Atheist, Agnostic, or Religious — Is There More?
Do we stay on the surface of Life or do we dive into its depths? Most don’t even know those depths exist, but you do. There is so much more to life than the stories we tell, the things we believe. Why don’t more of us go there, take that dive?
Most take what they perceive along with what they’re taught to be the package deal, the all-that-is of 3D life — & it is — for them & for a cycle. Our beliefs & our focus structure our reality. Better said, our beliefs & our focus structure our experience of Reality.
There’s ever & always more, but when we believe there’s not, there’s not, at least for a cycle. (We’re powerful that way.)
We don’t have to be drugged out to miss things. To miss this, just be focused on that; it’s really that simple. It’s also shocking to discover. Why? Our belief systems didn’t prepare us to be so powerful on the one hand, so flimsy on the other. How many missed the 6-foot gorilla pass through the group while we focused on counting the white-team basketball passes? I did.
Reports of those seeing the same car crash are often decidedly different, some seeming to have witnessed some other crash. Have we ever considered why? What about the telephone game, where we sit in a circle & whisper a message to the one next to us? Does the message received by the last one EVER report the original truth?
We could look at all of that & come out with a dismal report on humanity, on our ability to get things right, to keep them straight, but let’s not go there. What are we really looking at in all of these instances?
What kind of help are we being given? What sort of “angels” [1] are visiting, here? What is their message?
There’s infinite Beauty available to the one who sees with Eyes of Heart, one like Walsch’s The Little Soul. We all have that Purity in us, so let’s not despair, for fear & despair work against the self/Self.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2019/04/27
“Your action has nothing to do with your abundance! Your abundance is a response to your vibration. Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. So if you believe that action is part of what brings your abundance, then you’ve got to unravel that.”
Excerpted from Chicago, IL on 4/24/99
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)
We’re all tangled & snarled up in beliefs, many of which we share so they’re continually reinforced. It takes a real stubbornness to come out from among them & find the inner quiet to self-examine. Whether we’re atheist, agnostic, or religious plays its part.
The atheists among us may want to contemplate whether or not they’re victims of a heist since they’ve at least been at one: at-heist. What might have been stolen from them? Could they have begun as a theist — a-theist — only to have lost that somewhere along the way? 😆
Where is the agnostic coming from? If “gnostic” means “relating to knowledge,” then this one is anti-knowledge, believing that things of Spirit, things concerning Source/God, cannot be known. That’s reasonable.
Finally, what of the one who is religious? That’s all over the map, isn’t it? Oh my, the differences in our various beliefs! When we step back far enough from it all, it almost appears the religions are created precisely to pit us against one another in practically endless & very deep ways, oh my. Could be.
I posit no right or wrong in any of this, my friends. We have free will, so we each get to choose for ourselves what is best. Our choice is no one’s job to change, nor it is our job to challenge or change theirs.
Our differences & wars arise from our chosen beliefs, beliefs we have the power & authority to change or at least to examine, LOL.
When we, as humanity, get around to coming back together, to spotting the globalist intruders among us, we’ll begin spotting their lies, their control systems infused into our beliefs.
It will be a great day when we finally recognize their major aim to keep us fighting one another instead of fighting & ousting them. We’ll be much wiser, thus able to spot their endless obfuscations at work to keep us confused & biddable, controllable.
Our wisdom gained by simple observation with our belief systems set temporarily aside will be amazing. From Heart, we’ll see how adopting whatever beliefs about whatever topic kept us locked in mental mode, dancing on the surface of Life, missing the 6-foot gorilla of Heart right there in our midst.
We get to go deeper, much deeper, whenever we like, but there’s a price: all we think we now know.
Life sends us the blessings, the “angels” that help us spot it all. It’s up to us, how welcoming we are. The emptier we are, the more beautiful the welcome mat we extend.
No matter how many degrees we may have, how much we know of the surface realm, the greater Truth of it all is that we Know nothing. We are wise to realize that our mind is limited to knowing about things. Only Heart actually Knows things, yet what it Knows doesn’t fit into words of any sort.
Our funny result is that knowing the things of humanity is foolishness to Heart, yet Knowing directly from Heart appears as foolishness to the mind-centric ones. Take your pick. It’s all good in the realm of Both-And-land. Besides, it just feels good to transcend Either-Or-ville.
Life is far simpler than our minds make it out to be, simpler than any mind can comprehend. Let’s find our way into Heart. 💖 💞 💜
5:39 p.m., Monday, 2019/04/29 — Mayan day 10 Sun / Ahau
[1] From The Little Soul, by Neale Donald Walsch; Source/God sends only blessings, only “angels.”