Awakening Midst Chaos
Many people look for the best ways to awaken — to rise into higher frequency. How best enter the higher dimensions — how best transcend 3D?
Let’s begin by realizing you are already there — already present in those dimensions, in other aspects of your Being. The idea of being limited by time-space is so very 3D. Once we begin to realize we’re not just the body-mind, the physical vehicle, things already start to shift. Better yet, we begin to identify more with Who we truly are — as the Spirit, the soul, incarnate in form.
It’s a big shift, admittedly, requiring a lighter hold on current belief systems (BS) that, by their nature — & more importantly, by our adherence to them — hold us down. This can’t be seen, initially, as we’re too wrapped-up in the BS. So another useful tactic is to become an observer of mind at work. Rather than identifying with the mind’s processes, we begin to step out of them, becoming the witness.
So, begin by 1) realizing that, as a multi-dimensional being, you also exist now in higher dimensions, 2) identifying with Higher Self, & 3) becoming mind’s observer. Then we are well on our way into that higher consciousness coveted by so many.
That very wanting, that coveting, actually holds it at bay, however. Awakening cannot appear to the one so convinced of its absence. Do you see? We’re more accustomed to speak of the problem than the solution.
Well-intentioned people set their sights on laudable goals, then set out to manifest them. So far, so good, right? Yet few of us see how, on focusing so intently on what we desire, the message we’re actually sending has more to do with the current absence of that.
That is, “I want this so much because I do not have it.” Unintentionally, we advertise our lack of the desired goodies. It would actually be more beneficial, in these cases, to focus on things that make us happy — that lift us, bringing joy. Simple joy is a mechanism that enables good things to manifest.
Why is that? Good things coming our way is designed into our original template — it’s how the Universe works. A ball held under water naturally pops up, once released. That’s built into everything. On awakening into ever-higher “levels” (there are no good terms for such things), a new clarity of vision reveals how this works.
You may have thought you could get away with pretty much anything, as a child. It doesn’t take much life experience to have this bubble popped. While some never fully realize that what goes around, comes around, many do. Though we’re each on our individual journey, we have many things in common — such as the rules of the road, the Laws of the Universe & of Cosmos.
In a 3D realm where even our own history has been both butchered & hidden away (in underground areas & private libraries, such as that of the Vatican), truth is in short supply. While discovery of such things may be initially daunting, it doesn’t stop the determined soul, who pushes on for truth, regardless.
The whole waking-up thing is available to us all — yet it’s also very much a one-at-a-time, do-it-yourself deal. You can’t awaken me, I can’t awaken you — it’s simply not designed that way.
Yes, we can bring to one another’s attention certain facts, certain ideas, yet it’s not up to us to force their acceptance. In a Free-Will Universe, that’s left up to each one — & as we awaken, we’ll so appreciate that facet of the design.
Where are you in your waking-up trek? Are you one who has left the MSM behind? Are you beginning to see through the thick veil of lies & deceit that makes up the Matrix? Then you’ve noticed that this doesn’t begin to happen in earnest until you’ve dropped a significant percentage of your old beliefs. Awakening is the fruit of that surrender, that letting-go. We are that ball, rising to the top, naturally.
Tell a lie that’s big enough, often enough, & the people will begin to believe it. I don’t recall who said that, but it resonates. That’s a part of how the free people were converted into today’s sheeple & sleeple. It started in ancient times. That’s part of our hidden-away history. You can see why the cabal, the controllers would want such facts removed from public access.
Yet no one is able to hold a freedom-loving soul down — not for long. Eventually we wise-up to their dark shenanigans & go our own way. In future decades it will be seen how this whole scheme was set-up, how it was so cleverly executed, one tip-toe step at a time, surreptitiously. (David Icke calls this the Totalitarian Tip-Toe — the Hegelian Dialectic.)
When there are races of ET/ED beings who live for not just thousands, but some of them millions of years — our shortened life-spans don’t give us much room to wise-up to them & their wily ways.
When some tell us that this or that ancient race of ET’s, such as the Anunaki, actually created humanity, you’ve got to step back & realize that this is an edited version of the truth. Yes, they & numerous other races edited us, genetically — many with good intent, the Anunaki not so much. They did NOT create humanity.
None but Source, what some call Prime Creator, can create a soul, the Spirit Being that we truly are. Yet even when we recognize that truth — that we are what inhabits the body-mind, not the body-mind, itself — we don’t yet have solid ground on which to begin our explorations. This is but an early step out of the Matrix, albeit a crucial one.
Please note, I don’t profess to have the whole truth about anything. Like everyone else, I’m on the awakening journey — & in eternity/infinity, the journey has no end. (Once we enter 5D, taking on those much higher vibrational bodies present there, we’ll still be on our awakening journey.) So I’ve given-up thinking there is some heaven, some mythical end to this trek, be it “heaven” or “ascension,” or whatever. There is not, nor could there be in this, our Free-Will Universe.
We can view the various energetic dimensions as stopping-off spots on our never-ending journey. We spend enough of what we call time — about which humanity has little real knowledge — in each dimensional realm to gain mastery there. Then we move on. There are literally no limits to what can be attained. Source is not limited. Via Source, neither are we.
How does this little trek, this journal, feel thus far? Many may have already exited (i.e., stopped reading), but if you’re continuing, welcome aboard. You’re more in contact/connection with your soul than are many others. Neither rest on your laurels, nor go into ego about anything, though. Those are ways to remain tethered to 3D, to duality & limitation.
