Blessings of Not Knowing, pt 2

4 min readJan 7, 2018


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

If we can accept the possibility that there’s a realm beyond thought & knowledge, & that we can access it by going deeper within, then this journal could be useful. If we’re just accessing this via the mind, then it won’t take us where we want to go — closer to awakening, an eternal walk where there are no “little” things, where all contains deeper meaning.

Humans often keep themselves busy plotting out their desired future, delving into step ten, shifting focus away from our Now moment, our current step. We believe some things are more important than others — that a car accident is more important than tying our shoelaces.

Spontaneous Healingil miracolo e la guarigione spontanea autoprovocati coscientemente

While that’s clearly true on the level of mind & body, let’s get past that by delving deeper, within. The answers we seek are found in the triality, which requires us to leave duality & mind’s take on everything to the side. We don’t see things the same. This doesn’t invalidate 3D duality, but rather goes beyond that into a higher vibrational realm. We get good at setting 3D aside by moving our focus elsewhere, so let’s go within.


We’re frequently shown the flaws & holes in our beliefs. Rather than using the mind in an attempt to figure anything out, we learn to be comfortable with not knowing. Seeing the weaknesses in our old beliefs doesn’t mean we know what to replace them with, for that would take us into the future. Time is not the same in this “other” space.

We learn to make peace with simply not knowing, not pushing against that. The discomfort we feel — & we will — arises within the mind. This isn’t clear at first, but comes into clearer focus as we proceed, always choosing to stick with our current step, with what simply is.

This take practice & determination, as we’re not stable here, yet, but it’s eventually experienced as a great deal of fun. As we choose to just be with our discomfort, to allow & accept it, we’re shown how that’s always mind at work, enabling us to focus & maintain a deeper awareness. Awareness when focused in Heart is nothing like the mind’s awareness, nor does it translate well into words.


This is why our early steps into awakening seem like a continual state of letting go, of releasing our belief that what we know is correct. We’ve already got the best possible belief systems on board, from the perspective of our mind. We sought the highest truths.

This trek has nothing to do with beliefs, which abide in the mind’s realm. If we’ll keep remembering this, that helps. It’s not about fighting over whose knowledge or “truth” is the best. All of that remains in duality, below where we’re going in frequency. Experiencing a higher vibrational life is really a trip, being nothing like any of us expect.


Expectations also block our flow, so we’re busy ditching them as they crop up. This is where sticking firmly with our Now experience comes in, for expectations clearly abide in the future, thus taking us farther from our deeper realm. Expectations form no part of awakening, being beliefs, things of the mind.

So what is it about this “not knowing” stuff that’s so useful, so powerful? It gives us evidence that we’re successfully mastering the mind while choosing to place our focus in Heart. Much like “accidentally” glancing at a clock displaying 11:11 or some other master number, it forms part of the constant feedback we’ve been getting but not seeing, thus not heeding for so many years.

This silence, this moment, every moment, If it’s genuinely inside you, brings what you need.~ Rumi

Those focused in NowHere are always getting the same feedback they were getting before, only it takes that Now focus to spot it, to recognize its deeper source & sometimes its meaning. Being in Now helps us interpret it, but via Heart, which again is not at all akin to mental interpretation. The pieces all go together in ways we’ve never suspected, before.

Mind is neither bad nor wrong, just far more shallow than Heart, less able to see the feedback from Source.

When we go into the nothingness, the emptiness we uncover when searching for our true self/Self, we begin to experience the vastness of Who we truly are. There is no end to the eternal/infinite expansion, so it’s wise to not slip into ego, into thinking we’re awakened. We just participate in that by our use of free will.

In this sense, only Source is awakened, as I hope you can see.

Our knowledge actually helped us get to this point, so it’s great, as far as it goes. We haven’t been taught that we’re anything beyond the body & the mind, so if we’re unaware that something exists, we can’t consciously expand into it. The mind only takes us so far.

See you in part 3.



1-:56 am, Saturday 2018/01/06, 2nd, Mayan day 13 Wind / Ik




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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