Are We God? 😲

Yes & No

7 min readMar 3, 2018
“These eyes, thru which I hoped to see God, are the eyes thru which God sees me” — Rainbow Eye, Youtuber

Humanity isn’t on the same page with much of anything — perhaps you’ve noticed? We’ve been divided & turned against one another six ways from Sunday & it shows. I’m delighted to see many of us step back from the drama, more willing to at least listen to one another — from Heart. ❤

Perhaps nothing is more critical than us coming together as the 99% if we ever want to end the cabal’s reign. We need not come together on all of our positions — that would never happen, anyway. Instead, this coming together is in Heart, at the core of every being where we’re already one.


Separation is a massive, albeit useful, illusion. It’s tough to have a conversation when you — Source — are the only one there is, reduced to talking to yourself. Though we may have forgotten it, our 3D adventures are meant to be fun, as well as expansive, never-endingly extending the consciousness of Source (via the Divine Dance) into infinity — no limits at all.

Who we truly are is unlimited, not the roles we choose to play on planet earth. People sometimes get mixed-up when hearing someone point to our innate divinity, thinking they’re claiming all these wonderful things for their ego, for the physical form. While every physical form eventually finds itself in the One, in Source, it isn’t the body that’s unlimited.

Only the Inner Being can make that claim.


This makes perfect sense in an environment where just about everything in society is weaponized against us taking our power back, waking up to our core identity as Source, as manifestations of That. It’s not ideal by any means, but it’s understandable. The awakening ones don’t want to slip into ego or arrogance, though some do for a time.

Perhaps that’s something they wanted to experience this time around; who knows, right?

Religions have been weaponized against our awakening, too. That doesn’t mean we can’t pursue our own chosen religion into awakening. As in the political sphere, it’s not the regular folks but those at the top who’ve been taken over by a rogue, malevolent bunch. They’re more technologically advanced but spiritually they’re in the Stone Age.

Many religions believe they’re the only ones who are right in their beliefs, making everyone else lost or simply wrong. This, too, is understandable as the result of the successful divide-and-conquer cabal strategy, so adept at turning us against one another. We’re not the first less-developed race they have conquered. They’re quite good at this; it’s their MO (Modus Operandi).

Until we begin to identify with our Higher Self, our Source-in-form aspect, we remain stuck. Though the outer self cannot claim this divinity, that doesn’t make it go away. It’s still present, even in members of the cabal. Their likelihood of discovering it & then identifying with it may be practically nil, but nothing is impossible to Source.

It’s all about Free Will.

Many now see that a turning inward is required in these crazy times. The very chaos, itself, brings many around, pulling them up out of their Matrix daze. Just like everything else, the chaos serves its purpose, which is not universally negative. There are benevolent underpinnings for everything which we see as we find our way into Heart.


No one can do this for us.

Waking up is very much a do-it-yourSelf proposition. Advanced races have incarnated here in ages now lost to our history books, often being taken for gods. This, too, is understandable, due to their seemingly god-like abilities. Not all of them were conquerors or malevolent, though many were.

Meanwhile, where do we now stand? What’s on our plate that we must deal with in order to awaken? Nothing that can’t be handled & mastered through Heart, by identifying with Who we really are.

The religion of science — for that’s what it has become to many — will not take us there, I don’t care how scientifically advanced we become. Those running the cabal went that route & look how they turned out. 🐲

Most religions have become mass murderers at some point, choosing the path of domination over the path of Love & Respect. [1] This can also be seen as the path of head vs the path of Heart. Waking up is an internal job. We have no authority over our brethren, only ourselves, so it’s not up to us to control or “enlighten” them. That’s their job, so let’s acknowledge they’re also Source-in-form with the same gift of Free Will.


We’ve been led into this mess, into such vicious behavior, so let’s cut ourselves some slack. It’s all understandable, friends, from the perspective of Heart, even the nasty behavior of the cabal. That doesn’t mean we just accept the clearly unacceptable, not at all.

