Awakening Coffee-break
What are we choosing to empower, chaos or calm, Light, dark or Balance? Who is ready to move into empowerment while still present in/with the form? We can be present as the body-mind, or Present as Source-in-form. What a choice, huh?
Though it seems an obvious choice, while sleepling along it’s anything but.
As we heal & release the inner darkness, it disappears from the world scene. We’re amazingly powerful; perhaps it’s a safety factor that we don’t fully access it, pre-awakening.
The dark cabal practice awful rituals in their quest for domination, their misuse of Light borrowed from us. I would say “stolen” from us, but that’s not how things work. Due to free will, we must first allow, consciously or otherwise.
How do we allow bad things to occur?
As we open our eyes/mind/perspective we are shown, but not until. This is a valid use of free will, being willing to see behind the illusory curtain most take for reality. We do this when we are ready, not before, which is great, since what we discover is shocking.
We see how we were lured into abdicating our power in favor of playing the wuss, of being manipulated, being farmed. Our mind wants to take all of this too seriously, to self-condemn. Let’s be the watchman on the wall of consciousness, refusing that entry.
There is no condemnation, whether of self or others, in Heart. ❤
So what, if we were grossly misled! Are we not Source-in-form? Let’s not be diverted from a full awakening by any cabal nonsense. It’s vital to be aware of humanity’s hijacked mind so we no longer fall for the manipulation that also arises within.
We’re getting there, folks. Things aren’t moving fast enough to satisfy the restless, doubting mind but that’s no big deal to us, anchored as we are in the Now eternity. As we have our spiritual wits about us, we cannot be stopped or deterred.
It’s time to take control of the information flow we allow into sacred consciousness. As we focus, so we precipitate, based on vibration, on the frequency we choose to maintain. Being responsible comes naturally to Who we really are.
It’s a disappointing shock for some that our viewing habits are so important, putting “entertainment” in a whole new light. Our days of unconscious indulgence fade into the past as a new maturity appears on the scene. We align with it & everything is changed.
Whatever we thought we were doing, wherever we thought we were headed, all falls away in the new clarity arising wherever we look. Our big-boy pants are a permanent part of our new wardrobe, as is our increased Light. We come to recognize that we were clueless about Who we really are; we were lost.
All is forgiven in a heartbeat as we make way for the divine Love flowing through. Mercy & compassion are as natural as breathing in our new/old space. Though new, this is all quite familiar, somehow. It’s all very strange.
So much letting go! We cling to nothing, enabling clarity’s rise. Humility is an early gift we embrace. This divine Power is Source flowing through, not going to the false ego in which we clothed ourselves for so long.
We now spot the dance we did with the cabal, how we let them into our awareness to mold our beliefs in so many ways. We withdraw consent; yes, as easy as that, though also hard at times, as we get little support from the as-yet-unawakened ones who just don’t understand.
Sure, we falter at times, but our overall course is clearly into awakening, into remembering Who we actually are. We’ve long wandered in the dark, but no more. Our time is upon us, friends. As we tend to our own awakening, we render the best service to our beloved Family of Humanity, to all of life.
We didn’t fail by being lost for so long, so let’s be alert to the crafty intrusion of the judgmental mind. Only as we release all judgment of self & of others do we progress, for there’s no judgment in Source. We learn/remember to be empty as the best way to let the Light flow.
We’ve got this, but in ways no mind can understand. We learn to accept & trust that, no longer seeking to self-justify. Source gets us, & that’s enough. Others will get us, too, when/if they’re ready, not before.
We contain the Universe, friends, not the reverse. Or rather, it’s both, but of course. 😆
We can sing, write, & speak from whatever angle or perspective we like. Those already there will take our meaning, while for the others we’ll only plant seeds, precious seeds they’ll water & access when they’re ready; no need to push.
As we realize that Source has this, that all we need do is align with our Source-in-form identity to get out of our own way, we laugh — a lot. Many won’t get us; some will think we’re nuts. Overall, we won’t care. What they think is on them. We wish them only the best.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/04/23
“If you can let anger subside, and let fear be replaced with more hopefulness, you will easily tap into a momentum of Well-being. It will seem so easy, you will wonder why you don’t do that more often.”
Excerpted from Orlando, FL on 1/11/14
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
10:10 am, Monday, 2018/04/23, 1st — Mayan day 3 Offering, Water / Muluc