Beyond Divide-and-Conquer
For many long decades, the American public was successfully divided and conquered, made to fight among themselves. We long trusted those unworthy of our trust, believing what they brought to the table as education, science, & “facts.” The depth & breadth of this manipulation is yet to be revealed, hugely sophisticated & widely applied right under our noses while our focus was directed elsewhere.
Where does that leave us, now?
There is both good news & bad news on this front. The obvious good news is that only the minority now fall for what has become blatantly obvious manipulation to structure our views in favor of the dark actors & their various plots, disguised as “perfectly reasonable” stances.
The bad news is discovering the endless ways we were lied to & misled, then making the internal changes needed to further awaken. Our herd instinct was used against us by branding everything with which the Left disagreed as false or mere “conspiracy theories.” We’ve become a good deal more sophisticated at this point, thus we’re not so easily led.
It’s a shockingly amazing time to be walking planet earth.
American society displays aspects of mental disorders, of people refusing to face facts, promulgating lies as truth. The Left hypocritically refuses to accept the results of an election they tried so hard to rig, clearly out to take the new president down. This, presented in the guise of being perfectly reasonable since he’s a homophobe, a Hitler, a fascist, & any other slur that comes to mind. Yeah, right. We’re finally seeing through the blatant BS.
Right now the minority is parading about as if they are the clear majority, & failing that, that their slurs still stand as right & even obvious — to them. I don’t know what drugs they’re on or what programming they’ve endured to have so lost touch with reality. If they can’t win on their so-called facts, then they’ll win by sheer bravado, or so they seem to believe.
What worked before is failing them, now, as humanity refuses to be docile, trusting sheep.
The media repeats the same story, even the same words across all MSM news networks. How did we not catch this, before? The psychology has long been established that, if you repeat a lie loud enough & often enough, people will eventually believe it.
Once upon a time & for quite a long while that worked, but no more. Too many twisted, once-hidden secrets have come to light such that we’re now more aware than ever of how we’ve been endlessly duped.
Yet, it seems they will never give up, never say die & just move on. Oh no, they’re clinging to the old Saul Alinsky tactics that once worked so well for them. It’s a form of mental derangement, trying to bring change by not changing at all, by continuing to enforce your view. Once the people see through that, it’s too late; they can never unsee it.
One of our biggest challenges may be to reverse the damage already done, the intensity of divisiveness on full display around whatever topic you’d care to present. Even though their malfeasance, their criminality is on full display, their arrogance knows no bounds. It’s that very arrogance that’s bringing them down, their Achilles’ Heel. Let’s not join them in that, but stick to the humility Heart presents.
There is no waking up until we all take 3 paces back & bring a neutral objectivity to bear. This is not the objectivity of mind, which is a mere supporting player, but the equality, the neutrality, the Oneness of Heart.
People are allowing themselves to be brought to such a level of anger, of anxiety, that some are ready to employ the cabal’s dirty tactics in support of their perspectives; not good. The cabal is taking itself down, so let’s leave them to it.
Truth always wins out over lies, given a bit of time.
Frequencies are rising at such a rate that it’s a challenge to keep up. Ever faster Internet & computer performance nurtures levels of impatience not found in earlier ages. We’ve so lost touch with Nature, & with our own nature, that thought & action moves at breakneck speed. As long as we’re riding that particular train, we’re deeply discontent, another outcome desired by the cabal.
Meanwhile, we’ve gotten every one of our beliefs at second-hand.
If we’ll just contemplate what that means we’ll be shocked. How much is original in our copycat world? Those firmly focused in the mind have been running things for some centuries, now, disallowing the whole spiritual realm once considered primary. Philosophy has quite lost its edge, being taught as a mental study of its past glories — evidence of a move away from Heart into the head.
Unless & until humanity wakes-up to the divisive manipulation, we’ll go on as before, arguing & fighting amongst ourselves as the cabal works hard to foment another war. As we take personal steps to reunite as what we are, the Family of Humanity, beneficent change is the natural outcome. It’s time to ignore what’s presented as the majority view, the old tissue of lies, to not let ourselves be drawn in by those unwilling to wake up.
We, my friends, are the majority — effective once we break with the ruling mobs, quit fighting each other, & reunite.
We’ve long known that a house divided against itself cannot stand, yet we’ve fallen for those very things that divide us, willing to slam & attack those with whom we simply disagree. In our fast-paced frustration, we’ve turned on one another rather than having reasonable discussion around a topic. We have our own, internal clean-up to do, every one of us.
