Better than anyone thought

Awakening Into What?

Beliefs as Effective Blinders

7 min readNov 1, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

When, oh when will we choose to stand tall, to just be who we really are? It’s an individual journey to go within & discover what’s holding us back, why we so often choose to compromise rather than stand in our truth.

Sometimes — maybe even often — it’s wise to keep our mouth shut. When we catch ourselves trying to convince someone of anything, that’s a good time to take a pause for the cause to self-observe.

Just what are we trying to prove & to whom?

Are we so insecure in our truth that we feel the need to have others agree with us? If so, we’re not taking into account that those others are just as much Source-in-form as we are — that they have the full panoply of That available just as we do. Nor is it our job to live their life for them, to make their decisions, any more than we want them doing that for/to us.

This isn’t hard, it isn’t difficult or as complex as the brain might like it to be. There’s an underlying simplicity to all that’s surely divine. Those not yet seeing deeply into this are still stuck relying on the mind to work it all out. Remember, the mind can only know about things; it’s Heart that just Knows, Knows the things in themselves.

Heart provides the ideal position for self-observation.

The mind cannot see with clarity for the simple reason that it’s full of beliefs & the attitudes & expectations that come with them. As we come into Heart, we begin to see how every belief comes with its own custom-fitted set of b.l.i.n.d.e.r.s — a perspective not available to the mind.

How does a belief blind us? By making us unable to see from any perspective our belief considers “wrong,” or incorrect. Our beliefs prejudice us against other perspectives, other beliefs, do you see? Believe it or not, LOL, life is better without the burden of any beliefs.

Yes, I know that upsets those totally vested in their beliefs, & that’s fine, as well. Hey, we each have the right to chart our own course! If we let others lead & guide us, we lose touch with our core. We’re living out their beliefs.

At the risk of repeating, here’s the perfect quote that points out the fallacy of holding any beliefs:

Observation without Evaluation — Jiddu Krishnamurti —

It’s our beliefs doing any evaluation. In their absence, we simply observe. It’s admittedly rare. It’s also a far different way to live our life.

Do you feel the terror of your mind as it contemplates being robbed of every belief, of operating in a belief vacuum?

No one is in a place to “evaluate” living like this who hasn’t experienced it or at least tried it out. Until we walk a mile in another’s moccasins, we just don’t know. Nor can we speak for anyone but the self, just as no one can competently speak for us. We are each unique, yes? Even twins, triplets, etc., don’t share the same inner reality, the same consciousness.

This is fun, actually. We’re all separate & distinct, yes, but we’re also all one. How can that be? So very many little enlightenments await the release of our stranglehold on our attitudes, perspectives, & beliefs.

Wherein lies the fun, some ask? Largely in recognizing our own ego at work in the beginning, in laughing at that.

Censorship protects from reality —

We’re hilarious, folks — each & every one of us is quite funny to observe from certain perspectives. Our minds make a huge complexity of practically anything they touch — all for the best reasons, but of course. Hey, we’re seeking out the truth, right? What’s wrong with that?

Nothing. Sticking with the mind holds you back, but you get to choose your way so that’s fine. If you were to choose my way, to believe what I believe, then when the hard knocks come, they aren’t quite as beneficial. Why not? They’re the result of holding a belief not native to you, something believed in the absence of Heart’s Knowing.

What we all forgot, & what we weren’t taught is that consciousness creates. All the time we’re working things out, we’re also creating our own experience of reality, setting the stage for our “future” experiences in this life & other incarnations.

Until we become an observer of our self/Self, we’re messing about in the land of effects, not generating those powerful causes we seek to create. It’s even messier, still, due to the presence of both the subconscious & unconscious aspects of every mind, which is where the bulk of our beliefs abide.

Thus, we can know something — can know many things — without being consciously aware of them. Oh, my!

Actually, we don’t know them, we only believe them, i.e., they’re what we think we know. Just ask anyone who had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) what they discovered via their Life Review, how hugely different that was from what they’d believed when the original incidents took place.

Bottom line? Things are most decidedly NOT what we take them to be; well, what our body-mind takes them to be. They’re so much more, as well as other than what we took them to be.

Until we step away from the mind, such realizations are blocked.

Realizations arise in Heart. We could call them Knowings, to distinguish them from what we previously thought, what we thought we knew. The mind’s knowledge is a pale shadow of Knowing from Heart, which is a direct experience. Mind knows about something, accepting what it’s been taught — Heart just Knows.

We are both infinite & eternal, so we have endless stages on which to act, to experience life, including life in 3D. We experience what we’re ready for. When we’ve gained what we can & grown through what’s offered on one stage, we move to another.

It’s not a linear movement, since at our core, we’re already That, the All In All, one with Source. We have eternity/infinity in which to play & explore, to transmute & transcend.

Time is most certainly nothing like what we’ve been taught, but to go beyond our current knowledge we must first be open, releasing or setting aside our beliefs to explore other possibilities. Our main job or task in life might just be to move beyond the blinders installed by all of our beliefs.

As we first see them — absolutely required — we’re positioned to observe them at work. At some point, our readiness arises as we sense the more that’s available to explore.

Those holding beliefs in a jealous, wrathful God will draw the line, here, fearing to go outside the bounds of the old beliefs — and that’s fine. Let us always accord each one the right to choose for themselves. We’d want the same from them, so it’s simple Golden-Rule stuff.

This is actually beautiful, once seen more fully. If they violate their strongly-held beliefs they’ll pay a price for that — one they wouldn’t pay in the absence of those beliefs. The live-and-learn expansion is so beautifully built-in to life, yet most are blind to the full beauty spread out before them.

What blinds us? We don’t even need 3 guesses — it’s our beliefs.

When we’re grounded in the simplicity of certain basics, our inner eyes are opened to so many wonderful things. That which seemed so terrible, before, is now seen for the gift of Source that it is, the precise medicine for whatever ails us. It’s our own vision that’s the key to unlock the other side, the uplifting side of every coin.


We are each unique

Though we seem separate, we are also one — the One

Consciousness is the creative force, making Cosmos the realm of effects

We, as Source-in-form, are eternal, an infinite awareness that doesn’t die nor are we born. (Only the bodies [seem to] come & go, depending on our focus & frequency)

All that exists is energy, is color, light, & sound. (Solid matter is a scientific myth)

Free will rocks, as does The Golden Rule, being pivotal to both our experience & our understanding

The HUGE bulk of our beliefs are false or incomplete

All time is just Now, all space is just Here — NowHere. (All dimensions/incarnations/files exist in the cabinet simultaneously, yet we pick & choose what’s appropriate to our NowHere focus. The stream is at its source & its exit, not just the bit flowing under our gaze)

We’re all divine — the Christ/divinity ever abides at/as our core

Every “God” in which humanity believed was ET or ED, just another created being beyond us in some areas of development. Source, as awareness, incarnates it all

We are always the only one in our way

You could likely come up with more, but these offer a grounding in a new/ old expansive perspective. Things are much simpler than we’ve been led to believe. Some of our greatest awakenings will be to our innate power as the Family of Humanity, each an embodied facet of Source.

Truth is Like a Lion —

Are you ready? Could you spare a few beliefs to get the ball rolling? There’s no rush after all since we’ve all got eternity in which to play. Only you get to choose for you, & as you stand tall in your choices, the ball rolls that much faster for you. Awakening is a forever thing. 😆



Wednesday, 2018/10/31 — Mayan day 12 Sun / Ahau




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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