Understanding & acceptance are 2 different things.

Without consequences for bad behavior, it just continues & gets worse. Everyone gets to go their own way with one major caveat — that they harm none. We’re now in a time of impending consequences for the cabal & their minions who’ve hitched a ride on the dark horse of self-gain. To one extent or another, we’re all playing our parts in their impending doom.

How? Consciousness creates.


So, what’s with this God stuff? How can poor, flawed humanity ever claim to be divine? It comes with a lot of waking up, of stepping back from our mind’s take on everything, identifying with Higher Self on entering Heart. We don’t claim divinity for our persona, our part in the play. We manifest that divinity as we go ever deeper within.

It just IS. As we align, eventually It dances us.

The more Heart-centric we are, the more we realize that divinity just IS, that all is held within its Presence. It comes of our stubborn choice to stick with a Heart perspective on whatever we view. Awakening comes to the extent we align with Source, accepting our Source-in-form identity, choosing to claim that for our own.

We’re shocked along the way as we watch the old beliefs fall away. We’re given Inner Vision which transcends what the physical eyes can see. As we fall into That, the old self we took ourselves to be also falls to the side. Heart vision is the eraser of every sort of arrogance.

Our slate is wiped clean, & “These eyes through which I hoped to see God/Source are the eyes through which God/Source sees me.”


It takes a tremendous purity & innocence to be able to claim the divine identity, which amounts to allowing Source to claim it through us. That’s available to us all, but will we claim it, will we align with it? Sometimes it’s Source speaking when we open our mouths — especially the little children.

Actually, everything is Source speaking, having a personal conversation with us. Coincidence doesn’t exist.

It’s we who left the table long ago, not Source. We parted ways in our mental search for Truth, leaving Heart behind as we took up residence in our head. “Coincidence” isn’t a word that belongs in our vocabulary, for it’s a concept invented by the mind.

What our minds came up with is relative truth, & as long as we remain mind-centric, that’s all we’ve got. People feel so whole & complete as the 3D role they’re playing that they fail to imagine other possibilities even exist. It’s the arrogance of mind, taken to extremes in the cabal, so they provide the warning of where that path leads.


To enter Heart is to surrender everything we think we know, eventually, though we’re brought to it slowly, compassionately, by Source. Yeshua told his followers that the Kingdom of God is within them — within us all. It’s not up to God to send some savior figure to our rescue. He also said those who came after him would do far greater things than he did. Not many took the hint.

Outside Comfort Zone —

The various scriptures have been tampered with, frequently rewritten, removing many books. It’s not the scriptures, themselves, but our interpretation of them over which people fight & kill.

They all contain vital elements of truth. Those choosing the mind route into awakening remain stuck with misinterpretations, seeking to enforce them as “the Gospel truth.” It often amounts to “My way or the highway,” yes? Can you see the arrogance in that?


Source is bringing about massive change in our solar system, our universe, perhaps the Cosmos, itself. How does that change come for humanity? It comes to us, but also through us. We’ve got to find a new way of hearing to hear what’s being spoken to us, in & through everything — by Source.

“Heart” is just a word, a placeholder for what That really is. Source within us all is, indeed, “The Way, the Truth, & the Life.” We must realize that our ego self cannot claim any of this & just let ego go. Heart never, in all eternity, ever lost touch with Source. We just looked the other way for so long we wound up lost in the Matrix — but no more!

Are you Source, are you God? Yes & no.

Yin-Yang-Yuan —

There’s that triality, again, the both/and edging out (or rising above) the duality of either/or. Those identifying more with their Source-in-form identity are also humble, knowing it’s not their outer self that can claim divinity. This humility is fruit of the inner emptiness, as is the fullness of Source in which we all partake, equally; once again, both/and.



10:33 am, Saturday 2018/03/03, 1st, Mayan day 4 Flint / Etznab

[1] Be aware that Buddhism & such paths are not religions, so they never sought to dominate others.




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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