefs are nothing but limiting boxes into which we place ourselves. Time to crash down those walls, wouldn’t you say — to expand out into our true extent, into our actual abilities, laying dormant all of our lives due to those old, rotten, limiting beliefs.


Friends, we each sense so many things that we largely ignore, attributing them to one of the boxes in our belief systems. We get hunches, yet so often don’t act on them. We sense so very many things that we allow our BS Belief Systems to edit out or misinterpret for us. We can stop that, today — right in this very NowHere — if that’s our choice.

The biggest thing we can do to grow & expand out into our natural abilities is to ditch every old, limiting belief. Let’s start afresh, joining up with MOM to begin to spot & erase them, every one [eventually].

No time like the present, right? No one is stopping us. Well, no one but the self, in the form of mind. You were often warned in these journals that this trek out of head, into Heart, was a shocking one, a surprising one. Let’s make friends with being surprised, okay? It’s easy enough to do, just a new use of free will. We’re spreading our figurative — & not so figurative — wings, here. Are you game?


Many of you have had 4D experiences often enough, but just misinterpreted them as something else, based on old beliefs. Well, stop it! LOL. Love yourself! Better yet, let yourSelf do that — merge with Higher Self. The frequencies are egging us all on into these higher levels of 3D, & beyond — the sky is the limit, meaning there is no limit at all.

Add a dose of “time” & enter infinity/eternity. All that’s between us & that is some of this illusory stuff that humans call time — of course, seeing it as a limit. BS!

I hope it won’t be too shocking to remind you — for You know this — that you’re living all of your lifetimes, your incarnations, simultaneously. And that all of those dimension, layers & levels & all, interpenetrate. Yup, right in the NowHere. They’re all accessible via the awakening process.

In the near future you won’t likely experience all of them, but what would be the point of that, anyway. Have you realized, yet, that it’s the journey, itself, that’s the point of it all? That the NowHere is literally all there is or ever was — or ever will be?


So how are we doing on crashing down some old belief barriers, together? I’m feeling good about it — hope you are, too. Remember the critical importance of attitude to this whole process. If you believe it’s fun, then it will be — if you believe it’s scary & dangerous — then for you, it will be. Gotta watch those tricky buggers, those beliefs. They’re what’s nasty.

Nah, nothing is ever really nasty or negative — unless you choose to view it that way. But then you’d be creating that sort of experience for yourself. No external force or factor would be doing that — so take responsibility for your part in creating The Matrix, okay?

Are you ready to face that, to work your way through it, & simply move on? Truly, you’re the only one slowing or stopping you. No one or no thing else has the power to control Source-in-form — but you don’t get to experience it that way UNTIL YOU OWN IT. The best [only] starting point is NowHere.


[1] Actually, all of the dimensions interpenetrate right here, right Now.

12:54 am, Wednesday 2017/09/06, 1st, Mayan day 8 Sun / Ahau




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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