Are We Subject to Life — Or Is Life Subject to Us?
Let’s begin by recognizing that we all define who we are, the self, differently. That’s awkward on so many levels, including getting what is meant, here.
By self-identifying as the body, the 3D form, we unnecessarily limit ourselves. That’s fine — we have free will, we get to make our own choices — but we are so very much more than just a form, so let’s go there.
Who we really are is Source-in-form. We are the awareness that steps into form for a time, now & then. The forms come & go over the aeons, but we remain, eternal.
Now, accessing that greater Being, that expansive, eternal Self, is quite an adventure. Self-identifying as matter, as a form, blocks our access. It’s great, though, to recognize that WE are the one doing the self-limiting; no one else.
We are no one’s victim, in this or in anything.
So let’s center in our Inner Being & check that out. It’s a bit tricky since we must set the mind aside; not lose it, just demote it, for now. We can buckle it into the back seat, so to speak. It helps us access our deeper intelligence, our inner awareness.
As we center in the central chest, we can connect with something I call Heart, but it’s not of 3D. (Though not mandatory, it helps to realize that physicality is more illusory than real.) Heart, unlike the mind, just Knows things. It’s not really explainable. Our mind may think it knows something, but Heart just Knows; it Knows better, LOL.
“To know that you do not know is the best.
To think you know when you do not is a disease.
Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it.”
― Lao Tzu
When moving our locus of focus from the head into Heart, things begin to seem upside-down & backward, even inside-out. It seems quite strange, at first. How well we handle that depends on how good we are at letting go, at viewing things from new perspectives.
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Hey, getting the backseat buckle to click & hold the mind is a bit tricky. It really resents this emptiness stuff, the void we encounter within. Heart Knows there’s nothing but the NowHere, but that’s “nowhere” to the mind. It doesn’t want to go there & even if it did, it can’t. We’ve gone much deeper.
So, are we subject to life, to the slings & arrows of outrageous fortune — or misfortune? Yes & no.
Be in Heart. View this from there, from your awareness, not your mind. As Source-in-form, we’re subject to nothing. We’re “in charge.” Yet, what does that mean? Who is this “we,” this Self?
Time to expand deeper into our native, our Real identity. Your 3D body has trillions of cells. Well, so does the body of Source — & we are those cells. Let that settle in. Get out of its way to enter the One.
What I’ve found consistently is that it’s always mind and/or ego in the way when I’m not “getting” something along these lines. Oh, the mind is great, even awesome for passing a test, for doing math, navigating traffic, for so many such things; but that’s not what we’re about, here, not what we’re after.
The limited cannot take us into the limitless.
We, as Who we really are, are unlimited. Yet, we have to allow that. You may have noticed that we’ve been both trained & conditioned not to allow it — to view ourselves as quite limited. We can either let that block our experience or we can begin to surrender those underlying beliefs.
From Heart, we find ourselves stepping aside, becoming the observer. We see the interaction of Self & self. It’s really interesting, but it’s also like we don’t have a dog in this show, a horse in this race. We begin to experience what “impartial” feels like. Just keep letting go.
“I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”
― Plato, The Republic
Are you beginning to feel, to sense any of this? Are you noting the difference in being Heart-centric as compared to locked down in the pseudo-identity, the mind? We discover that our mind only knows about things as we begin to experience the things in themselves — via Heart; Heart’s Knowing.
Is life subject to us, per the title? Let’s define “life.” There’s the 3D body with its limited lifespan, bounded by its birth & death; but that’s not us, just a costume, a suit of clothes for our role, here. 3D has its own rules, its own way of being, its own happenings. Are we subject to that? What’s your take?
Let that one simmer, within.
Now, is life subject to us, to Who we really are? Again, yes & no.
The flow of 3D life is actually the divine in action. It’s not that Source is completely in charge of it all. We have the gift of free will, a much deeper well than most have drunk from. It’s not just the will of the body-mind, the ego. It’s the will of our Source-in-form Self. The major question, here, is “Do we align with That, with the divine?”
We get to choose at all times. Even if we’re in prison, pretty thoroughly locked down, physically, they CANNOT control our Inner Being. Our perspective, our attitude about everything is our own — but do we own that, do we take charge of it, or just go with society’s flow, accepting it all, acceding to our seeming limitations?
We’re also taught to rage at the cause of our perceived suffering or pain, to cast blame on those seeming “others” out there. One day we discover that it’s the mind/ego doing that. To go that route locks us down in 3D. Eventually, we see the foolishness in it. What sense does it make for the thumb to rage at the index finger, that seeming “other” attached to the same hand?
A sense of humor is mandatory — arises quite naturally.
The more you start laughing, the more you’re shifting into Heart-centric awareness. The mind/ego has a great deal of trouble laughing at the self, but to Heart, it’s just natural. Our very best laughter almost always turns out to be at the expense of our own ego/mind & its foolishness — foolishness we once took to be wise — when we identified with it.
The Golden Rule rocks. Did you know that? It’s easy to spot those who live by it & those to whom it seems completely foreign — those doing the most damage, not realizing they’re actually hurting themselves. What you do unto “others” you actually do unto the Self. No kidding. It may take a bit of time to see that, even lifetimes for it to play out, but that’s how 3D works.
We’re actually generating “karma” all the time, meaning simple cause & effect. It’s neutral, neither good nor bad — or actually both, depending on the perspective we take.
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Aurelius’ statement is all the more true in today’s crazy chaos, but it was also the case back when 3D things seemed more sane & believable. Heart is the master of perspective, being well able to shift & see something from any point of view.
It’s a bit like one spherical crystal but with an infinite number of facets. From the central point one can view through any & all facets/perspectives.
The less ego we have on board, the easier it is to experience this. Ego has an investment in a certain outcome — one that aligns with its Belief Systems (BS). Heart in the emptiness is neutral, thus enabled to see from multiple angles.
”Truth is that which is; it is nameless. And so, the mind cannot approach it.”
If you’ve managed to set the mind aside sufficiently to feel into any of this, that’s awesome! Entering Observer mode is so helpful with this. Yes, that still speaks of a two-ness, that of Observer & observed. Nonetheless, it’s how many of us transition into the One, the NowHere-ness of it all where no two abides.
As we become more self-aware — more Self-aware — we note ourselves slipping from mind/ego mode into Observer mode throughout the day. Sometimes we even land fully in the NowHere that is the Heart experience of Reality — as opposed to what the mind takes to be reality.
I’ll close with this last & very relevant quote:
”What people believe prevails over the truth.”
― SOPHOCLES, The Sons of Aleus
It is vital to recognize this. No one can hand awakening/enlightenment to us. We already have it, just not in any way the mind/ego can recognize or enter into. Actually, the ego/mind is precisely what’s in our way, what prevents us from experiencing Who we truly are, our unlimitedness as Source, Source-in-form.
Thus, the buckling of the mind in the back seat, aligning with Source by putting Heart in the driver’s seat.
Okay, I’ll throw in one last quote, LOL. Perhaps you’ll enjoy this one now more than if it had been the first one:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2020/05/27
Sometimes you justify giving your attention to something because it is true. But, just because it is true is not a good reason, because anything that anyone gives attention to, becomes true. A better question is, “Do I want to experience it?”
Excerpted from North Los Angeles, CA on 2/22/14
In this way, it can be seen that life is subject to us, to our choices, our use of free will. We, as Source-in-form, are FAR more powerful than we can yet even imagine — but keep this away from the mind, where it will only be ego fodder. 😆
11:59 a.m., Thursday, 2020/07/09
PS Today’s Daily Quote from Abraham-Hicks just came out & it’s too perfect so I’ll close with it — LOL, the 3rd quote after I said there’d only be one:
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote, 2020/07/09
To live in the what-is of your day, with wanted and unwanted, and to focus primarily on the wanted is the formula for a joyous life experience. [Emphasis added.]
Excerpted from Boca Raton, FL on 1/18/14
This forms the perfect summary, the image of what Self-mastery looks like. Choosing one side or the other doesn’t get us into Heart. Every coin has 2 sides, here in 3D duality. What’s called for is Balance, the Balance pointed out in today’s Quote.