Are We Missing Something?

7 min readAug 12, 2018


“These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Spiritual Awakening,

What do you feel you are missing? Do you feel in some way incomplete or in need of improvement? Are you willing to look at, to feel into that? What will you find?

In Heart’s Now, everything is always just what it is, whole & complete in its is-ness. This is a view that’s ever available, yet one that’s been discouraged & hidden by the cabal. We present an ever-present danger to them & they try hard to keep us suppressed & misdirected. Isn’t it nice that their day is ending, now? Yeah!

Until we begin to awaken, we all feel at least somewhat incomplete. We’re taught to seek the missing pieces in the external world, yet what we’re looking for is within. It never left us; we left it, i.e., we left off being aware of the great, internal realm of Source & Heart, along with our true identity.

Time doesn’t exist in Heart — it’s always just Now — yet it’s often a useful factor in the world. We’re in search of the Divine Balance of all two-sided coins, the point of equipoise, of awareness of both realms, internal & external & how they work together.

Heart Knows we’re whole & complete, yet the mind cannot go there. Heart can also “think.” It’s not really a thinking, but a Knowing, one unlike any mind can deliver, but we can receive it, all the same. Once received, we realize that it was there all along, just not perceived. Strange, how consistent that is.

Many of us believe that we’ll ascend right off of the planet into some higher-dimensional realm, elsewhere. I was one of those, but I no longer see it that way. Rather than bodily ascension — which may still come at some point — what’s going on is us rising in frequency to meet Higher Self (as Source-in-form), & That One stepping into our form.

We’re meeting in the middle, as it were.

Once we realize that all dimensions interpenetrate, occupying the same “space,” as it were, just at sufficiently different frequencies as to not interfere with one another, OMG. No going anywhere is required.

We stand, face, & conquer right where we are, so to speak. (Not literally, of course.) The one we’re “conquering” is the illusory self. “Conquering” that helps take down the cabal, for the false self is its workhorse.

We slept for a time, friends. Let’s have no guilt-tripping of the self nor of anyone else, for guilt is a cabal-sponsored energy. While we walked about, worked, & slept as in a daze, terrible things were done behind closed & locked doors. Unspeakable suffering was dished out to many of our brethren, so many of them children.

It’s hard for the mind to face up to such things, to even acknowledge they exist. We would never even think such things, much less do them, but they happened on our watch & this is a time of picking up the missed stitches as we return (in consciousness) to our native perfection.

It helps ever so much to have a flexible perspective as we’re exposing & bringing correction to all that seemed to go so terribly wrong. What many are missing is that, absent the current cauldron of chaos, the many heinous crimes calling out for redress, we wouldn’t be moving into The Great Awakening as we are.

Chaos —

The bottom line is that some among humanity required things to be this bad to pull their attention from their daily grind, from their tech & various addictions & fears. We’re not talking addiction to drugs, but to certain conveniences, to having things done & living their lives in a certain way.

Let us have compassion & understanding for these, realizing that perhaps there, but for the grace of Source, go I. In other lifetimes we may, ourselves, be part of that “problem.” We have almost no clue about Who we are & what our Self-in-Source Being is here to do/be. We’ve likely all been the abused child, if not in this life, then in others.

Pedophilia is a monstrous sickness that’s far more widespread than we yet know. We don’t tend to speak of it, so how can the word get around?

Let’s go a bit deeper: we’re all telepathic, likely empathic, as well. If you’ll allow for the possibility, it’s a real perspective shifter, opening new realms of potential, new understandings/innerstandings. Our internal feelings that things are not quite right may not be arising in us; we may be picking it up from others, other aspects of the One, the Greater Self.

We won’t only find what we expected to discover on looking inward, answering the questions posed early in this journal. As we release our tight grip on our quirks & beliefs, our fears & anxieties, we’re better able to take this trek with some measure of enjoyment — a real surprise.

We’ve been taught the virtues of suffering — something else to burn with the trash.

