Awakening Breaks with the Past

Gaining by Letting Go

9 min readMar 23, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

We have the greatest opportunity to awaken not just in our lifetime, but in many lifetimes spanning perhaps hundreds of thousands of earth years or more. 😲 Yet, awakening is a choice rather than a rescue of any kind. Nor is choice & Free Will what we think it is, as this goes well beyond our conscious mind.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2018/03/21

“Your choices of action may be limited — but your choices of thought are not.”

Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 5/25/02

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Yes, tens of millions of us are consciously choosing to wake-up, to exit the Matrix by whatever means possible, & that’s awesome. To step back for a deeper look, let’s view our terms to be sure we’re on the same page. For instance, if we view this as a separate self individually choosing to awaken, we’re already going off-track, as there’s no such thing as a separate self.

We’re entering territory that cannot be conveyed by words. We’re transcending linear bounds, leaving duality, itself, behind at some point. We’re all filled with assumptions, even around the meaning of our words, that must be left behind to go where we’re headed. It’s a good time to be open & nonjudgmental.

Judgment, itself, partakes heavily of 3D duality.


We take someone or something to be either right or wrong. What if that’s a false premise on some level, a seeming reality but only in 3D? Who is making room for the both/and of triality or whatever you want to call it?

Who knows we all contain both Light & dark, & that there’s nothing “wrong” with that?

Ditching the programming is mandatory to this massive awakening, this trek so many are choosing. We either ditch it willingly, or it gets burned up in the divine fire of higher frequencies. We have many ridiculous assumptions that seem reasonable when seen through 3D eyes, but that’s so very limiting. It’s the body-mind costume that clings to 3D comfort zones, not Who we truly are as Beings of Light; as Source-in-form.

Fear is a big factor making us cling to the old ways & perspectives. When our love for Truth is greater than our fear we move on, willing to shed the limiting aspects of our being; assumptions, beliefs, & perspectives included. Grounded in Love & love of Truth, we’re well prepared for this Dark Night of the Soul, this willingness to go wherever Truth beckons.

Sure, we’ll get some things wrong along the way; big deal. Our loving trust of Truth will unerringly guide us from Heart, which won’t resonate with anything less than Truth. Those of us already comfortable with intuition, with living more from Heart than from the head, are ahead of the game. For the rest, there will be a time of accepting & integrating both intuition & things like telepathy; alternate means of sussing out the greater Reality.


We’re no longer in an extension of history into the future, we’re making a break with earth history; earth history as we believe it to be. Nothing whatsoever is what we take it to be, including our very identity. We’ve been fed a load of hogwash, of BS for so long that we’ve taken it to be the reality. It is not, so there’s some releasing to do every day for the rest of our incarnation. 🌅

We’re over the top with nonsense beliefs that won’t be seen as nonsense until we do some waking up.

Yoda —

We’re reaching out for the new, for better ways to be & to live, while many others grasp the old ways in clenched fists. We’ve got to let go of it all. You can’t pour anything into a full cup. Let’s be the empty vessel of Spirit, of soul, identifying with that more than with the 3D costume of the body-mind.

We don’t know what lies ahead, as that’s constantly morphing with every thought, word, & belief, every movement of Cosmos in which we’re embedded. We don’t need to know since the NowHere is the penultimate viewing port until we merge with it all. As we move toward letting Heart guide our every step, we’re able to sense, to distinguish which way is best to go.


We can totally trust Heart in ways we could never trust the mind. It brings us into self-reliance/Self-reliance, into honoring Source, within & without. Where we may have relied on scientific pronouncements, on the lessons of history, on scriptures found around the world, that only worked for our time in 3D, & it didn’t work that well, there. We’re moving on.

Many are afraid, even ridiculously afraid, to step out of their comfort zones into uncharted territory.

We’ll find it’s well charted, we’ve just been denied 90%+ of the truth in the Matrix that’s long been our “reality.” It’s only real to the extent that we, humanity, accept it & thus make it temporarily real or real-seeming.

Whatever else the current chaos is, it is our invitation, our nudge out of the old ways of being & belief. They clearly no longer work. While we won’t be denied our Free Will, yet when our basic definitions, our suppositions around our identity turn out to be 90% untruthful, we’ve got major shocks in store, no matter how ready we think we are.

Most of us identify with the conscious mind. Be in Heart as you take a look at yourself — we tend to identify with thought & beliefs, along with whatever body we wear. We’ve taken the body’s strengths & frailties to be who we are when they’re anything but. The body-mind is our role in the play, the drama of 3D life, not Who we are but a costume we wear.

Life will pull the rug out from under us so often that it almost becomes a way of life. It keeps us humble, which is both useful & desirable. More of us now discern the arrogance of those choosing the dark walk, the corruption that’s their chosen milieu. They’re so confident that they’re in charge & running the show that their very confidence is taking them down in their unwillingness to reconsider, to change.

Many Light Beings also believe they’ve got things all worked out, that they know what’s coming, that they’re well prepared. The more arrogant we are in our beliefs, the rougher our path to the Great Awakening will be. When we realize we don’t really know anything of true worth, it’s then we’re poised for the incoming & massive change.


