Alchemy of Journaling
Awakening is such an awesome undertaking — too bad we can’t do it, huh? Or did you think perhaps, that it was do-able? In my world, that would be mind at work — ever trying to be helpful. Poor dear — she doesn’t yet recognize this as something of which no mind on earth is capable — recognize that it’s a “doing” (actually a product of Being), emanating from Source, via Heart.
We, as humanity, have such a wide array of gifts & abilities that we don’t often recognize how we take them to ego — to mind. From that state we don’t see the supreme arrogance in a mind thinking it can awaken, or can cause us to awaken, somehow. Consider — if that were so, then all who wanted to awaken would have done so, by now — yes?
Once upon a time I considered myself the one who authored these journals. Though I’d be careful to be focused, do what I could to be centered, mind was not yet a fully compliant back-seat passenger. As I look back through the journals, through the old videos posted on YouTube as TheseEyesGod, I kinda chuckle.
Sometimes mind was in the backseat, but often enough in the passenger seat, slipping in some driving advice. It’s all good, though. While some people pull their old stuff down, I left about 99% of mine up. No doubt there are many now in the “space” I once occupied, so it resonates. We do our best along the way, & that’s quite good enough. Who could do more, after all? Our pure intent is our gift.
As we refine our ability to get out of our own way, that purity increases — mostly as old beliefs drop away, I’ve noticed. Life gives us constant feedback. As long as we’re in our NowHere moment, we receive. In the presence of sufficient clarity, we notice & understand — what’s being said through all the little things in our Now.
Yes, it takes a reasonably quiet mind to begin noticing such things, I admit. Nor can we “do” a quiet mind — that’s something that comes on its own as we get out of the way. This sounds deceptively simple. Not that it’s complex — it is not. It’s mind that complicates things, as perhaps you already realize. Source is simple & straightforward in every way.
Just as earlier on, I learned to leave the “why” questions alone — along with the “how” ones — now I find them constantly appearing on the page, as the awakening trek progresses. It always progresses, as we align with it. The only complex thing is learning to be an observer of mind. Otherwise, we find ourselves caught-up in mind’s complexity, led on yet another wild goose chase.
Interestingly, the ancient Celts called the Holy Spirit, An Geadh-Glas — The Wild Goose. Thus, chasing the Holy Spirit was about as helpful as chasing a wild goose, or chasing the wind — not likely to succeed ;)
This is all fine, of course, as any goose chase can only happen in the Now, where Source is ever-present. Thus, the guidance continually flows, & at some point we catch-on, again, settling back down into Heart. So, even on a goose chase, there’s nothing lost. It’s the trek into Mindfulness — being aware of the activity of mind.
While we give-up, give away so very much on this trek, yet we couldn’t part from Source if we tried — so we’ve ever got it all — got it All. Those things mind thinks we’re “giving-up” are but place-holders in a less-than-aware consciousness — one not fully focused in & as Source — Source-in-form. To the extent we allow it, Source fills in every gap — with ItSelf. Doesn’t get better than that!
Many might be surprised at my amazement as these words flow onto the “page” — the monitor. The more you give, the more you get — or, better said, the more you give-up, the more you receive — a wealth beyond all earthly measure. Coming to the writing from relative emptiness, everything surprises — not just the ideas, but how the words flow, which words are used, where. It’s ever new.
Friends, you can truly get to know your Self through the alchemy of journaling. It’s like taking your temperature when you relax into writing. And just as the thermometer reading can be surprising, so it is with the journal. Mind truly doesn’t have any idea what’s going to be said — so I guess it’s ever mind that’s being surprised — I truly don’t know.
Perhaps it’s the emptiness, itself, that’s surprising — mind being ever so full, so busy, so distracted. Any new thing — the phone rings, a new email, the dog barks — & mind is once again off to the races. It’s got something to “do.” Yet awakening truly isn’t a “doing,” at least not in my experience. It comes in on the wings of Being — its power directly proportionate to the level of emptiness present.
What’s it like to be empty? I can only give you signposts, such as no clocks on the wall nor on the wrist — things like concern over ‘what time it is’ fade into the background. (The computer clock suffices.)
As you lose connection to the sense of time passing, you also drift away from a sharp, focused memory — which initially scares the pants off of mind. Yet in your disidentification with mind, you recognize mind’s concerns, knowing they are not yours. Not much of anything ruffles your feathers, anymore.
You learn not to correct your spelling or other errors as you journal. (Mind doesn’t like that, early on.) To do so would be to leave your place in Heart, to enter mind for the correction process — which can easily await the editing process upon completion. Far more important to let the words flow than let yourself get sucked-in that way. Time enough, when you’re finished.
Do you see, do you sense what’s being shared, here? No one can tell another what it’s like to have a quiet mind — nor is mind always quiet, LOL. We’re still in form, after all. Yet it’s so radically different from what most people experience as “reality” that Heart is required — not just for the writing, but for the reading, as well. In Heart all is somehow known.
Best not to question the “how’ of that, either. It’s once again, coming out of Heart to apply the mind to something that’s really none of mind’s business. Even if you tell it, mind still cannot know — nor is the telling even possible. Eventually, mind learns to recognize that certain things just can’t be known — not in the Now. Oh, they’re known, alright — but by Heart.
Up until now, I’ve adapted to living with a separated or a quiet mind on one hand, & Heart on the other, so to speak. What I’m beginning to discover, however, is that, in some mysterious way, Heart & mind seem to be merging. This is not from my study or reading — though I’ve seen the idea — but from direct experience. We learn, we realize that, that something is, IS the sufficiency — it just is, & that’s quite enough. The how & why stuff is just mind meddling around, trying to enter places it cannot go.
Well, that’s how it once was. Now, in the presence of this merging, I have no idea of what shall transpire. I just know it’s an awesome journey, one I’m delighted to be on. I’ll let things unfold with their usual perfect, divine timing, so no doubt I’ll have more to report, further on — in a later Now, LOL.
One beautiful fruit that’s ripened, here, is the ability to sit with a truly perplexed mind, & not be perplexed in the least. Thus, mind learns to calm the heck down, & not be so intent, so intense in its pursuits. It learns that the answer is sometimes a simple “No. Not now.” Surprisingly, it learns, as a child would, to just accept. Yup, a calm mind. Nice :)
(See, “I” had no idea that was the end of the journal. Came as a surprise — just as labeling my earlier journal, today, “1st.” Had no plans, in that Now moment, to write another one (thus this, the 2nd). Endless lols. It’s fun! Every moment, a new discovery :D)
About 3:40 pm, Friday 2017/08/25, 2nd, Mayan day 9 Star or Rabbit / Lamat