Assessing the Craziness
Shifting Perspectives — The Cabal
Are we having fun, yet? LOL. What a wild & wacky time to be alive, walking planet earth. It’s as if the governments of the world, certainly the US, have lost their marbles, have gone insane, forever doubling down on their reckless perfidy, unable to see reason or use common sense.
Nor is it just that, for as we awaken we begin to see that what the whole world took for sanity is highly questionable. Having been given false premises for most everything, we, the people, take so many falsehoods to be true, thus creating an unavoidably false reality, ourselves, for thought creates.
It’s like living in some crazy drama, waiting to wake-up to something sane, a Reality worthy of the name. Not that there’s something wrong with any of this, mind you, for the fruits of this period will transcend whatever we can now imagine.
We already realize that “Question everything,” is a move toward reason & balance in this topsy-turvy world, a good fruit, indeed, for we were swallowing whole the many lies woven into our education (programming). Tomorrow’s history texts will tell the tale, but not enough has come clear to write them, just yet.
I’ll share a bit of a recent chat/journal (from 2018/01/22) with my 12D friends (soul family presently sharing from their 5D incarnations), regarding the political craziness:
Greetings, my friends. I’d love to hear you share your perspective on the current goings-on of the invading cabal, as well as the forces working to take them down — along with anything else you’d like to add.
Ah, Theresa-Ann, that’s an interesting situation. We’d be glad to share our view. Your current President, Mr. Trump, is just the right man for the job. He can’t be defeated, except by himself, & that’s not at all likely to occur. He is aligned & working with us & many others behind the scenes. The cabal is, indeed, coming down, much quicker than most realize, including them.
The dark ones have reached Plan H by now, but there aren’t enough letters in the alphabet to save them. Their time is done. We — the higher dimensionals — will be making our 3D appearance before long to take a more active part in our Plan A, which is coming along nicely.
Could you be more specific? I don’t want to drown in the details, but specifics provide some comfort.
Not just yet. Given the sort of actions being undertaken, we don’t want that in the mass consciousness just yet, where the dark ones could potentially access it. Not much longer, dear one. You’ll see a lot by the end of the year. By 2025 you’ll be living in a whole new world.
While it doesn’t reveal a lot, I accept the reason given, so I’m good with it. Regardless of how we look at things, how we currently assess them, they just are what they are & there’s a lot to be said for simple acceptance as we move forward. We’re each guided from Heart, we all have soul family working with us, whether we know it or not, so all is well.
We have a long way to go to come into our power as humanity & our Power as Source-in-form but we’re doing nicely, indeed. The depth of the earth take-over is shocking, beyond what any of us yet realize, but that’s crumbling, now. Better times are on the horizon for the Light Beings are also awakening to Who we really are.
There’s plenty of time ahead for wise analysis, not only of how the take-over of the plant occurred, but how we allowed it to happen. We’ll be wiser, by far, coming out on the other end of this very dark time. Meanwhile, we buckle-down, for the fireworks display is gearing up for a grand show as we watch the cabal’s collapse & the mop-up of the bad actors, their removal from positions of power on the world stage.
We’re not just watching, of course, for there’s no way that one man, I don’t care who he is, could bring this about. In the great drama that is 3D earth incarnation, we’re all participating in the ouster of the darkness in our midst, more in our higher-dimensional aspects, but also in our 3D/4D presence.
We, ourselves, also exist or have a presence in the other dimensions, friends. Most are aware of having what we call a Higher Self, but all dimensions interpenetrate, forming the whole of the NowHere, wherever we are. All that separates us is our current frequencies, which are rising, introducing us to a higher, a finer reality than the one we’ve been consciously aware of, thus far.
It will all work itself, out, such that one day we’ll understand what we now call anomalies, be they in the sky, among its celestial presences, or right here on the ground. Things that now boggle the mind, generating a great diversity of opinion around their causes, will be clear & comprehensible.
Meanwhile, we enjoy the ride, the joy that’s available on our way out of the Matrix we’ve long allowed to hold us down. I’ll close with Abraham-Hicks’ take on what’s important via today’s Daily Quote:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 2018/02/04
“We are really advocates of just getting as happy as you can be — which takes care of everything. Even if you don’t have reason to be happy — make it up. Fantasize it. Make a decision that you’re going to be happy one way or another — no matter what. ‘No matter what, I’m going to be happy! If I have to ignore everybody; if I have to never watch television again; if I have to never pick up a newspaper again, I’m going to be happy. If I never have to see that person’s face again, I’m going to be happy. If I have to see that person’s face, I’m going to find something to see in that person’s face that makes me happy. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to be happy.’”
Excerpted from Sacramento, CA on 3/15/03
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)Emphases mine
10:17 am, Sunday 2018/02/04, 1st, Mayan day 3 Monkey / Chuen