What we haven’t been allowed to see is how our power works, how consciousness, itself, is the Creative Force. Because we live with this illusion of time in 3D, cause-and-effect is less clear. We can be made to believe anything IF we’re willing to allow that, & our beliefs structure our experience, our “reality. “
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018–03–07
“Physical experience is the leading edge of thought. The furtherest extension of that thought. You are not at the beginning. You are here on the leading edge, living the manifestation of thought. And as you expose yourself to the contrast within the manifestation, you don new desires which then summons the Life Force.”
Excerpted from Syracuse, NY on 10/14/97
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
It’s only when we calm down, step back, & enter Heart that clarity arises.
There are no words for the awesomeness of this internal Clarity that begins to make itself felt along the Heart trek. Anyone who has experienced this even once will know by the feel of it that it quite transcends 3D duality. It’s not at all linear, a totally different thing that pops up now & again, not as a steady state. (That may come later, who knows?)
We are all powerful, sovereign beings.
That remains but a potential until we find our way into alignment with Heart, with the Higher Self we already are. Time is a crazy illusion, not seen until we step back & go within. It’s never been anything but Now, nor will it ever be, but we have this illusion of time passing. Play with it, don’t trust it. 😉
Perhaps the biggest illusion most still retain is our belief in a separate self — as if we could somehow separate out from the One that is All, from Source. Not even possible, but the illusion of separation seems quite real in our 3D experience.
The directive to treat all others as we would want to be treated — the Golden Rule — goes much deeper. Those “others” are, in the greater Reality, but aspects of the one Divine Self.
“These eyes through which I hoped to see God are the eyes through which God sees me.” Do you see? All are inextricably entwined. As we implement this in our daily life, the detours from our personal path disappear.
We begin to make contact with Who we truly are, Source in a body, walking the earth.
While all of this comes at the sensate level, we can make good use of our mind as we align with Heart. We can begin to implement what Heart informs us is true & desirable, ignoring the endless distractions. While the best possible outcome is to put Heart in charge of our lives, we head in that direction by implementing our new understandings as they arise. We become less tech-dependent along the way.
We can practice the Golden Rule, we can accept that no-separation may, indeed, be the case. We can choose to back away from allowing ourselves to be so easily manipulated online. We can consciously center in Heart, anywhere, anytime. We can thus return to the Reality of the Family of Humanity, refusing to mistreat or malign one another ever again.
We do this by the wise use of mind, no longer engaging in pointless ad hominem attacks on anyone. Instead, we marshal the facts as we understand them, only willing to have a sensible dialog where both sides are reasonably open. Otherwise, it’s just an exercise in futility. Presenting facts to someone locked in their Belief Systems is pointless.
People must be willing to change.
One of the many beauties of the Heart walk is the great Respect we begin to both give & receive. We enter into that Love that underlies all of existence. We radiate That. Some will notice, most will not, caught up in their mental processes as they are. We’re okay with that, for we’re only in charge of the self.
Others get to make their own choices, something we come to deeply respect. We spot an awakening being as one who respects self & others.
None of this will change our external world overnight, but change it, it will. It’s that “illusion of time” thing, again. Clocks & calendars try to impose logic & reason on that which is beyond current human understanding. We try to confine eternity to a box while Source lovingly laughs.
Calendars & clocks are constructs whose function takes us off into the realm of beliefs, nothing solid at all. Witness how different cultures have vastly different understandings around time. The Mayan culture comes to mind, but also various Asian cultures whose New Year’s Day isn’t the one celebrated in the West, who don’t live in 2018.
Our personal reality is not universal.
Let’s get more comfortable with our differences, friends. Rather than using them as reasons to attack, let’s share. You never know whose mind or Heart you’ll touch with something Heart prompts you to say or do. Nor does it matter, for they’re in the hands of Source, too. Them not realizing their Source-in-form nature doesn’t change the underlying Reality.
Finally, just for the sake of a bit of rebellion, let’s refuse ALL divisiveness. We know better in Heart, so let’s have the courage of our deep convictions & live a life we’ll be happy to have lived when crossing over.
Nothing truly serious is going on, here in this play, this Grand 3D Drama. These are truly but roles we take on so let’s enjoy them as we were meant to do, as we meant to do before arriving on the 3D stage. We’ve got what it takes!
1:46 pm, Tuesday 2018/03/06, 1st, Mayan day 7 Crocodile / Imix