When we’re in a good space, feeling peaceful & uplifted, that radiates out to the whole, through the Family of Humanity & all of creation, including Mother Earth. Everything is conscious in its own way, everything participates in the Dance of Creation.

When we allow ourselves to be brought down, down in vibration, by whatever story we’re viewing, we likewise radiate that. We’re merging with the energy of whatever we’re viewing. Awakening takes a time of adjustment to the new discoveries, continually pulling the rug (& sometimes the floor) out from under us — under who we thought we were.

It’s good to spend a season of not viewing the negative stuff. Until we grow strong & more steady in our higher frequencies, it’s best to stay with them. Later on, we’ll discover that we can view a bit of the negativity & not lose our Balance. Knowing every coin has two sides empowers us to keep our focus on the what-we-want side at the expense of the what-we-don’t want aspect of whatever it is.

In other words, don’t be in an overall rush. It won’t help. [1] Things come to us as we occupy the Now. We learn there’s no need to proactively get out there trying to fix things. They’re not broken! That’s just how we’ve been taught to view them. They will naturally “fix” themselves as we heal, as we rise in consciousness.

There are excellent reasons for them being as they are, & we may tune into those when we’re non-resistant & unafraid, just following Heart’s lead.

We could all use a major chill pill, friends. We’ve been shepherded into levels of anxiety that are destructive, not just of peace, but of our physical components. We’re busily radiating out tension & fear across the Web of Life instead of the native Peace, Love, & Harmony always found at our core. It’s a misuse of free will we may not have discovered absent the chaos spurring our entry into Heart.

Part of that chill pill comes as we realize we’re not the false self, the illusory one the Matrix helped us to create. We quit taking ourselves so darned seriously & just relax. Life quickly begins to look so different than what we took it to be. We’re mind-pretzling our way into Heart, learning to live from there.

Who are you? Or rather, Who are You? What are You? If you’re willing to accept that you may have a Source-in-form core, then you can allow so much more that would otherwise bring anxiety.

Our days of seeking are over whenever we’re ready for that.

We’re gaining a better grasp of the power resident in our free will, of the responsibility we’ve long been shuffling off onto other shoulders. Many tears will fall as we come to grips with this darkness that we all allowed to take hold.

Once we’re ready & willing to accept our measure of responsibility for how things are, today, our eyes will open to yet more possibilities, possibilities that were hidden by our old belief systems.

Things are both much worse than we ever realized, yet also so much better that it beggars mental comprehension — all at the same time, the two-sided coin ever presenting itself, seen fully by the few. With our dogged focus on “what needs fixing,” we rob ourselves of our native Joy in Life.

That also feeds the negative aspects of whatever we’re viewing, helping to sustain it even as we set out to alleviate & heal it. We’ve been well & thoroughly mastered by the cabal in so many ways, yet that can all end in any Now where we make other choices.

We’ll come out of this with a new respect for the crafty, deceptive, manipulative successes of the cabal, lol. 😆

If you can’t laugh, you’re being too serious. As Professor Einstein taught, matter is an illusion. There is only energy whose vibration can be lowered to bring it into tangible manifestation. It’s still just energy! There is NO smallest or largest particle, as there are no particles at all.

It’s a mighty strong illusion — based on the belief systems programmed into us. Our Power of creation is immense, as it would be for Source-in-form. Until we get a better grasp of that, of the possibilities unfolding within it, it’s best to be silent & just observe for a time.

Things will reveal themselves with perfect timing once we learn to allow that & align with Heart & Source. It’s Source doing all of the creating, which just seems to be coming from us. It’s coming through us — a major distinction, yes?

Our route to ever closer participation with that is clearest when we feel good, Loving ourselves enough to direct our focus in support of Heart’s guidance, which will always be toward feeling good. We are both complete & incomplete at the same time. Let Heart guide you into self-awareness as the Yin-Yang, to the completion that contains all.



Friday, 2018/08/10 — Mayan day 8 Flint / Etznab

[1] Of course, it’s fine when Heart moves us quickly into a situation, perhaps to rescue a child or anyone from imminent danger.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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