Are You Shifting or Resisting?

8 min readSep 1, 2017

We’re Moving On

“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye by Youtuber1204

Where are we headed, folks? Or rather, where are you headed, for we’re each in process of choosing from the many options that present. Earth is multidimensional, & so are we. Though most don’t yet view that, it’s there, nonetheless. Do you see atoms? Do they exist?

New Earth already exists, & it’s populated, too, by the many who have gone before us. While I haven’t yet experienced all of Earth’s multidimensions, I’ve begun experiencing more of them, both visually & via sensing — my daughter calls it clairsentience. We can all sense these things, at least some of them — but not when we’re locked-down in mind.


As we go within, spending more of our time in Heart, in that centered space/place, these things open up to us at odd times (which we don’t generally get to pick). Life is very different, now. It’s always been the case that some were more aware than the others walking around, only now it’s getting more intense.

The contrast between the more awake & the sleeple/sheeple grows wider, more stark. A massive sorting-out is in place — have you noticed? I’m sure you have. It’s as if the dumb keep getting dumber — not that they’re dumb — they’re not — just unaware. We could be unkind & call them clueless, but they’re not — just not paying attention to the abundant clues on every side, & that’s their choice.

Here’s the deal, though — things are going to keep getting ever more crazy. Are you ready? Life is presenting to each of us just what it takes to awaken. It starts with a feather, a whisper, & amps up from there. For some it will take the 2x4 hitting them over the head, so I wouldn’t hang around with them, anymore.


This worldwide awakening has been ongoing for many decades, now. I saw the first signs of it in the 60’s, the 70’s, with the appearance of the flower children on the scene, the wide use of drugs to “open up.” It started out slowly enough to give us plenty of time to get into gear, so to speak — not anymore. Now there’s intensity almost anywhere you care to look.

It’s actually quite benevolent, but when you’re not paying attention, it doesn’t look that way. It can look as nasty as an Antifa riot, since that’s what it takes to wake some people up — those lost in sleeple mode, sleepling through life. For those of us making the choice to step up to the plate, it’s not necessarily a joy ride all of the time, either — we have our intense times, as well.


We’re all in process of sorting out what dimension we’re headed for, whether unconsciously or consciously. 3D earth, the way it is now, won’t remain. It’s unsustainable, & I, for one, wouldn’t want to sustain it this way, in utter chaos. Yet, look again — can you see how the chaos is actually consuming itself — or somehow being consumed?

What we can deeply appreciate is the number of folks who are waking-up, almost forced into it by the rampant craziness they encounter. Many who ignored the feather, the gentle touch, the guidance presented through the passing decades, are now recognizing what it’s like to wake-up thanks to the 2x4. We can have it the easy way or the hard way — the choice has ever been up to us.


Don’t waste your time or your beautiful energy feeling sorry for anyone — that just pulls you down. Humanity is now arising from a very long sleep, & wake-up we will — one way or the other. In that, we have no choice. It’s how we do it where the choice remains. The old ways don’t work anymore — they’ve got to go. We’re moving on.

Earth, herself, is ascending in frequency along with the rest of us. She’s being reasonably gentle with the whole thing, but as moving-on time approaches it will get ever more intense — it has to. You can’t stay in 3D & leave 3D behind at the same time. The shifting is visible, is obvious all over the solar system — for those who look, for those who have chosen to see.

For those in Heart — those able to see — don’t spend your time trying to awaken the sleeping ones. They’re every bit as much Source-in-form as the rest of us — they’ll come to it in their own time, their own way. It’s not up to us to awaken them. Good heavens, the awakening information is so widely available, both online & in front of their faces. For some it may well take the 2x4 to do the trick, & I don’t think you want to be the one delivering that.


It’s time to be Selfish, dear ones. If we don’t first see to the Self — make the move out of self into Higher Self — we have nothing to give, to share. We just mire ourselves down in the muck, trying to wake others up. See to yourSelf — get your house in order, your ducks in a row. That will do more than we now realize to lift the rest, for it’s a vibrational reality, an energetic one.

