Ascension? Living in Different Realities

9 min readSep 18, 2017


“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Another first — 3 journals in one day — yet what is a day, anymore? Seems so much like the prior two were written yesterday. Time, for me, anyway, is getting strange — kinda malleable, somehow.

That makes Heart sense, actually, since Heart knows time isn’t real — that it’s not at all what mind takes it to be. So I just allow the flow, enabling it to be what it is, without feeling the need to manipulate, to control — to force desired outcomes.

Space is malleable, too — based on our consciousness, our frequency — our energy, I guess you could say. Sometimes I see the air — movement of some sort of energies through that. Space is not empty, you know — though the atom basically is. 😆 OMG, upside-down & backward, even inside-out is the view from Heart — how the things of mind are seen, when centered within.

We’re all living in different realities, folks.

I guess that’s the “important” message that arises, here — important to me in my life. Can’t say what’s important to you, of course — nor would I want to. Not my job — none of my business. LOL, note how close “business” is to “busyness” — the only difference being the insertion of the “i” — or the I. Yup, it fits — inserting the self where it doesn’t belong.

We do so much better as we stick with the I, the self/Self, leaving others to do the same. We either mesh or we don’t. Trying to force a good fit? Nah, no thanks. Maybe later down the line that one will be more aligned with us — or maybe not. Best to let go, to just release, internally. Or, we can let Life show us the need to do that, as the relationship, our happiness, crumbles on its own.


The worst choice of all is to muffle, to repress the self, in favor of whatever relationship — of “making it work.” Our job, our spouse, our pet, our child — that’s not in our hands, dear ones, to “make it work.”

At some point we know this — & it’s not the “bad” thing mind would have it be, either. Anything at all — no matter what — that we’re judging as “bad,” has a good side. It’s the two-sided coin of duality, always built-in. But when we don’t know that — when it doesn’t align with our current beliefs — we can’t see it.

We have so much of something precious, once we let go — pull guard-dog mind off of the attack — & just let things be what they are. What is that something? Peace. An internal calm, the likes of which mind does not know, restless bugger that it is.

Well, we’ve made it that way, friends. By settling for being “normal,” by “fitting in,” we’re all shoe-horning ourselves into the most uncomfortable footwear. Of course we’re uncomfortable, & with so many things. Yet, until we look within for the cause(s) of that, we continue to chase our tail around in 3D.


Fu*k normal! It doesn’t exist, except as an agreed-upon pattern we’ve decided is desirable — acceptable. Sure, some, perhaps even many, will initially reject you when you go your own way. Cut the cords. They are not you — nor do they know you all that well. Furthermore, the joke is on us, for in all of our efforts to fit in, to survive –

we don’t even truly know who WE are.

Such a program — this “normalcy” — was destined to fail, right from the start. Perhaps it was designed that way — who knows? It doesn’t really matter, though. Mind would just go into guard-dog judgment mode, given its head, there — which never produces worthy results.

As long as we’ve got the finger of judgment, of blame, pointing “out there,” somewhere/anywhere, we’re wasting both our time & our sacred energy. We’re not getting to know the self — to see it at work in the underlying design of such things. What we’re resisting is truly the Self — turning away from that, our focus firmly pinned to the seeming reality, delivered via the 5 senses.


No matter where you go, there you are.

At an early age I learned this — trying to run away from some awkward situations. I moved to Florida for a time — then to the West Coast — not at all aware that our troubles go with us. Wherever you go, there you are.

How did I learn? By recreating the same, exact sorts of “problems” in my new location. In precious few years it became as plain as the nose on my face. I was forced to look within, realizing it was something inside that was manifesting this way. It had to be, as I was the only common denominator.

So that running away, that refusal to face things head-on, turned-out to be one of the most helpful, positive times of my life. I learned the lesson well, before I was yet 20 years old. It was an early road marker, a pointer to ever look within for the causes of my experiences in the seemingly external world.


Today, I realize there’s no such thing — the world “out there” is in no way external to us. Yes, yes, it has the seeming of reality — but that’s superficial, at best, & (that perspective) can be harmful, at worst. We do real damage to our peace — our sense of calm “confidence,” for lack of a better word — by trying to shoe-horn everything into a pattern that fits — one we like.

Some people learn such lessons at a young age — some never do, taking their stubbornness into the grave. That’s the beauty of free will, friends — we each get to choose. Yet, as long as we’re settling for “normal,” we’re short-changing ourselves — in crucial ways.

It won’t work, anyway — it’s destined to fail. My running away was destined to fail, too. We take our troubles with us, wherever we go — into whatever relationships that develop.

