Bombs Away!

Reclaiming our Freedom

9 min readJan 11, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

It’s been Dark Night of the Soul time for me for a many weeks. I won’t try to analyze it in depth, just say this one is different than earlier ones by not being terribly intense & by its longer duration. You don’t have to be Catholic to appreciate St. John of the Cross’ wise guidance in the 16th century poem which coined the phrase.

If you read it you may realize, in hindsight, that you’ve experienced this, too, perhaps more than once, perhaps now.

The really intense ones — & they’re all intense — are generally shorter. I appreciate the relative mildness of this, yet, oh my, it just drags on & on, this feeling so terribly down. One hallmark of all of them is feeling cut-off from Source, externally & internally. Not fun.

As it fades away you begin to reconnect, to once again access that feeling of ease in Heart. It’s like a spiritual desert you’ve been walking through, a darkly challenging time. When we’re not anchored in the mind it’s much better, for thought can be a torture chamber during these phases.

Most mistake it for depression, yet naming it isn’t helpful.


Life is always reflecting us back to ourselves, only the Self we are is hugely unknown, these days. We’re so much more than we take ourselves to be! This is a beautiful time where so many of us are waking-up to the self as Source-in-form, venturing into the that boundless realm.

I suggest these times can be evidence of breaking out of the Matrix.

While it’s not as easy as we (our mind) might like it to be, its unimaginable blessings are beyond amazing. Taking each step in Heart, with trust in Source, while limiting our awareness to only Now carries us through anything.

It’s the MIND that weaves ALL of our challenges.


Don’t be surprised if your awakening trek brings you into a Dark-Night-of-the-Soul experience. I’d actually be surprised if it didn’t. These don’t mean that you’re lost — although it feels that way — or that you’ve strayed from your path. And don’t fight it; that only prolongs the experience. Just keep centering in Heart & your current step.

These are the times when it’s well to remember the only constant is change. We can rest in that, knowing nothing can drag endlessly on. Better days are ahead.


We’ve allowed Big Pharma & the medical cabal to color the whole of our experience. As they apply all sorts of diagnoses to whatever challenges we encounter it is not to our benefit.

How different is it to see yourself as depressed, perhaps to even be medicated for that, versus recognizing we’re at a key step in our awakening via one of these DNoTS experiences? Check it out. Go within.


As we step out of our programmed weaknesses back into our potential Power our whole attitude & perspective undergoes radical change. We are NOT what we take ourselves to be, but it takes actively shifting our self-awareness to shed those false beliefs, to even see their falsity.

This is where we shift out of seeking any sort of rescue into reclaiming our native state. It requires our active participation, not just waiting around for someone else to deliver it. That’s analogous to putting our car in neutral. It takes us nowhere fast, & more often leads to a depression tinged with hope.

It’s so funny, too, for if we knew Who we actually are, we’d never engage in such a weak stance. We’d just laugh, deeply knowing right down to the tips of our toes that we are one with Source & have full access to That whenever we choose to claim it. Let’s engage our free will in much greater, broader ways than any we’ve yet considered. There’s so much power in that, most of it unsuspected.

How do we shift gears, moving out of weakness back into Divine Power?

One step at a time, consistently aiming for that. Just the simple shift of focus from the head toward Heart can accompany each step. Not looking to thought to resolve whatever besets us is wise. It takes this major migration of awareness to move out of the Matrix BS.


NO answer lies outside of our NowHere experience.

Nothing we require is external to Who we are. We’re not used to thinking like that or we’d spend far less on psychiatric support. A diagnosis is NOT what we need, but rather to ditch all such labels in favor of finding our way into Heart, our true Home. We take it with us wherever we go, which seems rather funny to us once we shift out of the needy perspective.

I am no doctor nor counselor, so don’t act on what I share, here, but rather take it to your own Heart. It’s not our actions that will save the day, anyway, nor is it our thoughts (though they can be useful). These pale in importance next to our Spirit, our soul, our Inner Being & what it can accomplish, what it IS. Today’s Daily Quote says it in their own way:

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/01/11

“What you do is miniscule (sic) in comparison with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important.”

Excerpted from Boston, MA on 10/20/96

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Emphasis mine

As they say — for Abraham-Hicks is plural, a group awareness — we use thought to move us in our new direction, to shift our vibration up out of the dumps. As we shift into identifying with Spirit, with Who we truly are, we take charge of thought & the mind. These merge into the Dance of Source that we are, resulting in far better choices that truly amaze us.

What counts, what wins the day, (the Now moment) is this shift in awareness. One cannot explain this to the normies since it’s not accessible by their tools, the body-mind. This goes so far beyond those as to make them appear unimportant, almost irrelevant from our new perspective.