Our bodies, our world has never been solid — mind just took them to be. Being composed of almost totally empty atoms — that’s hint enough. What we didn’t reckon with was the immense Power of thought — how it creates, how it manifests as these seemingly solid creations. Everything here, in its totality, is composed of light, color, & sound — period.

This is a tough trek for mind to make, & since humanity has been programmed to so identify with their mind, as well as their seemingly solid body, they’re having one heck of a hard time. Once you recognize yourself as energy — find your way into Heart & just settle down — you begin to distance yourself from the workings of mind.


Thus we take the first steps into awakening by stepping back from the play, from the show — & looking again, only from a different perspective this time. That’s what’s called for to soften the Great Shift — massive perspective shifting. Things can be looked at in wholly different ways. It doesn’t hurt — not really. The only one hurt by it is the programmed mind — which is not us.

We need some breathing space, here — some distance from the hubbub, the noise, the daily grind that living has become for many. It takes, eventually, a total withdrawal from identifying with the way we thought things were — from our beliefs, in toto. They no longer work, not in the new reality that’s developing, here, right under our feet, in front of our face, & indeed, right within our 3D form.


We’re not actually 3D, anymore — not completely. We’re already merging with/into 4D — thus some of the hellish things we see playing out. Remember, we find what’s commonly called “hell” on lower 4D. Just look around — from Heart, of course — & see the evidence for yourSelf. It’s there, just being interpreted — yes, by mind — in other ways, ways to which mind is accustomed.

The old days are over & the old ways no longer work. The cabal is fast losing their grip on humanity. Once upon a time that would have been unimaginable, so firm was their grasp — around our throat — but not anymore. We have much to celebrate, even in the midst of the chaos cropping up everywhere.

If you’re in Heart — well established there — the chaos won’t be cropping up in your physical space. Why not? Because you’re already higher dimensional, to some extent. You’re still visible to the rest — & they to you — but not for that much longer, is my take. We’re shifting that fast, friends — & so is earth. Are you ready? Buckle-up, enter Heart (& stabilize there), & enjoy the ride.


10:35 pm, Thursday 2017/08/31, 1st, Mayan day 2 Jaguar / Ix

Lisa Transcendence Brown, Writings — 1/29/2017

Physical Body Binds Each to Physical Dimensions: Expansion of Consciousness Changes Physical Body Density, Therefore Physical Dimensions

The harder one fights, the more they insist on hanging on, the harder and more intense it shall be. Every bit of this is mis-construed by humans, because they do not have the capacity to understand yet. Their fight is too strong, their insistence of what’s true is too, their desire to see the bigger picture is not yet there and they still operate according to mis-perceptions of lower dimensional timeline realities THAT ARE STILL TRUE FOR THEM.

This is important to understand. Realities are as we believe them to be. Our mentalities, our beliefs, our unconscious/conscious energy. If we hold fear, then fear-based realities is what we experience to re-enforce those beliefs, if we hold lack, then lack is the reality we experience until we re-connect to that space/place inside of us that does not lack anymore. [Emphasis mine]

As each opens their heart fully, the fight inside starts to go. The need to engage unconsciousness goes too. The need for polarity to physically play out goes as well. The need to blame “out there” comes from a lack of willingness to take full responsibility for what each creates through being unconscious, the ability to share and stop hiding, to support and stop being selfish/saving for one’s own self, the ability to understand instead of crucifying others for not understanding yet.

Your compassion, your knowledge, your love, your awareness, your ability to COMMUNICATE respectfully, kindly, without your human opinions (judgment) will assist others with feeling SAFE to open up, instead of going into protection mode and responding with resistance.

The human will try to speed up faster and do more, which collapses time even more/speeds it up. In order to slow all down, all must pull completely away from that chaos, that craziness and go deep inside to slow all down to zero point where “no time” exists…. This can only occur with full presence……..




Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness