No mind awakens

Allowing Our Cork to Float

Getting Out of Our Own Way

6 min readNov 3, 2018
These eyes thru which I hoped to see God are the eyes thru which God sees me — Spiritual Awakening,

Are you white, are you black, are you female or male, are you American, European, or African…? Not really — or shall we say, “Yes, & no?” No one here in 3D is 100% anything. Did you know that? Are you aware that all human bodies run both testosterone & estrogen? Only the ratios differ, the 60% giving us the sex with which we identify.

Let’s slow down, here & settle into that. Who among us already recognizes the 2-sided-coin-ness of physicality? We can’t own it until we can see it, letting that recognition open a vital door.

Where does it lead?

Let’s table the motion on those beliefs we haven’t yet released, entering that openness, that wonderful space where clarity is native. Clearly, those remaining in the mind (with their various beliefs) will stumble & fall, unable to cross this threshold into Heart.

Just as women are not totally female & men not totally male, no one is totally white, black, American, African, Irish, or whatever these days. Our genetics are all mixed, even those who must go back many generations to find that. We call Barack Obama black, yet we know he’s at least 50% white. Why?

What do we get from this, & what do the controllers, the globalists get by acting as if there’s such a thing as purely white, black, or anything?

Those in Heart eventually recognize how we’re manipulated this way — how it’s yet more divide-and-conquer at work. If I’m white & you’re black, we’re different! Yet, not so much. It’s a game of percentages, yes? Let’s cease being the sheeple that are so easily led into the poisonous pastures of rage, resentment, & blame, etc.

If the craziness — the apparent craziness — on full display these days has you nervous, fearful, sad, or discontent… consider pausing in Heart to don another perspective, entirely. It’s very relaxing to see how all of the chaos is the result of the globalist cabal crashing into oblivion.

We’re too awake for that stuff to continue. It’s going away.

From Heart, such things are (or become) clear & apparent, so be ready to demote your mind from its rulership stance over your life. The mind which we’ve been programmed, educated, & trained to use as our primary angle of perception just isn’t all that. It’s the very thing able to slow or even prevent our awakening into higher consciousness — if we let it.

Identification with the body-mind as who-we-are has to go if we would explore these other, these vaster perspectives. No mind is going there, friends. If you’re flipping out over that, take another look at who/what is flipping out. Center in Heart to see it’s only the mind, home of our ego.

You — Who you REALLY are — is unconcerned, not the least bit upset.

There’s a break in the sheepfold fence, many breaks, through which the flocks are escaping into ever deeper spiritual awakening. We’re discovering the false & phony construct we once took for our solid reality. We can’t help but laugh as our dawning innerstanding illumines the almost endless falsities for which we all fell — but no more — so let’s celebrate!

It’s such a joy, such fun to go free, to discover we’re not the bondslaves, the prisoners the cabal takes us to be — that we’re far more powerful than that, more powerful even than they are. Only as we begin to actually see this — necessitating Heart focus — do we see the cabal’s underlying fear — their recognition of our vast power.

The globalist route to power is ever & only on the backs of humanity, of developing races. Their choice of the dark path of manipulation & conquest cuts them off from that same power within them, so they become vampiric by necessity; necessary only because they refuse to surrender their “need” for power over others.

Clarity awakts (I’ll leave the seeming misspelling for “awaits” which displays more to Heart eyes) us all, friends. Yes, clarity both awaits & awakes. It’s actually been present with all of us all along, we just didn’t see it, so cleverly hidden away by our restrictive belief systems’ BS.

Those old enough already recognize that every new understanding that arises was always present, just not seen. Truly, there’s nothing new under the sun in this sense. In the perpetual NowHere moment, ALL & everything is present. Even the dimensions interpenetrate one another.

What we perceive depends less on what’s there than on what we believe, on what we expect, which dominates our frequency.

We are consciousness, friends, which cannot be separated out, defined, & categorized. We just ARE. Life just IS. The doorway into this direct experience is through our Presence in the NowHere which opens into Heart. No mind enters there, where it isn’t needed.

Any mind’s knowing, its knowledge is but a matchlight consumed in the central sun’s radiance. The awakening theme is an Is-ness, a NowHere-ness of which the mind, lost in time as it is, cannot partake.

Our beliefs are all second-hand, things we’ve been taught. They hold nothing in common with the Knowing, the Is-ness of Heart. Our mind can only know about something, can only know at secondhand.

This mental knowing is useful & practical in its realm, much like a pair of glasses or a hammer, the right tool for certain jobs. At some point, the awakening one realizes that it isn’t the mind that awakens.

What awakens? To what does it awaken?

Consciousness awakens or reawakens to what’s been there, what it’s Known all along. Those who realize that their mind is NOT the “right tool for the job” skip ahead of their brethren. They quit trying to beat a square peg into a round hole, as it were, simply allowing awakening to be the case.

The bobber naturally floats on the surface. No effort is required to make it so. No effort is required to awaken. We make room for it, allowing it by stepping (as the mind) out of its way.

Awakening has always been present, is always the case. It does have certain requirements, such as recognizing it’s not a mental thing, such as conquering our beliefs as we recognize them blocking our way. It’s Heart work, friends, where allowing is key, where a deep relaxation is the norm.

Awakening is equally available to all, even those in the globalist cabal. As we take our awakening steps, we’re also taking our power back. It becomes natural to take full responsibility for our life — not the lives of others, just our own. It changes us pretty radically.

New realms, new perspectives are calling us. Let’s take back our right to be the Source-in-form creators that we are, ceasing to blame anyone or anything for our seeming delays & missteps. (All of that is based on & in the false notion of time.)

Tried to bury us —

Perhaps the greatest gift, & it’s divine, we experience on our trek is to realize how simply everything — right down to every little misspelling! — is a blessing. The “right-wrong” blinders fall completely away.

Wishing you & everyone the very best of what’s available, the true in-joy-me-n[e]t of your NowHere trek into infinity/eternity. If we had it all resolved, if we knew everything, what use would eternity be?



Saturday, 2018/22/03 — Mayan day 2 Night / Akbal




Written by TheseEyesGod

Theresa-Ann Harvey on the awakening trek, seeing everything thru new eyes. Leaving the 4 university degrees & the left brain aside to discover Self as awareness

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