Between Waking & Sleeping

Going Beyond — Well Beyond

7 min readJul 17, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

Those times between waking & sleeping are special, times when the conscious mind is not yet in gear, not yet in charge. They are times when we can experience more of the depth of Who we really are outside of the box in which we normally live.

Our bodies sleep, but we don’t.

We actually leave our bodies in sleep, going beyond them into dimensions accessible to disembodied consciousness. Perhaps those realms would be accessible to us when awake, as well, but not with the consciousness box we’ve crafted for ourselves.

We’ve locked ourselves down; not intentionally, but we’ve been led into doing that, crafting the tight boundaries within which our conscious mind & awareness abide. Clueless about our innate power, we were misinformed in so many clever ways that resulted in our current Matrixed state.

The good news — that looks like bad news — is that we did this to ourselves. Why is that good? It empowers us to undo it.

How do we go about freeing ourselves? We let ourselves be, going beyond, eventually well beyond our mind’s comfort zone. We discover our Inner Being & give That free rein. We explore the possibility, the reality, that we really are Source/God in form, emanations of That.

Education Interferes with Learning —

Our minds have been programmed to keep us trapped & locked down, filled with all sorts of proscriptions against such exploration. Even to consider that we could be fully one with Source/God, that we could be actual emanations of That at our core has been made out to be evil, to be arrogant in the extreme, to be “bad.”

Until we can let that go, we remain stuck. Let us respect one another’s choices around this, for we each have the right to make our own choices. We have no right to choose for anyone but ourselves. It quickly (or eventually, LOL,) becomes clear that we have various belief systems in the way, blocking such exploration.

How attached are we to those beliefs?

We don’t make it into Heart without going beyond the head, the mind. It’s our mind that’s been programmed. Heart can’t even be touched, can’t be limited in any way. As long as we identify firmly with the body-mind, we lasso the self, keeping it in perpetual servitude to the mind’s programming.

The mind is firmly ensconced in Either-Or-Ville with its left/right, up/down, good/bad & the rest, not knowing the infinite freedom of Both-And-Land just yet. It can, but there’s a lot of releasing that must come first. We must undo the chains, ropes, & the knots keeping us small, keeping us bound & restricted.

One day we’ll laugh 😆 to realize we’re our own jailor, but not just yet. We’ve got some work to do, first.

Until we step outside of the tiny confines in which we’re (self-)trapped, we don’t see the view from that expanded, that expansive perspective. We were deceived, tricked into being corralled into believing we’re no more than the body-mind. It was only our acceptance of those limited confines that enabled us to craft the Matrix “reality” in which most of us now live.

We get a whiff of that vaster Reality field between sleep & waking. It’s a good time to relax into, to explore. It may be fleeting, but it reconnects us, gives us a taste of our greater Being, the infinity/eternity of That as we relax into it. Coming to identify as consciousness, costumed in form, helps expand the exploration.

We learn things along the way that support our expansion. It’s helpful to remind ourselves that our conscious awareness is only the surface bit of the mind. Otherwise, we won’t see that our programming abides in the mind’s deeper regions, the subconscious & the unconscious.

It’s time to cut ourselves some slack, too, to lighten up on our expectations enough to see how those originate in the mind, the programmed mind. We’ve come to so identify with the mind that it seems beyond our imagination to go beyond it— but we can — but we are, already existing in the vast beyond.

The very thing that’s blocking our expansion is what we think we know. Our supposed knowledge blocks the exit doors.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
Daniel J. Boorstin

It surprises us to discover that the key that unlocks the Matrix doors is emptiness, is recognizing that we know nothing, nothing of any cosmic usefulness. We’re being kept small, friends, but it’s only with our cooperation that this can happen or continue. It stops whenever we’re ready to let go, to empty out, to allow What Is to just Be; to not think we’re smarter than That.

We’ve been guided into creating a false persona, the ego-mind, something that must fade into oblivion for us to experience our deeper reality. It’s a scary journey, at first. We’ve so identified with both the body-mind & the ego-mind that we take them to be the whole of us when they’re not. Yet, our power is such that we can keep ourselves trapped this way for as long as we like; well, for as long as the globalist cabal likes, for we don’t like it.

We fail to see the size, the utter gotcha of the Matrix trap. It reaches into every aspect of our 3D lives, yet not quite into that boundary between waking & sleeping. We can go beyond it in meditation, as well, though many of us don’t care for that.

We go beyond it via the NDE, yet we don’t have to (almost) die to come back into ourSelves, either. Who we truly are is always available to us, we just have to ditch the programming to glimpse the possibilities. If you don’t know there’s a Both-And-Land, you’re not likely to go exploring there.

It repeatedly gets down to how attached are we to our programming, i.e., to our systems of belief?

At some point — not until we’re ready — we see how that’s all resident in the mind, that transitory, limited aspect of our being, the body-mind costume we think we wear. We don’t wear it, we contain it, but that’s also not seen until we’re ready, until a few more beliefs hit the dustbin.

We can thank goodness or heaven or Source or whatever for free will, putting us in the driver’s seat. Source never forces anyone into anything. We get to choose. One day we wake up to realize that we’ve been choosing to keep ourselves bound. The exit door is very near at that point.

“To know that you do not know is the best.
To think you know when you do not is a disease.
Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.”
Lao Tzu

As Source-in-form, we could never be bound absent our consent.

Though we have a good deal of awakening to do before we can really see that, it’s always there for us. We’re always free to make other choices, some of which will be hard, even arduous. Well, that’s how they’ll seem at the time, but 20/20 hindsight shows us another picture, entirely.

We can expand into all of that beginning right now, in the ever-present NowHere. As consciousness, we still exist in those higher dimensions, in the realm of Spirit. We never left there to embody, we just seem to. Within Source/God, we’re everywhere at once. That’s what the NowHere (“nowhere” to the mind,) is all about.

Waking up turns out to be just a waking up to what already is, oh my, not the exploration of vast new realms. Again & again, we’re shown how nothing, but nothing is what we took it to be. Via that door of emptiness, exiting the realm of the arrogant ego who purports to know it all, we make the most magnificent, uplifting discoveries, getting to know Who we really are.

The ego doesn’t make it through the door, so arrogance doesn’t touch any of this. Perhaps that’s why the mind can’t make it into the realm of Heart.



7:55 a.m., Wednesday, 2019/07/17 — Mayan day 11 Storm / Cauac




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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