The fulcrum point is our perspective. If we’re content with how things are, then, by all means, let’s keep on in the old ways that brought us here. Fewer & fewer people are content with the current craziness of rigid people unwilling to change butting heads everywhere.

Absent an openness & willingness to learn, the humility that recognizes we don’t know everything, there’s little point to the encounters. They can’t bring change to those firmly closed to it.

We’d do so much for the world by just recognizing the arrogance of our ways — yes, all of us — with an attitude that welcomes change. A massive Humility injection would do us good, yet, we’re the only one able to deliver that. It’s all about attitude & perspective, once again.

We can either laugh our way through this next bit of the awakening trail or scream & cry, blaming our woes on others. Whether we have a pleasant journey is quite up to the self/Self & no one else. We’d been disempowered for centuries, for millennia, but that must change for us to awaken. It won’t be dropped on us from the sky or via some savior or another.

The savior lives within, just as the Kingdom of God/Source is within.


People still stuck on the mind route, in the mental rut, are easily triggered the crazier this all gets. Some would steal my right to say such things, blaming me for what they’re feeling. Until we step back from this far enough to see how very ridiculous it is, we may get drawn into such interactions. I don’t choose to go there.

We’re each far, far more powerful than we yet realize. Consciousness creates, & we’re carving out our own path with every thought, word, deed, intention, & belief. Creator works through us. We are, from this perspective, the Divine Dance — yet, we’ve got to willingly align with that for it to manifest in its perfection & Purity.

No one is forced to awaken.

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2018/03/23

“Everything you do is for the purpose of the joy that it is giving you. And so, when you don’t see something through, it means that it stopped producing the joy that you were hoping to receive. Of course, it is always better if you have anticipated something and you’ve stayed lined up with it. If you’re lined up with it, then it’s joy when you’re thinking about it even before you start, and it’s joyful as you start, and it’s intoxicating as you’re going, and it’s fulfilling as you do it, and it’s satisfying as you finish it and you’re in alignment the whole way on that.” [Emphasis added]

Excerpted from Portland, OR on 7/12/03

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

Sticking to our old ways & beliefs while awaiting a general awakening won’t produce the best fruits. We all get to choose, but that means going off of auto-pilot, reexamining self & our belief systems. ALL of our beliefs & knowledge come to us second-hand. That means we’re trusting in others to lead the way.


The quicker we realize & accept our identity as Source-in-form, the quicker that changes. At some point we even move beyond the whole concept of beliefs, realizing they’re not useful in the presence of our inner Knowing.

Source knows what’s what, & we can all access that, eventually. It won’t be in the ways we thought, nor will it be anything like what we expected, but that doesn’t matter to the one firmly centered in Heart, loving Truth.

It is what it is, folks. Being Creator-in-form, we mold & shift things & outcomes based on our beliefs, but that’s not the whole story. It doesn’t last forever UNLESS we fully merge with Truth, with the Cosmic Laws. To the extent we’ve got any untruth aboard, to that extent, our dreams & visions must crumble. Only Truth withstands the tests of time.

We’re both Source & we’re not.

Never let us claim to be the fullness of Source in these 3D forms, these costumes in the drama of the Divine Dance. Source is Source, & Source within us is well able to take the next steps TO THE EXTENT WE GET OUT OF THE WAY. All old beliefs are definitely “in the way” of awakening.

As we move through the eye of the needle, all baggage is stripped off & discarded. 4D & 5D living are not what we’re used to, being a more direct experience of the greater Reality. Remember, the mind can only know about things, not the things in themselves. Heart knows the things in themselves.


Light Shining —

We don’t know how the Great Awakening will play out. It may be that there’s some great solar emission that brings its climax about — or not. External happenings are secondary, far less important than our presence in NowHere & in Heart, where divine guidance is abides.

For those whose Heart draws them into examining the solar-flash possibility, I’ll share one of the best David Wilcock presentations I’ve ever found. I used to listen to him, years ago but walked away for a good while. I’m so glad I came on this recent lecture, grounded in the most ancient texts which indicate there may be a time when colorful auroras are available all over the world:

David Wilcock Decodes Ancient Prophecy and Reveals the ‘Solar Flash’ is Coming Soon — 1:26:40

One final nudge I’ll share goes to the origins of all sacred scriptures, which go back farther in history than our history books cover. It may well be that even the Christian Bible finds its origins in these ancient Sumerian texts. I’ll leave that up to you to decide, while gently recommending a greater openness. I find this biblical scholar makes both head & Heart sense, but we each get to choose the dimensions & proportions of our reality box:

Ex Vatican Translator, Mauro Biglino , Bible Hoax, Alien Manipulation of Man, Genocide, Cloning — 1:28:04

Mauro was not in the Vatican, was not a priest, just a scholar & translator of ancient languages. His Bible translations were heartily approved by the Vatican until he went too far. He was “fired” for delving into the really ancient texts, for seeing in them the source of many sacred scriptures. He was thus blocked from further publishing through their publishing house. This man is a solid scholar, presenting ancient texts outside the boundaries of religion.



8:11 am, Friday 2018/03/23, 1st, Mayan day 11 Flint / Etznab




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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