Not that 3D is meant to be this way — it is not. We are experiencing potential outcomes in the presence of total Free Will. I’m sure there are many other 3D races that are having a finer, a more loving time of it than we are, here. Our race was somehow conquered, in the ancient past, by more technologically advanced, higher dimensional beings — likely only as elevated, themselves, as 4D, as there’s less & less “evil” the higher the frequency. It would be fried.
FWIW, Andromedan contactee Alex Collier has learned/shared much from that 5D race of beings, here to help us wake-up & escape the Matrix net in which we’ve been trapped. They shared with him much about how, not just earth, but 21 other planetary systems were trapped & oppressed by this same group of Anunaki.
The Andromedans explain their presence here by sharing that Andromeda, too, was invaded — some of their 3D planets were taken over. They tell us they are here with us, now, having traveled 800 years back into their past, seeking out where & how the take-over occurred. Strangely, enough, they indicate that earth & our solar system are the hub of the invasion. They work with Alex & others to enlighten us to the facts, as they see them — to help us awaken from our induced daze.
Some good news is that all but 3 of those 22 planetary systems are once again completely free of the barbaric, albeit technologically advanced intruders. What the Andromedans discovered is that, since the Anunaki are so advanced in so many techno ways, it took many of the higher-dimensional “good guys” banding together to repulse the viciousness of the intruders. None of their races could do it alone.
This is what we see here on earth, today. We cannot, absent serious assistance, repulse such an advanced race of 4D beings. Our technology is a joke, next to theirs. Even the benevolent advanced races were unable to do it, alone. So not just the Andromedans, but many other advanced races have our backs, including some of those who won their freedom. Nice to know.
Yet there’s going to be no Robin Hood, no Superman, nor any religious savior coming to the rescue. Right now humanity is too deep into the blame-game, perhaps Hillary Clinton being the prime excuse-making example. Another vital, unavoidable aspect of awakening is taking ever fuller responsibility for self — for the state of both our life & our world.
Only the awakening ones are ready to do that — have you noticed? Midst so many busily laying blame for this or that issue on this or that group of “bad guys,” others begin to see the futility of pointing fingers anywhere but at the self. No one forced us into the current mess — we acquiesced, we allowed it to creep up on us over many decades & centuries.
The dark antics were never truly hidden — not from those in determined pursuit of real truth. Yet when these truth-seekers would speak-up, sharing their findings, they were often roundly bashed — yes, by the cabal & their minions, but friends, also by us, the people. Seems we just didn’t want to listen, to truly hear what they had to say.
Who isn’t aware of the long list of those who have been killed — “suicided” & such — for speaking their truth, for trying to share the dark, behind-the-scenes doings of the cabal? Not just governments of the world, but also the private sector corporatism has worked to keep us ignorant, unhealthy, & wage-enslaved.
A big part of the Matrix is fear, used as yet another tool to keep us down, afraid to stand-up, to speak-out, to rebel. Well, that isn’t stopping many of us, these days — not anymore. Yet another fruit of awakening is stepping up & out of fear — it can no longer hold you down. The body’s fear on seeing a car speeding toward you is quite useful, where the other pervasive fears are not. Note how today’s patriots are handling Antifa.
What has Source to fear? As we are Source-in-form, it’s a reasonable question — with an obvious answer. Artificial, psychological fears are an important strategy of the cabal. We are no longer subject to them when that’s the choice that we make. They become toothless & pathetic, once we see through the ruses, the falsehoods on which they are based. (And when you know You cannot die, that helps, too.)
Life is meant to be joyful, with the chaos for contrast to spur us along, here & there. The whole design is thoroughly benevolent — as is Source. The whole “vengeful God” thing, who will condemn your soul to hell for what it considers a serious infraction is, part-and-parcel, BS. One day people will wake-up sufficiently to see that these ancient invaders set themselves up as our gods. Yahweh is in the Anunaki line, for instance — as was Moses. Much more is yet to come out.
Nothing we’ve been told is the truth — or even anything close. Truth doesn’t suit their aims for complete dominion, for conquering developing races. Here’s an interesting twist — what do the conquerors fear most? Do you think they have any fears? Of course they do! They fear mutiny above all else. They fear people awakening, just as many on earth are doing, today.
Nor would it be wise to share this or such messages far & wide. Those who are ready will be drawn to such things. As for the rest, you know they will reject it. It doesn’t fit in with their BS programming.
Events are both brewing & transpiring that will shock many out of their sleeple daze — so you can trust the process, already in motion. Again, like the ball that rises to the top of the water as soon as it is released, awakening requires each one to release their enmeshment in the Matrix.
We are all in this one together, friends. On awakening, we realize that all of humanity — including those incarnating on other planets, in other dimensions— are one huge family. We are all truly one, but on levels not accessible to those trapped in the Matrix of lies & deceit. They choose to continue to believe in the lies, remember. We can respect their Free Will.
Try presenting any sort of truth to a SJW & see what you get. It’s a fruitless endeavor — they’re not listening. Nor can they — not yet. Once they, too, take responsibility for their own lives & their part in earth’s current situation — only then will be be able to hear.
You wake-up when you are ready — not before. If you are not awakening, rising into higher levels of consciousness as quickly as you’d like, be sure to look only within for what holds you back. No one & nothing external is, or could be doing that — only you. Nice to know ;-)
PS I’m not saying don’t share this, of course — just indicating to do so at the behest of Heart, never mind, which is still enmeshed, to whatever extent, in the Matrix.
10:54 am, Tuesday 2017/06/13, Mayan day 1 Men/Eagle — soar high