Balance — The Figure-Eight Whole

Taking our Power Back

7 min readJun 25, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

What does the balance look like between the inner & the outer, our core & the external realm? So much can be seen via the Heart-centric view about how these two work together. They’re not actually a two, but just one, similar to the caterpillar & butterfly.

Every little thing counts, somehow. The mind doesn’t get it, but Heart does. We get it when we’re centered there.

You drop something as you walk across the kitchen. As you stoop to pick it up or clean it up, what is this telling you? It has a message; everything does. It’s humanity who forgot not just how to interpret it, but that there was anything there to interpret.

You can’t interpret what you don’t recognize as a message.

What don’t you have a good grasp of in your life, what are you “dropping?” It may relate to the thoughts you were entertaining just before you dropped it — or not. Only Heart Knows, so be cautious about listening to the mind. It could point to anything, including something it may be better to drop. Only Heart Knows.

Someone bumps into you as you walk down the sidewalk. In what way(s) are you not paying attention to where you are? Even if it was totally “someone else’s fault,” it was not. It happened to you & there is no such thing as coincidence.

If you’re in New York City, Dhaka, or Mumbai that may be somewhat normal, so its meaning intensifies in less densely populated areas. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything negative — are you open to that? Does your mind automatically assume the negative thing? It’s a gift, one only Heart can decipher, & we won’t necessarily get it, won’t necessarily understand, but we’re fine with that.

Good to observe; good to become aware as you observe. If you want it to change, set the intent & move on. Don’t stay in the negative. One day you’ll notice that’s the mind, that Heart sees things decidedly differently.

We can’t know why something happened, we can only observe & be open to Heart.

It may be that there was something in this person’s energy field that was transferred to you via bumping into them. It may be a blessing, it may be something negative that your Light can easily evaporate back into Light.

There is literally no way to know anything.

The same exact occurrence to someone else is guaranteed to carry a different meaning, to be a different sort of treasure. We’re all unique & in a relative realm where simply everything interacts, interdepends, & interfaces. When we stay locked in the mind, we’re aware of almost none of this. Heart Knows best.

You keep finding coins on the ground. It happens frequently enough to get your attention. What is meant by it? Is it only dimes, only pennies? You can trust that Source always has an intention, a blessing of some sort to give. Are we open to receive it? Not when we’re stuck fully focused in & as the body-mind. Just sayin.

A walk down the street focused in Heart is a very different experience to the same walk while mentally focused. That same walk taken with our focus on the cell phone doesn’t even count as a walk. You’re not even there, you’re elsewhere, so of course, you miss all of these message gifts.

We hear a lot of talk about “Drain the swamp,” about taking the globalist cabal out of power. How many of us realize that, if we keep going the way we’ve been going, we’re headed down the drain, too? We’re passively accepting what’s offered as air, as water, as food & snacks, not to mention the latest tech. A lot of it is harmful.

Until we become Present in our NowHere, more fully aware of what we’re taking in & how it’s affecting our body, our mind, & our awareness, we’re going down. Those things we’re consuming have been altered, have been crafted to help keep us down & docile, easy to control.

Ah, but we’re waking up!

Life just isn’t what we take it to be, isn’t what we’ve been taught that it is. It is far, far deeper, ever pregnant with meaning, but a meaning we’ve got to be attentive to in order to perceive. Life gives us endless hints, but we’ve got to put those together — in Heart, but of course.

We all have an Inner Guide or Guru the likes of which we’ve not known in this life.

Inner Being =

As emanations of the Divine, we’ve got access, direct access to That. Why haven’t we been paying attention, taking advantage of it? Because we’ve been programmed to not perceive it, to not even know it exists.

As we awaken, our programming continually comes to the fore. That’s how it’s designed, to block our inward/upward path at every turn, to confuse & dissuade us. Because we didn’t know any better, we let that happen over a very long stretch of time.

Well, so what? As Source-in-form, that’s nothing to us! As we see & experience what we don’t want, we now know what we do want, so let’s focus on that. Now that we’re awakening let’s enjoy it to the hilt, even the challenging stuff. When anchored & Balanced in Heart, we enjoy it all. Some things the body-mind won’t appreciate, but all of those are transitory, as is the body-mind, itself.

Whatever we’re facing, we’ve got what it takes. Whatever it is, we helped set it up & volunteered to engage with it.

We watch certain beliefs we long held begin to weaken as we move into awakening. If we kept them, we’d never be able to take our rightful Power back. We also watch our habits morph into better ones, healthier ones.

We no longer drink tap water at any time, perhaps knowing the early use of fluoride in the water was in the Nazi Concentration Camps where it helped to keep the prisoners docile. We don’t choose that for ourselves anymore.

Many of our changes are simple ones like that, but together they make a difference. They’re making it easier for us to finally be Who we really are, to at least aspire to That. It’s a great thing to know it exists, but another entirely to lay full claim to it. Many blocking beliefs have to go.

Our path won’t look like anyone else’s, nor is it meant to.

Some may follow us, learning from what we share, but let’s be cautious about getting locked into being a teacher. Our business is ever & always with the self. As long as we’re following where Heart leads, all is well.

Whatever we say to others, we’re also saying to the self. The big head is something we all have, a certain arrogance programmed in via our beliefs. While it must & will go, it doesn’t do so all at once, so let’s just be alert. Humility is a great traveling companion for this trek, LOL.

If we do nothing more than determine to keep centering in Heart — & do so — all is well. That’s where & how our inner guidance arises, so we’ve set ourselves up for success. We’re learning to actually Love the self — what a shock! We were NOT taught to do this, but quite the opposite, to be obedient & cooperative, honoring others more than ourselves.

Your Heart will lead you your way. Your Inner Being is your very best guide, so even if you follow an external teacher or guru, by being Heart-centric you run everything they offer through your Source-in-form Self, which is awesome.

When & if things get you down, have things set aside that were special when you saw, read, or viewed them — things that really touched you. Be so kind to yourself that you get them out, center in Heart, & view them again. Be as patient & Loving with you as you would with your most dearly beloved child.

Love, Compassion, & all we have to give start within — given to the self, first, or we don’t have them to give.

We’ve been separated out from Who & What we truly are, made to believe in a false persona. That’s fine, friends. Nothing but nothing is too much for Source. If it’s come our way, then we’re up to it, guaranteed! That’s how Life works. Just have faith in your Self, your Inner Being, to be able to handle all that arises.

Soaring Free —

We’re greater, far greater than we’ve been led to believe. We’re now knitting our outer & inner selves back together into a functional whole. Figure-eight-like, we station ourselves at the center, attentive to both aspects of the One that we are. We’re finally in the flow, truly awakening.



12:10 p.m., Monday, 2019/06/24 — Mayan day 1 Wisdom / Cib




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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