Readiness is Critical

Alone — or All One?

We Don’t “Do” Awakening — It Does Us 😆



For those who’ve been reading my blog, you’ll likely know my answer — it’s the Both/And, the 2-sided coin. We have this seeming aloneness in 3D which is no joke, feeling quite serious at times, but at our core no twoness, no multiplicity exists.

Chasing Monsoon in Meghalaya —

Balance, friends, is the answer I see to perhaps every question, every challenging situation. When we contain the All, the All That Is, it’s not a matter of picking an either/or option. That doesn’t mean it’s either easy or obvious, especially early on in our awakening journey, but all options are present. We’re not locked into anything.

When we’re feeling locked-in & miserable, what’s with that? There are certainly times when it seems most of our options are unavailable, so how could that be? What could bring it about?

Look within, friends. That’s where I keep finding my answers. They’re not answers that the mind necessarily appreciates — or even understands — but that matters less & less, now. In my world, Heart rules, & I’m fine with that, even when it means watching the dissolution of who I thought I was.

Ego doesn’t make it to the finish line in the awakening journey.

So, who are we, really? Who or what is the essence of us? It’s amazing at first to learn that we are Source-in-form. It doesn’t fit in with our programming, our so-called education, whether in the halls of learning or the byways of life. Why not? Why do many of us reject it as a crazy notion & walk on?

We weren’t taught the intricacies — or the consequences — of free will.

When you combine your Source-in-form reality or identity with the understanding of free will, shocks arise. We’ve been well schooled to play the victim, overall. When (supposedly) bad things happen to us, our logical (programmed) response is often to point fingers of blame rather than to consider how we brought whatever-it-is into our experience — or its potential benefits, often seen only via hindsight.

We don’t take responsibility for our life, for our choices & how they manifest in our reality. If you haven’t a clue that you, yourSelf, are divine, are the One you’ve spent your life seeking, then it makes little sense to take full responsibility for it all. Why not?

Be in Heart to see this: we’ve long been taught we’re largely powerless, more the victim than the victor, & life has proved out that belief. Do consider, however, that perhaps life proved it out, not because you’re actually powerless, but due to your great Power as Source-in-form via your beliefs. Beliefs count! So do perspectives.

All of the beings in all of the holy books, the ones people have called “God,” are either ET — extra-terrestrial — or ED — extra-dimensional.

That’s a hard one for many to swallow & I’m not here to force it on you. Hey, we each get to choose, we’re each in charge of (only) our own life & our choices. We also benefit from the sharing of others in our Family of Humanity, picking-up what we like & discarding the rest. That’s our Source/God-given right.

It took me years, decades, even, to come to this innerstanding. Some of what I now call a recognition of truth I once laughed at as ridiculous, so I get it. We take in what we’re ready for, & no one can force anything on us — but wait — what does that mean?

Who & what we really are is Source, yes, & the closest I’ve come to a useful definition of That is consciousness; awareness. Source/God is no being, for all beings are created, so who created the “God” beings, yes?

So what’s this about no one being able to force anything on us? That’s laughable, early on. We can be in a horrible prison camp where our every hour, our every action, our every bite of food is chosen for us by others, others well beyond our control. So what’s this about free will & our power to choose?

No one & no circumstance can take from us our internal reality. Viktor Frankl was in such a camp, was under such complete control. What was his response? His enduring book, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” was the result. He didn’t allow what his body was enduring to dominate his awareness. He didn’t choose to play the victim role.

Towers of Balancing Bread — Foodiggity — Ana Dominguez

It often gets down to who/what you take yourself to be: a 3D manifestation of the body-mind apparatus or Source-in-form. Since we’re all both, that takes us back to the beauty, the awesomeness of Balance, a la the yin/yang. Serenity arises as we change what we can, accept what we cannot change, & discover the internal wisdom to know the difference.

Our ego, the self we take ourselves to be, is the creation of our own free will. If it seems so very real, do consider that’s logical, too, if we’re emanations of the great Power of Source. Of course, it would seem real, at least for the short time of an incarnation.

Friends, we can’t even define ourselves, can’t prove anything about who/Who we truly are. Look inside — what are you? Can you bring it forward to examine or share, to photograph or graph in some way? At some point, we realize we can neither prove nor define the most basic things!

Waking-up brings us many shocks, but we eventually see them as mere shocks to our programming, to our systems of belief, not to us. Down through the millennia, some have come to the conclusion that we don’t actually know anything, know anything that’s real, that’s absolute Truth. We tend to ignore them, confident in what we feel we know.

Along comes Wisdom, highlighting that as the nonsense it turns out to be — but not until we’re ready. It’s like taking the loaf out of the oven before it’s done; nothing we’d want to eat, largely useless to us in that format. Some will not like to hear it, but that readiness comes from within. It can’t be forced, not by us, not by others.

So where does that leave us? That depends on our perspective, on our angle of view. Until we’re ready to claim this life as our own, we access but the fringes of our innate Power, & that’s fine. There’s no rush in eternity, after all.

The ego has no ability to increase our readiness, it being perhaps the only thing in our (awakening) way.

Awakening isn’t something we “do,” it’s more something we watch, we observe taking place in both ourselves & in others. The egos of us all are as actors in a play, not the self we take them to be. We just aren’t who we take ourselves to be.

As we mature, we watch our perspectives change. We know we aren’t “doing” that, it’s just happening. Yet, unless we’re willing to release the tight grip our beliefs have on our awareness, our experience of “reality,” we’ll misinterpret what’s happening to make it fit into our beliefs.

Awakening can be seen as a process that flushes our ego slowly down the drain.

It just falls away, we know not where nor even how; it’s just something we observe. We no longer get in fights or heated arguments beyond a certain point. There’s just nothing in us willing to go to the mat & wrestle over things that seem far more inconsequential than they once did. This is the fruit of our expansion out into the moreness, into Who we truly are.

I don’t have to narrate it for you, who are also awakening or you wouldn’t be reading such things, so I’ll just wish you well & move on into whatever this day brings.



Monday, 2018/10/08 — Mayan day 2 Earth / Caban




Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness