Balance is Best — Awakening in the Dream — pt. 2 of 3

Origins of our 3D Experience

5 min readApr 14, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

Did you know you could have a Creation story without religion? Sometimes I think many atheists among us are more anti-religion than they are anti-Source/God, for Source can be seen as a principle, as simply Consciousness, which is not religious.

People are the ones who tend to make religions out of things. The way science is run, today has many religious aspects. Their holy texts are the scientific journals, their church is the laboratory, the mass or church service being the experiments they perform. The priests? Obviously, scientists with all the fancy letters after their name.

Religion is what we tend to do or develop when we don’t know, when we’re still seeking.

Religion has us bow down to something and/or someone else, something external. It takes us out of ourselves — out of the Self — rather than leading us into That. Religions don’t generally teach us about the self/Self duo, the yin-yang of that. They lead us down a certain path.

Let’s divorce Source/God from religion.

You’ll notice that every religion’s “God” is a being of some sort, someone depicted generally as a bearded male, though not always. Don’t you find that interesting? Doesn’t it make you wonder? I strongly advise exploring various religions, not to join them, just to get the feel of them along with their basic teachings.

Let’s step way back from all of that. As we identify ever more with the Self of us, the Source-in-form-ness, it’s easy enough to do. We step back to get some perspective, to have a look at the forest rather than studying specific trees.

The strict religious believers will have already closed this, seeing it as blasphemy, so I write for those open enough to at least consider something outside of their belief systems. Some things are worthy of repetition:

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
Aristotle, Metaphysics

We’re waking up all around the world. The Great Awakening is no joke, but something already written into our “future” history books — the ones where we’re back to teaching the truth as well as we can perceive it rather than just programming our youth.

Things that are quite simple at their base have been made hugely complex. There’s likely a reason behind that, for thus are we kept self-trapped in our ego-mind while trying to figure it all out when that’s not the route into awakening.

Buddha’s Heart Center —

The mind is “enlightened” by awakening, but it’s not the mind that’s waking up, it’s consciousness, something far deeper.

We are manifesting our reality, friends. We’ve long had hidden from us the merest basics of Who & what we are — quite intentionally — by those running things from behind the scenes. Sorry, if this is bad news to you, if you haven’t yet seen it, but please be open to the possibility. It’s quite helpful.

If you don’t know you’re trapped, how can you escape?

That was their whole idea, of course. There were long stretches where the Family of Humanity was ruled overtly by certain people, certain families & groups. We obeyed, or else; the “or else” being specific to the times. That only worked for so long, for the Family of Humanity is awesomely powerful at our core. We’re Source-in-form, after all. 😲

We were controlled by the likes of the Roman Army, masters of domination across vast stretches of the world. At a certain point, they realized they had to spread themselves too thin to maintain that dominance. We were far too rebellious to forever accept their harsh rule.

Then they were conquered. Then they morphed into the Roman Catholic Church via Constantine, oh my.

They who had long worshipped certain gods would now dominate us based on the one God in the sky & his son, Jesus Christ, taking their authority to rule from them. (Remember, the Protestant Reformation came later, so THE religion back then was Catholic, which means “universal,” after all.) They sought to rule all, thus their journeys to “convert” (or conquer) everyone, everywhere.

Let me pause to say that the part of any religion that’s terrible is not the regular folks or the believers, but those at the top of the hierarchy. Most are now aware of the child-abuse scandals of the Roman Catholic Church, the rampant pedophilia that was long hidden.

What will come as a shock to ever so many is how that same thing goes on at the top of many religions. As those revelations come forward, let’s step back a bit from forever pointing fingers at the Catholic Church for this sick perversion.

Okay, waking up isn’t easy. It’s not an only-Light thing.

Nor is pedophilia rampant just in the churches, but also in many supposed charities & aid organizations, & especially in the Child-Protective-Services type organizations — those purporting to protect & care for our children.

We’re in a mess & the only way out is straight through it. We can’t ignore these things into oblivion. They won’t just go away. Many are realizing right along with me that the whole silent-majority thing doesn’t work; not in today’s world.

We’ve got to find our own unique way to stand up & speak out.

I blog. It’s free. You can, too, if that appeals to you. We can’t take our answers from anyone else, though. The waking-up thing calls us into Heart, to explore our own deeper core, rather than continue to rely on others, on anything external, including sacred books & beliefs.

It’s far more simple than it sounds. Wisdom always is. It’s like the vital distinction between the mind’s knowing & the Knowing of Heart. They exist in two different realms, leading in vastly different directions.

Heart is where the awakening occurs or abides.

I’ll close this series in part 3 with something from a wonderful speaker & writer, Neale Donald Walsch. He found the very core of simplicity, sharing it as a lovely parable about Creation, about the purpose of the good & the bad co-existing. He, too, sees it as a great blessing. Seeing it that way steadies us on the road into awakening.



11:54 a.m., Saturday, 2019/04/13 — Mayan day 7 Seed / Kan

PS I use Grammarly for writing advice & it’s always faulting me for not using articles — the & a. There’s the body’s heart, which takes an article, logically, but Heart does not. Articles externalize & objectify things. “Heart” isn’t a 3D thing. Just FYI.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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