The only actual cure for such troubles is found on the inward journey. That’s where they all originate, after all — so why not go to the cause, instead of monkeying around with the effects, as medicine does? Seems so obvious to me, now, yet I benefit from having taken the walk — troubles & all — that brought me here, that helped me recognize what’s truly going on.


Those troubles are not troubles at all — they’re the call of Source, saying, “Come down deeper, within — I want to talk with you.” But we don’t tend to hear — nor can we, as long as we remain preoccupied with mind & its concerns. Looking out at life from a mind perspective is ever so limiting, friends. It just doesn’t hold the answers we seek, we so desperately want.

If resolution is our desire, then mind is a detour — can’t take us there.

It used to hurt, watching people going down what I knew to be dead-ends, watching them take the mind detours through Life — but not so much, now. What was the secret that released me from that internal pain? Ah, the beauty, the great revelation that

they, too, are Source-in-form.

That enabled me to view them, to view all, through new eyes. Ah, the beauty of inner sight — to be viewing as if through the eyes of the divine — with such Love! That Love was a revelation, as well.


What it showed me is that we’re not broken, at all — not in the least. Oh sure, we may be struggling, experiencing all sorts of pain, feeling various lacks — but not one bit of that is being imposed. We’re the creators of that, via both mind & our use of free will.

The view through this Inner Sight — we could say, through Eyes of Source — is only Love, purely benevolent, infinite divine Love — ever wishing for each one the very best. Yeah, even the “bad guys.” 🐲 lol

Source will have Its way with you, dear one — one way or another. You’ll have more than adequate time to come to this, to work it out — to be finally able to open these inner eyes for yourself — as yourSelf. Only then will all the worries, the endless concerns, fall from your shoulders —to completely disappear. 💥 You’ll wonder, then, how you ever saw things that way at all — it will be such an alien view from where you now are. 👽

We seek our joys, our fulfillment, externally — until we don’t.

Until we awaken to this vast inner realm, we’re ever looking “out there,” for whatever it is — the fulfillment for which every heart yearns. That way remains open to us, at least for a time — but I don’t know how much longer we’ve got before things transpire in such a way that we’re (seemingly) forced to choose. The inner route, or the outer route? It’s up to us.


One day the Family of Humanity will return to our former state — to the Purity of that. No longer dependent on the 5 3D senses, we’ll once again have full access to Who we truly are, all inner senses fully active, once again. Some call that ascension, but it’s just a word — & a misleading one, at that, implying that we’ll be leaving this, going “elsewhere” — perhaps arising off of the planet, leaving her chaos behind. 👆

Well, the chaos is not hers, dear ones — it is ours. Just as your mother made you clean-up your room before going outside to play, it’s time to take responsibility for our earthly creations, right here where we are. Until we own them, recognizing their origins within us, they’re not going away. They’ll follow us, in this life & “future” lifetimes, as well.

The chaos we see, anywhere we care to look, is but the natural outcome of our crazy creations, while lost within the mind’s perspective(s) on life.

Yet, who among us has made peace with this? One day we’ll realize/real-eyes that the way out is not by leaving anything behind. The way out is ever the way in — finding our True Self — finally, oh finally, identifying with That!

This is what will enable our rise in frequency, in consciousness — that which humanity has long sought among the externals of 3D. It’s not out there!


The day is very soon when the bulk of humanity will realize how, with every thought, we construct our world, our reality. It can be whatever we choose, but not until we oust mind from its total control over our lives. As long as we leave things as they are, we’re creating the chaos leading to, announcing, the old world’s final demise.

The secret is that we don’t have to go down with the 3D ship.

Not at all! Once we actually recognize & own Who we truly are — entering fully into That, we’re released. We made it through! We go free. What most minds don’t yet know is that Mother Earth is on this trek with us, fully conscious Being that she is — already existing in the higher frequencies. We’re joining her, there — by wise use of free will.

Be aware, dear ones, of mind at work — questioning, judging, doubting, fearing — the list goes on. Just watch. These are the first, tentative steps we take in reclaiming our true identity as Source-in-form. Nor does it happen overnight, so when mind pushes, urges you on — step back & just watch.

You don’t have to be obedient to mind any longer. Quite a thought, huh?


1:28 pm, Monday 2017/09/18, 1st, Mayan day 7 Road / Eb

Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote — 9/7/2017

“The thoughts you think relative to money; relationships, home; business or every subject, cause a vibrational environment that brings to you the people and circumstances that surround you. Everything that comes to you is about what you’ve got going on vibrationally, and, what you’ve got going on vibrationally is usually because of what you are observing. But it does not have to be.”

Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/8/14

Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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