We often move through a long phase of calling to our Higher Self (or God) for help; I certainly did. One day we recognize how that makes a sort of two out of us— the one needing help & the Helper. That only takes us so far. As we move toward identifying ourselves as Source-in-form we have this realization: there is no two in the One, in Source. We thus take a major step up & out of the Matrix game.

It has to get down to ONLY US at some point.

We’re in a perpetual state of becoming. What we’ll become is largely unknown, so we must enter it blind, with no reliance on thought to see us through. The Light at the end of this tunnel is beyond amazing. Just one sweet moment of full presence in Heart gives us all we need to climb the highest mountain, to overcome whatever presents itself.

One moment & we just Know, quite unlike any knowing we’ve ever encountered. We could be more easily convinced that the world & all that’s in it doesn’t exist than go back on this Knowing. It’s that deep, that awesome; something no mind can ever grasp. It’s getting reacquainted with our Self, touching bases with That, & it’s clearly, indisputably divine, albeit unprovable to others.


At this point we no longer require any sort of faith — we just Know — though we can’t explain it to anyone who hasn’t had the experience. Their only tool is the mind, which can’t touch this. It can also be frustrating since we want our dear ones to understand. Source has them, though, so we need not worry.

They’ll come into this when they’re ready. They’re in good hands. 😉

Just as we don’t know what we don’t know, we also don’t know the full extent of our free will, which morphs into Free Will. Until we determine to divorce our mind, we won’t know, either. The days of trusting thought to guide us are over. Now it becomes a matter of retraining the mind, bringing it into submission to Who we are.


If you’re truly Source-in-form, the you should be able to look through the eyes of Source, yes? We can use this intent like a thermometer to take our spiritual temperature. First, comes acceptance by our mind that we are actually Source-in-form. This mental acceptance is an early stage in our transformation, our full eventual regeneration from carbon-based to crystalline-based form.

What comes next? How do we use this thermometer? My favorite time is when I lay down to sleep. My prayers at that time have shifted over the years, yet another indicator of the ground covered. Early on, though I well knew & accepted that I’m Source-in-form, it felt almost blasphemous to own it.

I wasn’t able to really claim it & mean it, so my temperature was off.

These days it’s shifting into the sense of being That. It no longer feels separate & inaccessible. I’d always call to my Higher Self to come in as I fell asleep, but that no longer works due to its inherent duality. Our move into triality is only blocked by our programming, friends, old beliefs that must go to enter the direct experience.


We ARE what we’ve been seeking for so long, so let’s get on with retraining our mind, with expanding our sense of the possible especially around free will, which becomes Free Will in the hands of the divine. At first, we just speak of it as if we know. Later on we also see the difference between the old (mental) knowing & the Knowing that’s possible via alignment with Source.

Our Inner Senses are activating.

Just as we expand our sense of the possible, it’s also time to ditch any sense of the impossible. (Please don’t take this to the mind, to which these things are nonsense.) This is Heart stuff & must be received & pondered there. It won’t be understood, but understanding, itself, has also betrayed us — betrayed Who we really are by not acknowledging That.

We take most, if not all of our steps on this trek blind, absent understanding. This is a phase of exiting the mind in favor of Heart. As we bed down in Heart & sustain our presence, there, these challenges drop away. It gets ever easier to step out in reliance on Self/Source, Knowing That has not just our back, but everything covered.


Leaving the Matrix isn’t easy, but then again, it is — it’s easy to Who we truly are. It’s just hard from the mental perspective, its radical shift on our hierarchy of importance. This is the both/and of triality. As we adapt we begin to absolutely welcome it.

We LOVE those time of emptiness, of thought going silent.

As we determine to see life & everything through the eyes of Source, OMG, what a wild & wonderful journey it becomes. You’ll know when you’ve got it as you keep taking your temperature, witnessing the internal changes in your awareness. (Journaling helps with this.) It won’t seem like theft or blasphemy once you realize that it’s Source doing the looking, not the phony “you” you once took yourself to be.


We have so much to celebrate, so let’s be about carving out our ever-new NowHere experience. During the DNotS stages, we won’t feel quite as lost & bereft. We know not only that they don’t last forever, but also that they’re actually a wonderful sign of progress as we exit the Matrix. Now, it’s easy to see that it’s our old belief systems having a hard time with this, & that’s awesome, too.

We’ll be having a mass party, a galaxy-, universe-, or Cosmos-wide celebration before long, rejoicing in the triality of our new/old state of awareness. The old days, the old ways will seem small & inconsequential. Keep the mind away from this stuff, or you’ll unnecessarily prolong your trek.

Bombs away on the old, unreal beliefs!

Bombs Away! —

Note: Please pardon my sense of humor, here, but it’s also relevant as we ditch the old beliefs. 😆

Osprey Bombs Away —



10:40 am, Thursday 2018/01/11, 1st, Mayan day 5 Deer / Manik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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