Attitude, our Hidden Power

Free Will Gone Dormant

9 min readJul 9, 2019
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me —

We’d be amazed if we caught even a glimpse of how powerful we truly are — seriously. It’s been (purposely) hidden from us for simply ages — yeah, those 2,000-year things — that long & longer. The history we’re given is a joke, but let’s not go there, now.

Convinced that we’re weak & trained to work both for & against the self, for & against what we want, we’re programmed to fail — & we do. Have you noticed how failure is a temporary thing, however? We get past it when we choose to do so. Besides, failure from another perspective may look actually useful, hindsight being 20/20 & all.

The Power of attitude — what’s that?

It’s actually the Power of Creation at work, but we’re mostly asleep at the wheel as we wield it, aren’t we? There are few who wield it with force, with conscious intention. For the majority, it’s as if their attitude was quite unimportant, an accident or happenstance, totally dependent on how their day is going.

It’s as if their free will has been put to sleep or taken from them.

Whatever we feed & water grows. It’s only natural. When we feed a negative attitude toward everything, toward anything, what grows is that negativity. If we’re viewed as cattle or livestock by certain negative ones, what do they seek to gain from us? How do we “feed” them?

The dark ones, be they Deep State or Satanist or the globalist cabal (which is both) thrive on negative energy. It suits them, goes down easily, harmonizing as it does with their own personal vibration. Give them Love energy & they freak out & run away in pain. Give them a nasty argument & they thrive.

We’ve known this for a long time; or should I say, it was there to be known, to be observed.

We want to believe the best of others so we often blind ourselves to What Is, even when it’s right in our face. We can all celebrate, now that we’re finally waking up in great numbers. The future will differ greatly from what’s gone before.

There are plenty of things to be negative about, needless to say. If you watch 10 minutes of CNN, you’ll be up on the latest — forever negative, against America & what she stands for & solidly against anything having to do with President Trump.

They have a permanent negative attitude toward such things.

While they’re thus creating more muck & mire in which to wallow, what are we doing? Are we choosing to wallow in it with them? What is our overall attitude creating for us?

We’ve got to get over thinking we’re just these body-mind things we call people. That’s hilarious, even silly, once we recognize Who we truly are as consciousness. What’s funny is being made to identify with the costume we’re wearing, folks. That’s what the body-mind is; it’s not who we are.

When we stand back to get a better look, it becomes much clearer — we’re being played.

There are some deeply negative creeps — I call them globalists, but there are other words — running the show. They have been for centuries & millennia, disguised as those at the top in government, in business, in education & in so many areas. (And these aren’t the real ones in charge, just their puppets.)

For ages, we weren’t so good at spotting them, but now that The Great Awakening is in full swing, we’re finally beginning to see them & their sick, dirty deeds. They fooled us for a long while with their slick & well-groomed exteriors, saying all the right words at just the right time. We believed them, too.

Somehow, it escaped us that they never seemed to keep those promises. They’d run on exciting, very positive platforms to get our vote. Years later, we might notice that they had accomplished perhaps 5% or 10% of what they’d promised, & much of what they’d done turned out to be problematic or an outright disaster — such as Obamacare or the Cali bullet train.

It’s easy to have a negative attitude in the midst of such things, yes. We’d change that attitude, however, if we ever saw the Power it wields to craft both our present & our future.

It’s time & past time that we come to terms with being Source-in-form at our core; with our Power to Create.

If Source has an attitude, you can be sure Creation will accommodate that attitude, manifesting the results. The only reason we don’t get those powerful results is that we’ve been taught to undo what we create, to work against what we want. We tend to focus more on the negative aspects of whatever we’re viewing which helps shoot it down.

Yes, the negatives have to be dealt with.

They’re often important, but only to show us what needs to improve, to inspire us that way. The secret is to focus on that improvement we want once we sort that out. It’s a matter of changing habits, of not being so sloppy about our attitude, about what thoughts we entertain.

We have a LOT more negativity to wake up to, to uncover & discover under so many things we once believed in & trusted. Some of it will really hurt. There’s a sickness in this world’s rulers & those behind them that — well, it’s inhuman. We’ll be more than shocked to find out what many of them do, how they do it, & why.

We didn’t reckon with the depravity of the globalist crew, with the depth of their corruption. Many a tear will be shed over our discoveries. We want to get past this dark age, these dark days, right? Well, the only way out I see is straight through. We’ve got it to deal with so it’s time we were at least willing to view it.

No, we didn’t indulge in such heinous acts, we didn’t do any of that, yet we bear some responsibility, all the same. Why? We let it happen. We were the Silent Majority, most of us clueless about how bad things had become. We’d throw up to see films of what they’ve done & are doing, today. It’s depravity that’s beyond sick.

They programmed us to trust them, to not see this dark side of things. We went along, trusting what they were saying in their fine suits & dresses, their polished ways, never suspecting the sewer all of that covered.

As Source-in-form, we could not be taken over without our consent.

Sure, they lied to us & tricked us at every turn, but they got our consent. We signed on for so many things, never bothering to “read the fine print.” We weren’t suspicious enough, overall. Some of us were. They set off the alarm bells, shouted from whatever rooftop they could find, but we were mostly still in our daze, our Matrix daze, so we didn’t pay them much attention.

That was then, this is now; things are really changing in ways good for us, bad for them in the short run, but good for us all, overall. Well, it’s about time. Folks, we helped to bring this about. Every thought, word, deed, & prayer truly counts, just in ways we’re not well schooled to notice or decipher, yet, ways not viewable by our 3D form.

Source/God doesn’t fit into a body, can’t be concentrated in one spot that way.

Harddriver Space Warp —

Heck, even we, our great Spirit, don’t fully fit into our body-mind costume. We leave a lot behind in the higher dimensions to incarnate into these forms. We know what we’re doing ahead of time, but once we’re in form, all of that blurs & just fades out of conscious awareness.

Source/God thus isn’t a being, isn’t a person, an individual of any sort. Love is perhaps the closest word to encapsulate the essence of That; Consciousness as Love. Thus, it’s more of a principle than a being, than a person; one that embodies us all, along with all of Creation.

As persons, as beings, we tend to communicate through the body-mind using words & actions. As a principle, Source/God communes through awareness, through energy, all of which is most perceptible via our NowHere Heart focus.

Tune in to the same situation, first with your head, then via Heart, & note the differences. Seriously, they’re two distinct realms with different realities. You get different readings, even though the situation is the same one. It’s almost as if we’re two different people. Nor can both be viewed/experienced at the same time.

We are in a way, the inner & the outer being. Since we can’t escape either one, it seems wise to look for balance, a divine sort of Balance through which the wisest choices will be made taking all into account; a Balance that acknowledges both major aspects of our being.

Absent the direct experience of perceiving something via Heart, no words will convey what’s being offered, here. No one is higher than another, no matter what role they’re playing. We’re all equally Source, Source-in-form. There’s no two in that, only One, & it’s clear that One is where Wisdom abides.

So let’s wise up & first see, then realize the amazing power our attitude embodies. Let’s take a firmer grasp on free will & make the choice to carve out the best possible attitude in all situations. It’s not really so hard — though it seems so at times. The firmer our choice, the better it will carry us through.

There are NO limits on what we can create.

The only possible limits are all internal, usually tucked away in our attitude, expectations, & beliefs, stored largely in the subconscious & unconscious aspects of our mind. Those must change if we want our life & our world to change, for those lie at the Heart of Creation: attitude, expectations, & beliefs. Creation flows through them.

We’ll be or seem two-faced for a while as we go to work on this.

We’ll see one attitude at work in us & do our level best to change it. It’s perfectly okay during this trek to “act as if,” to fake it ‘til we make it, as they say. It’s like laying down a new road; you first have to clear the way & sometimes the going is rough. In Both-And-Land, both are the case, so it’s a matter of where we focus.

If we can dream it, we can have it.

It’s a huge learning curve, but as Source-in-form, we’ve got whatever it takes. The one we take ourselves to be will be seen as the ego-mind as that one begins to fade away. It’s not real & never was, just a game we were playing on ourselves. We were programmed to create that ego-mind in all of its arrogance but seen from Heart, it’s easily vanquished. It’s not real.

It won’t be us doing the vanquishing, though, & that’s a vital point. When you are NOT who you take yourself to be, you’re in very awkward territory. How do you act? How do you invite your Source-in-form Self to set the program, to take over & run the show?

You allow.

You learn to step back & just observe. You learn to Heart center & just watch, ignoring most of the mind’s input. The mind is not called on to run this show & it can’t. Our addiction to the mind will pop up, front & center — often. Just watch while doing your best to ignore it, shifting focus back to what you want.

It’s delightful, it’s amazing, what happens when Heart is in the lead. This, too, we just watch. In a very real way, we’re not doing that; it’s doing us. That’s a mind-pretzel, but Heart Knows. We let Heart lead.

When & if we manage to do this, even for a short while, it feels marvelous. We watch our attitude morph into something almost impossibly uplifting. Whether we’re greeted by clash & conflict or wonderful situations, Heart is consistent in seeing the best in it all, whereas the mind didn’t even know there was a “best” in the negative stuff.

We learn the higher purpose of 3D Life is to enjoy every NowHere experience, just KNOWING there’s a blessing in it, somewhere. It’s that knowing that unlocks it.

We learn that our mind hasn’t got what it takes to even interpret any of this. Yes, it’s an amazing blessing, the mind, yet we, as Source-in-form, are so far beyond amazing that we view the mind in a whole new perspective. It’s now more easily seen as a fancy calculator. That may just be the secret to our success.

One thing’s for sure: our attitude has significantly improved.



4:15 p.m., Wednesday, 2019/07/03 — Mayan day 10 Serpent / Chicchan




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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